The classical Shimura–Maaß operators
are well known for taking (elliptic, real-analytic) modular forms of weight
to modular forms of weight
, respectively. In addition, [Reference MaaßMa1, Reference MaaßMa2] consider differential operators which have a similar effect on Siegel modular forms, a work which was generalized in [Reference ShimuraSh2]. The following paper [Reference ShimuraSh3] concerns differential operators on functions on unitary groups which have related properties. All these operators have number-theoretic as well as representation-theoretic (or Lie-algebraic) interpretations, and are therefore the subject of many research papers (see, e.g., the reference [Reference ShimuraSh1], which is strongly related to the case considered in this paper, as well as [Reference ShimuraSh4] for some generalizations of the results of the previously mentioned references or the investigation of invariant differential operators appearing in [Reference ShimuraSh5]).
Our first goal is to define similar operators for modular (or automorphic) forms on another type of Shimura varieties, namely quotients of Grassmannians of vector spaces of signature
. These are obtained by interpolating the square of the Shimura–Maaß operators from the case
, the multiple Shimura–Maaß operators obtained in the case
, and the operators for Siegel modular forms appearing in the case
. One may use Lie-theoretic considerations in order to establish the existence of such operators, but obtaining their explicit formula in this way is very tedious, because of the change of coordinates between the tube domain model and the transitive free action of an appropriate parabolic subgroup of
. We also remark that [Reference ShimuraSh1] also considers differential operators on automorphic forms on orthogonal groups. However, the operators defined in that reference take automorphic forms of some weight (i.e., a representation of the maximal compact subgroup)
to automorphic forms having weight
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}\otimes \unicode[STIX]{x1D702}$
for some
-dimensional representation
, hence in particular take scalar-valued automorphic forms on Grassmannians to vector-valued functions. Moreover, since that reference works with the coordinates arising from the bounded model while we consider the tube domain model (since the explicit formulas for the theta functions are more neatly presented in this model), an appropriate change of coordinates must be employed. It is true that after this change of coordinates, using the natural bilinear form on the tangent space of the Grassmannian in the tube domain model we may indeed obtain differential operators which remain in the scalar-valued realm. Indeed, after some additional normalization we obtain the operators defined in this paper using this method. However, the calculations involved are very delicate, laborious, long, and unenlightening, for which reason we have chosen to state and prove the formulas for the operators directly.
The second goal of this paper is to present two applications of these weight changing operators, in the theory of theta lifts. We recall the generalization, defined in [Reference BorcherdsB], for the Doi–Naganuma lifting first introduced in [Reference Doi and NaganumaDN, Reference NaganumaNg]. This map is given in [Reference BorcherdsB] in terms of a singular theta lift, and takes weakly holomorphic elliptic modular forms to meromorphic modular forms on Grassmannians. On the other hand, [Reference ZemelZe2] defines a similar theta lift, using the same theta functions with polynomials. The first result of this paper states that in the case of an even dimension, a power of our weight raising operator sends the theta lift from [Reference ZemelZe2] to the generalized Doi–Naganuma lifting of [Reference BorcherdsB].
In addition, recall that the theta lift from [Reference BorcherdsB, Section 13] (which is also studied extensively in [Reference BruinierBru] and others) is a real function. No automorphic forms of nonzero weight can be real. As a second application for our operators we define a notion of
-real automorphic forms of positive weight
, and show that in case one applies the theta lift from [Reference BorcherdsB, Section 14] (or from [Reference ZemelZe2]) to a modular form with real Fourier coefficients, the resulting theta lift is
The first half of the paper contains numerous statements whose proofs are delayed to later sections. We choose this way of presentation since most of the proofs consist of direct calculations, which may divert the reader’s attention from the main ideas. Specifically, the paper is divided into 4 sections. In Section 1 we define the weight raising and weight lowering operators and state their properties. Section 2 presents the images of theta functions with special polynomials under the weight changing operators, and proves the main theorems. Section 3 presents the proofs for the assertions of Section 1, while Section 4 contains the missing proofs of Section 2.
1 Weight changing operators for automorphic forms on orthogonal groups
In this section, we present automorphic forms on complex manifolds arising as orthogonal Shimura varieties of signature
, introduce the weight raising and weight lowering operators on such forms, and give some of their properties. The proofs of most assertions are postponed to Section 3.
be a real vector space with a nondegenerate bilinear form of signature
. The pairing of
is written
, and
stands for the norm
. For
$S\subseteq V$
$S^{\bot }$
denotes the subspace of
which is perpendicular to
. The Grassmannian
is defined to be the set of all decompositions of
into the orthogonal direct sum of a positive definite space
and a negative definite space
. In the case
(which is the only case we consider in this paper), it is shown in [Reference BorcherdsB, Section 13], [Reference BruinierBru, Sections 3.2 and 3.3], or [Reference ZemelZe2, Section 2.2] (among others), that
carries a complex structure and has several equivalent models, which we now briefly present. Let

$Z_{V}\in V_{\mathbb{C}}$
lies in
if and only if
are orthogonal and have the same positive norm.
has two connected components (which are interchanged by complex conjugation), and let
be one component. The map

is surjective, and
$C^{\ast }$
acts freely and transitively on each fiber of this map by multiplication. This realizes
as the image of
in the projective space
, which is an analytically open subset of the (algebraic) quadric
, yielding a complex structure on
. This is the projective model of
be a nonzero vector in
which is isotropic, that is,
. The vector space
$K_{\mathbb{R}}=z^{\bot }/\mathbb{R}z$
is nondegenerate and Lorentzian of signature
. Choosing some
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D701}\in V$
and restricting the projection
$z^{\bot }\rightarrow K_{\mathbb{R}}$
$\{z,\unicode[STIX]{x1D701}\}^{\bot }$
gives an isomorphism. We thus write
$K_{\mathbb{R}}\times \mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{R}$
, in which

A (holomorphic) section
$s:G(V)\rightarrow P^{+}$
is defined by the pairing with
being 1. Subtracting
from any
-image and taking the
-image of the result yields a biholomorphism between
$G(V)\cong s\big(G(V)\big)$
and the tube domain
, where
is a cone of positive norm vectors in the Lorentzian space
is called the positive cone, and it is determined by the choice of
and the connected component
. The inverse biholomorphism takes
$Z=X+iY\in K_{\mathbb{C}}$

with the real and imaginary parts denoted by
, respectively. They are orthogonal and have norm
. This identifies
with the tube domain model
. Taking the other connected component of
corresponds to taking the other cone
to be the positive cone, and to the conjugate complex structure.
The subgroup
consisting of elements of
preserving the orientation on the positive definite part acts on
, respecting the projection. Elements of
$O(V)\setminus O^{+}(V)$
interchange the connected components of
. The action of
(and also of the connected component
) on
is transitive, with the stabilizer
$SK\leqslant \text{SO}^{+}(V)$
) of a point being isomorphic to
$\text{SO}(2)\times O(n)$
$\text{SO}(2)\times \text{SO}(n)$
). Therefore
is isomorphic to
and to
. Given an isotropic
as above, the action of
transfers to
, and for
$M\in O^{+}(V)$
$Z\in K_{\mathbb{R}}+iC$
we have

is a factor of automorphy, namely the equality

holds for all
$Z\in K_{\mathbb{R}}+iC$
. For such
we define the slash operator of weight
, and more generally of weight
, by

The fact that
and the definition of
yield the equalities

the latter holding for every
, and function
(see [Reference BruinierBru, Lemma 3.20] for the first equality in Equation (1), and the second one follows immediately).
The invariant measure on
(see [Reference BruinierBru, Section 4.1], but one can also prove this directly, using the generators of
considered in Section 3 below). Note that this measure depends on the choice of a basis for
, but changing the basis only multiplies this measure by a positive global scalar. Let
be a discrete subgroup of
of cofinite volume. In most of the interesting cases
will be either the
or the
part of the orthogonal group of an even lattice
, or the discriminant kernel of such a group. Given
$m\in \mathbb{Z}$
, an automorphic form of weight
with respect to
is defined to be a (complex valued) function
for which the equation

holds for all
$M\in \unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}$
$Z\in K_{\mathbb{R}}+iC$
. Using the standard argument, such a function is equivalent to a function on
which is
-homogeneous (with respect to the action of
$\mathbb{C}^{\ast }$
) and
-invariant, as considered, for example, in [Reference BorcherdsB].
We now consider some differential operators on functions on
. Given a basis for
, we write
$1\leqslant k\leqslant b_{-}$
). Similarly,
stands for the coordinates of the imaginary part from
. The notation for the derivatives
will be shortened further to
, respectively.
The operator
$I=\sum _{k}x_{k}\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{x_{k}}$
multiplies a homogeneous function on
by its homogeneity degree, and is thus independent of the choice of basis (indeed, it has an intrinsic Lie-theoretic description). The operators

from [Reference NakajimaNa] are intrinsic as well, and they are also invariant under translations in the real part of
. If the basis for
is orthonormal, that is, orthogonal with the first vector having norm 1 and the rest having norm
, then the Laplacian of
, denoted
, is defined to be
$\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{x_{1}}^{2}-\sum _{k=2}^{b_{-}}\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{x_{k}}^{2}$
. It is independent of the choice of the orthonormal basis (though using a basis which is not orthonormal it takes a different form), and it is invariant under the action of
as well as under translations in
. With complex coordinates it has three counterparts,

which we call the holomorphic Laplacian of
(of Hodge weight
), the anti-holomorphic Laplacian of
(of Hodge weight
), and the real Laplacian of
(of Hodge weight
), respectively. These operators have the same invariance and independence properties as
. Note that the appropriate combinations appearing in [Reference BruinierBru, Reference NakajimaNa] can be identified as our operators
, and
, respectively, expressed in a basis which is not orthonormal. We shall indeed discuss and generalize the operators
of [Reference NakajimaNa] in Proposition 1.5 below.
The weight changing operators and their defining property are given in
Theorem 1.1. For any integer
to be the operator

In addition, define

Then the equalities

hold for every
and any
$M\in O^{+}(V)$
The different descriptions of
coincide by Lemma 3.1 below. Theorem 1.1 has the following standard
Corollary 1.2. If
is an automorphic form of weight
$G(V)\cong K_{\mathbb{R}}+iC$
are automorphic forms on
which have weights
, respectively.
In correspondence with Theorem 1.1 and Corollary 1.2 we call
the weight raising operator of weight
and the weight lowering operator for automorphic forms on Grassmannians of signature
, respectively. As already mentioned in the Introduction, these operators may also be given a Lie-theoretic description (see Section 3 for more details). However, the explicit operators appearing in Theorem 1.1 are more useful for our applications.
We shall make use of the operator

which we denote by
$|D^{\ast }|^{2}$
. Lemma 2.2 of [Reference ZemelZe2] shows that

is the weight
Laplacian on
, and the weight
is just
(this extends the corresponding assertion of [Reference NakajimaNa], since his operator
is our
divided by 8). The constants are normalized such that

holds for every
, and
(see the remark after Lemma 3.1 below). The relations between
, and the corresponding Laplacians are given by
Proposition 1.3. The equalities


hold for every
$m\in \mathbb{Z}$
We recall that an automorphic form of weight
is said to have eigenvalue
if it is annihilated by
(i.e., eigenvalues are of
). Hence Proposition 1.3 has the following
Corollary 1.4. If
is an automorphic form of weight
which has eigenvalue
then the automorphic forms
have eigenvalues
, respectively.
By evaluating compositions of the weight changing operators one shows
Proposition 1.5. The combination

commutes with all the weight
slash operators as well as with the Laplacian
. The commutator of the global weight raising operator and the weight lowering operator is

Proposition 1.5 provides another proof to [Reference ZemelZe2, Lemma 2.2] about
. It also implies that
preserves the spaces of automorphic forms of weight
for all
$m\in \mathbb{Z}$
and for every discrete subgroup
of cofinite volume in
. It also commutes with
, hence preserves eigenvalues of such automorphic forms. By rank considerations, one can probably show that the ring of differential operators which commute with all the slash operators of weight
is generated by
, hence is a polynomial ring in two variables (if
). This assertion should also follow from [Reference ShimuraSh5, part (3) of Theorem 3.3] (since the rank of the symmetric space
is 2 if
), though I have not verified this in detail. As
in the notation of [Reference NakajimaNa], Proposition 1.5 generalizes the main result of that reference to other weights. A similar argument yields results of the same sort for
, where a possible normalization for
, for which an equality similar to Equation (2) holds. We shall not need these results in what follows.
We now consider compositions of the weight raising operators. The natural
th power of
is the composition

The general formula for the resulting operator seems too complicated to write as a combination of
$D^{\ast }$
, and
with explicit coefficients. However, we can establish the properties given in the following
Proposition 1.6. (i) The operator
takes automorphic forms of weight
to automorphic forms of weight
. (ii) In case the former automorphic form is an eigenfunction with eigenvalue
, the latter is also an eigenfunction, and the corresponding eigenvalue is
. (iii) The operator
can be written as

and given the coefficients
for given
, the coefficient
of the next power
is defined recursively as

(iv) For
the coefficients
are given by the explicit formula

The binomial symbol appearing in part (iv) of Proposition 1.6 is the extended binomial coefficient: Indeed, for two nonnegative integers
we have

a formula which makes sense for
$x\in \mathbb{R}$
(as well as
in any
Part (i) of Proposition 1.6 follows immediately from Corollary 1.2. For part (ii) Corollary 1.4 shows that the application of
$0\leqslant r\leqslant l-1$
) to an eigenfunction adds
to the eigenvalue, so the assertion follows from evaluating

The proofs of parts (iii) and (iv) are given in Section 3.
We recall that
$M=\binom{a~~b}{c~~d}\in \text{SL}_{2}(\mathbb{R})$
defines the holomorphic map

the latter being the factor of automorphy of this action. Modular forms of weight
(or just weight
) with respect to a discrete subgroup
with cofinite volume (with respect to the invariant measure
) are functions
$f:{\mathcal{H}}\rightarrow \mathbb{C}$
which are invariant under the corresponding weight
slash operators for elements of
. The weight
Laplacian is

normalized such that
annihilates holomorphic functions and the Laplacians commute with powers of
as in Equation (2). The Shimura–Maaß operators

(note the different normalization from [Reference BruinierBru, Reference ZemelZe2]!) take modular forms of weight
to modular forms of weight
, respectively, or more precisely, satisfy an appropriate commutation relation with the slash operators for all the elements of
. They also change Laplacian eigenvalues (again, with respect to
rather than
to the eigenvalue, while
from it. Moreover, the powers of the Shimura–Maaß operators are given by, for example, [Reference Zagier, Bruinier, van der Geer and HarderZa, equation (56)], stating that

(for arbitrary
, not necessarily integral and nonnegative). Theorem 1.1 and Proposition 1.3 show that our weight changing operators
have similar properties. However, our operators are differential operators of order 2 while the Shimura–Maaß operators are of order 1. This is why the results of Propositions 1.5 and 1.6 are more complicated than the fact that
is just
, the commutator
being simply
, and [Reference Zagier, Bruinier, van der Geer and HarderZa, equation (56)].
Nonetheless, the operators
for small values of
are closely related to the Shimura–Maaß operators. Indeed, for
the group
and the tube domain
is just
. We have

(the same assertions hold for the operators involving anti-holomorphic weights). Our operators
are squares of the Shimura–Maaß operators, namely

Note that in this case

in accordance with the rank of the group being 1 rather than 2 (in particular, in the notation of [Reference NakajimaNa] we have
in this case).
many authors (including [Reference BruinierBru, Reference NakajimaNa]) take the basis for
as two elements spanning a hyperbolic plane together with an orthogonal basis of elements of norm
. In elements of the positive cone
, the first two coordinates are positive. In particular, for
we have
$K_{\mathbb{R}}+iC\cong {\mathcal{H}}\times {\mathcal{H}}$
, with
being the two coordinates. The group
is an order 2 quotient of
$\text{SL}_{2}(\mathbb{R})\times \text{SL}_{2}(\mathbb{R})$
, acting on
$G(V)\cong {\mathcal{H}}\times {\mathcal{H}}$

It follows that

(which extend to the operators with anti-holomorphic weights as well). Our operators are

In both cases
the assertions of this section follow from properties of the Shimura–Maaß operators (note that
). When
the special orthogonal group of a negative definite subspace is also
, which makes the theory of automorphic forms more symmetric.
Working with
in this model yields another coordinate
. The positivity of
, and
is equivalent to

is identified with the Siegel upper half-plane of degree 2. The group
, with the symplectic action and the factor of automorphy (hence the slash operators) from the theory of Siegel modular forms. In this case

in the notation of [Reference MaaßMa1, Reference MaaßMa2] for degree 2 (for weight
the latter assertion extends to the modified Laplacian
presented in Section 3). The operator
is also a constant multiple of the operator
considered, for example, in [Reference Choie and EholzerCE, Reference ChoieCh].
2 Images of Theta Lifts under
For natural
, and
we define the polynomials

As a function of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}\in V$
, the polynomial
, considered, for example, in [Reference ZemelZe2], is homogeneous of degree
with respect to the element of
represented by
, while
has homogeneity degree
. Equation (5) of [Reference ZemelZe2] extends from
to the more general polynomials
: The equality

holds for every
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}\in V$
$Z\in K_{\mathbb{R}}+iC$
$M\in O^{+}(V)$
, and
, and
We shall assume that
for some fixed even lattice
(of signature
), and consider the theta function of
which is based on the polynomial
. This is a (vector-valued) function of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70F}=x+iy\in {\mathcal{H}}$
$Z\in K_{\mathbb{R}}+iC$
, which is a sum of expressions of the form

$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\pm }$
are the parts of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}\in V$
which lie in the spaces
$v_{\pm }$
according to the element of
corresponding to
is the Laplacian on
which corresponds to the majorant associated with that element (i.e., to the bilinear form in which the sign on the pairing on
is inverted to be positive as well), and
for every complex
. A simple and direct calculation proves
Lemma 2.1. (i) We have the equality
. In addition, the following equalities hold:

Part (i) of Lemma 2.1 shows that we can write the exponent in Equation (4) as the constant
(independent of
) times
. Since the differences in the indices in part (ii) of Lemma 2.1 remain the same,
does not affect the weight of modularity of
, and
is invariant (by Equation (3)), we find that replacing
in Equation (3) still yields a valid equation. Let
$L^{\ast }=\text{Hom}(L,\mathbb{Z})$
be the dual lattice of
$L^{\ast }/L$
the (finite) discriminant group of
. Then the theta function
is the
$\mathbb{C}[L^{\ast }/L]$
-valued function defined by

(this function is
in the notation of [Reference BorcherdsB], where
$v\in G(L_{\mathbb{R}})$
corresponds to
$Z\in K_{\mathbb{R}}+iC$
). The extension of Equation (3) to
shows that
is automorphic of weight
as a function of
$Z\in K_{\mathbb{R}}+iC$
, and [Reference BorcherdsB, Theorem 4.1] shows that as a function of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70F}\in {\mathcal{H}}$
it is a vector-valued modular form of weight
and the Weil representation
. The latter is a representation of the metaplectic double cover
, which is defined by sending the generators
lying over the elements
, respectively, to

respectively. For the properties of
see [Reference ZemelZe1], as well as the references cited there. The space
$\mathbb{C}[L^{\ast }/L]$
comes with a Hermitian pairing
$\langle \cdot ,\cdot \rangle _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}_{L}}$
in which the
are orthonormal, and
is a unitary representation with respect to this pairing. The operation of complex conjugation on
and sends
(this is equivalent to multiplying the bilinear form on
, but as we rather stay in the signature
setting, we prefer this anti-holomorphic operation on
). It also replaces
by its dual representation, but we shall consider the effect of complex conjugation only for the automorphy in the
We are interested in the action of the operators
on theta kernels, and the resulting differential properties of the associated theta lifts. Several proofs will involve comparisons of these actions on theta kernels with the actions of the operators
on these theta kernels (multiplied by the appropriate powers of
). The latter are given (in a more general context) in [Reference ZemelZe2, equations (6a) and (6b)]. As
, Lemma 2.1 shows that in our case these equations take the form

) and

(note again the different normalization of these operators).
Recall that given a modular form
of weight
and representation
, possibly with exponential growth at the cusps, its theta lift with respect to the polynomial
is defined in [Reference BorcherdsB, Reference ZemelZe2], and others as follows. For

and assume that

exists for
$\Re \unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}\gg 0$
and defines a holomorphic function of
on some right half-plane, which may be extended to a meromorphic function of
for all
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}\in \mathbb{C}$
. Then the theta lift
is the constant term of the expansion of this meromorphic function at
. Now, the modular form
has a Fourier expansion of the sort

and the
are smooth functions of
$y=\Im \unicode[STIX]{x1D70F}$
, which vanish unless
$n\in \frac{\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE}^{2}}{2}+\mathbb{Z}$
. The modular forms which are usually considered also satisfy the condition that
$n\gg -\infty$
which is holomorphic on
this means at most a pole at the cusp, and not an essential singularity).
The relations between the action of the (classical) Shimura–Maaß operators on the lifted modular form and the action of these operators on the theta kernel used for the theta lift are given in the following
Lemma 2.2. Let
$F_{\pm }$
be a modular form of weight
$k\pm 2=1+r+t-\frac{b_{-}}{2}-2l\pm 2$
and representation
, with Fourier expansion as in Equation (7), and assume that the regularized theta lifts
are well defined. Assume that the growth condition
$y\rightarrow \infty$
holds for every
, and
, and that
$y\rightarrow \infty$
for some
. Then the theta lift
coincides, up to an additive constant which may appear only if
, with the value at
of the theta lift of
with respect to
. The same assertion holds for
and the theta lift of
with respect to
Proof. See [Reference ZemelZe2, Lemmas 3.4 and 3.6] as well as the argument proving Lemma 2.7 of that reference. Note the factors of
distinguishing our operators here from those of [Reference ZemelZe2], and observe that the theta function is conjugated in the integral defining the theta lift.◻
The complex conjugation of
in the definition of the theta lift implies that
is automorphic of weight
. We shall thus consider only the case
, where the automorphy in (the corresponding) Equation (3) involves only
and not its complex conjugate. As with
, we may omit the superscript
in case
. In the same manner as in Section 1, we shall postpone most of the (calculational) proofs to Section 4. Only the assertions about theta lifts will be proved here.
The first assertion we are interested in is
Proposition 2.3. The action of
times the complex conjugate of
We remark that Proposition 2.3 may be formulated in terms of comparing the actions of elements from the universal enveloping algebras of
$\mathfrak{so}(V)\cong \mathfrak{so}_{2,b_{-}}$
on the theta kernel. However, unlike [Reference ZemelZe2, Proposition 2.3] (and [Reference BruinierBru, Proposition 4.5]), which compares the action of order 2 elements of both universal enveloping algebras, here the one from the algebra of
has order 2 while the element from
has order 1.
We can now establish the first property of the theta lift from [Reference ZemelZe2].
Theorem 2.4. Assume that
is even, and let
be a weakly holomorphic modular form of weight
and representation
. Consider the modular form
, of weight
, and its theta lift
considered in [Reference ZemelZe2, Theorem 3.9]. The image of the latter automorphic form under
is a meromorphic automorphic form of weight
, whose singularities are poles of order
along special divisors.
Proof. Proposition 2.3 yields the equality

for every
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70F}\in {\mathcal{H}}$
$Z\in K_{\mathbb{R}}+iC$
. As
(as well as its images under any power of
) satisfies the conditions of Lemma 2.2, we establish the equality

Repeating this argument, we get

for any
$l\in \mathbb{N}$
. Consider now the case
. Then
weakly holomorphic of weight
(which is integral since
is even). But then
is just the operator
(which takes
from a Fourier expansion to
—this is the reason for our normalization), so that the weight
modular form
is again weakly holomorphic. Theorem 14.3 of [Reference BorcherdsB] now shows that our automorphic form of weight
, which we write as
, is meromorphic on
, with poles of order
along rational quadratic divisors associated with negative norm vectors in
$L^{\ast }$
whose corresponding coefficients in Equation (7) do not vanish. This completes the proof of the theorem.◻
We remark that in case the modular form
is a harmonic weak Maaß form the modular form
from the proof of Theorem 2.4 is again weakly holomorphic. Moreover, in case the image of
under the operator
of [Reference Bruinier and FunkeBF] does not have a pole at the cusp, the theta lift has no additional singularities, and the result of Theorem 2.4 extends to this case. However, in the theta lift
itself one can still distinguish the case where
is weakly holomorphic from the one where
is such a harmonic weak Maaß form.
For the weight lowering operator
, we do not have a nice equivalent to Proposition 2.3. However, we do have an interesting result concerning its
th power. We begin with
Lemma 2.5. The image of

Lemma 2.5 allows us to establish the following
Proposition 2.6. For any
$s\in \mathbb{N}$
, the image of
attains, on
, the value

The case
in Proposition 2.6 is of particular importance, as is shown in the following
Proposition 2.7. The expression
equals the complex conjugate of
Automorphic forms of nonzero weight can never be real-valued, because complex conjugation yields an automorphic form with a different weight. However, multiplying the complex conjugate automorphic form by a power of
leads to an object which is comparable with the image of our automorphic form under the appropriate power of a weight changing operator, as these two functions do have the same weight. We shall thus say that an automorphic form
, of positive weight
, is
-real if its image under the
th power of the weight lowering operators
coincides with its complex conjugate multiplied by a positive multiple of
. We now show that the theta lifts from [Reference ZemelZe2, Theorem 3.9] are
-real, or more generally:
Theorem 2.8. Let
be as in Theorem 2.4 (but without the restriction on the parity of
), and assume that
is an eigenfunction with respect to (minus) the Laplacian of weight
, with eigenvalue
. Assume further that the Fourier coefficients
appearing in Equation (7) are real. Then applying the operator
times the complex conjugate of
Proof. By Proposition 2.7, the image of
coincides with
times the regularized integral of
paired with the function

On the other hand, the fact that the first index in
vanishes allows us to use Equation (6) successively
times and write

As in the proof of Theorem 2.4, we can write
, using Lemma 2.2, as the theta lift
. Now, as
is an eigenfunction and
takes eigenfunctions to eigenfunctions, we can replace each combination
, starting from the innermost pair, by the appropriate eigenvalue. As after applying
the eigenvalue becomes
, the modular form we plug inside the latter lift is just
multiplied by the scalar
$\prod _{r=0}^{m-1}\big[\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}-r\big(m-r-\frac{b_{-}}{2}\big)\big]$
. Substituting the value of
, the
th multiplier becomes just
, and the product is
. Division by
thus gives
, so that we need to show why
is the complex conjugate of
. As the Fourier coefficients of
are real, we obtain
. On the other hand, we have seen that complex conjugation on our theta function interchanges the indices
and replaces the variable
. The required assertion now follows from the fact that powers of
and the measure
are both preserved by the change of variable
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70F}\mapsto -\overline{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70F}}$
. This completes the proof of the theorem.◻
We remark that the choice of
in Theorem 2.8 is not crucial. Any choice of
for which the number
$\prod _{r=0}^{m-1}\big[r\big(m-r-\frac{b_{-}}{2}\big)-\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}\big]$
is positive will be sufficient for Theorem 2.8 to hold (with the same proof). However, we chose this eigenvalue as it is the eigenvalue of the theta lifts from [Reference ZemelZe2].
3 Proofs of the Properties of
In this section, we include the proofs of the properties of the weight raising and weight lowering operators appearing in Section 1.
We first introduce (following [Reference NakajimaNa]) a convenient set of generators for
. For
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}\in K_{\mathbb{R}}$
we define the element
$p_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}}\in \text{SO}^{+}(V)$
whose action is

Furthermore, given an element
$A\in O(K_{\mathbb{R}})$
and a scalar
$a\in \mathbb{R}^{\ast }$
such that
$A\in O^{+}(K_{\mathbb{R}})$
otherwise, we let
$k_{a,A}\in O^{+}(V)$
be the element acting as

For any
$Z\in K_{\mathbb{R}}+iC$
we have

Note that the relation between
and the sign of
is equivalent to preserving
rather than mapping
—it appears that [Reference NakajimaNa] ignored this point. Choose now an element of
in which the positive definite space is generated by the norm 1 vector
, and consider the involution
$w\in \text{SO}^{+}(K_{\mathbb{R}})$
defined by

inverts the positive definite space
). Its action on
is through

The elements
in the index 2 subgroup of
$R^{\ast }\times O(K_{\mathbb{R}})$
thus defined and
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}\in K_{\mathbb{R}}$
generate the stabilizer
of the isotropic space
as the semi-direct product of these groups. The fact that adding
is now easily verified by considering the action on isotropic 1-dimensional subspaces of
Some useful relations are derived in the following
Lemma 3.1. Let
be a nondegenerate vector space of dimension
, fix
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}\in \mathbb{C}$
, and let
be a
function that is defined on a neighborhood of a point
$Z=X+iY\in K_{\mathbb{C}}$
. Then the following relations hold:


We remark that Lemma 3.1 holds for
of arbitrary signature (not necessarily Lorentzian), but not negative definite (for
to be possible).
Proof. The proof is obtained by a straightforward calculation, using an orthonormal basis for
and the action of
on functions of
We remark that the third operator
bears a property similar to Lemma 3.1, which is used implicitly in [Reference ZemelZe2, Section 3] in order to prove Equation (2).
We can now present the
Proof of Theorem 1.1.
Multiply both sides of the desired assertion for
, as well as the function
there, by
. Lemma 3.1, the first definition of
, and Equation (1) show that this yields the equivalent equality

Observe that conjugating the latter equation and multiplying by
yields the required equality for
. Hence we are reduced to proving only this equality. Moreover,
involves only holomorphic differentiations, which means that it commutes with the power of
coming from the anti-holomorphic weights. Hence we can take
, which implies that proving the equation

(which the assertion for
in the formulation of the theorem) suffices for proving the theorem. Writing the arguments as
in both sides and using the cocycle condition brings the latter equation to the form

By a standard argument it suffices to verify Equation (8) for
being one of the generators of
considered above. Equation (8) with
follows from the invariance of both
$D^{\ast }$
under translations of
$X=\Re Z$
and the fact that
. The action of
, leaves
$D^{\ast }$
invariant, and divides
$A\in O(K_{\mathbb{R}})$
), which proves Equation (8) since
. Finally, for
we have the equalities

$D=\sum _{k}z_{k}\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{k}$
from [Reference NakajimaNa] (the corresponding operator from [Reference NakajimaNa] is
rather than
, while
, and
there). Using Equation (1) we thus find that applying
to the sum of
$\frac{i(b_{-}-2)}{Y^{2}}D^{\ast }$
(which is
) multiplies it by
(as the coefficients in front of
cancel), which establishes Equation (8) also for this case using the value of
. This completes the proof of the theorem.◻
In order to indicate what is the Lie-theoretic interpretation of the operators
, we recall the vector
we used for defining
above, and take a vector
$\tilde{u} \in K_{\mathbb{R}}$
of norm
which is orthogonal to
(we assume here
, but for
our operators are squares of the order 1 operators
, whose Lie-theoretic interpretation is given, for example, in [Reference VerdierVe]). These choices determine the parabolic subgroup of
appearing in the following
Proposition 3.2. Let
be the subgroup of
consisting of those matrices which preserve the isotropic subspace
$\mathbb{R}(u_{1}+\tilde{u} )$
and whose action on the quotient
$(u_{1}+\tilde{u} )^{\bot }/\mathbb{R}(u_{1}+\tilde{u} )$
is trivial. Define
to be the group generated by all the elements
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}\in K_{\mathbb{R}}$
and by the elements
$A\in H_{K_{\mathbb{R}}}$
. Then the group
operates freely and transitively on
$K\cong \text{SO}(2)\times \text{SO}(b_{-})$
be the stabilizer, in
, of the element of
represented by
, and let
be its Lie algebra. The action of a normalized generator of
$\mathfrak{so}(2)\subseteq \mathfrak{k}$
decomposes the latter space into the eigenspaces with eigenvalue 0 (this is precisely
) and
$\pm i$
(complex conjugate spaces of dimension
each). Hence the action on the space of products of two elements of
(inside its universal enveloping algebra, say) decomposes into eigenspaces with eigenvalues 0,
$\pm i$
, and
$\pm 2i$
. One verifies that in each of the
$\pm 2i$
-eigenspaces, precisely one combination commutes with the part
. As our automorphic forms correspond to functions on
on which
$\text{SO}(2)\subseteq K$
operates according to a specific character and
operate trivially (normalized suitably), these elements (of order 2) of the universal enveloping algebra of
lead to weight raising and weight lowering operators. One may then evaluate, using the interplay between the operations of
and the Lie algebra of the group
from Proposition 3.2, the action of these operators, and find that they lead to our
. However, the change of coordinates between
in this evaluation is more tedious than one might believe.
We also indicate briefly the connection between our operators and those of [Reference ShimuraSh1]. That reference defines, for every representation
$\mathbb{C}^{\times }\times GL_{b_{-}}(\mathbb{C})$
(a subgroup of which we identify with the complexification of the compact subgroup
, which is isomorphic to the product
$\mathbb{C}^{\times }\times \text{SO}(b_{-},\mathbb{C})$
), a differential operator that roughly sends (vector-valued) automorphic forms with weight (i.e., representation)
to automorphic forms having representation
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}\otimes \unicode[STIX]{x1D714}$
, where
is the standard representation of that product on
. This representation space is considered as the holomorphic cotangent space of
, and the operator is, in fact, just the holomorphic differential map
, twisted by the image of a scalar
and a matrix
(both defined explicitly in [Reference ShimuraSh1]) via the representation
. Starting with the 1-dimensional representation which is the
th power of
$\mathbb{C}^{\times }$
(this is the representation associated with our automorphic forms of weight
) and repeating this operation twice, we obtain an automorphic form with representation involving
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}^{\otimes 2}$
. The idea is expressing the resulting automorphic form when
is identified with
, and using the bilinear form on the latter space in order to replace the
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}^{\otimes 2}$
-valued automorphic forms by scalar-valued ones.
Now, we replace the coordinate denoted
in [Reference ShimuraSh1] by
, considering it as lying in the complexified space
associated with some base point for
, and decompose it as some multiple
plus a vector
$u_{\bot }$
which is perpendicular to
. Here
is again the isotropic vector we used for defining
. Choosing the positive part of
appropriately (recall that the vector denoted
in [Reference ShimuraSh1] is not presented in the canonical form), we obtain that our norm 0 vector has pairing
and its positive and negative
coordinates are
$2u_{\bot }$
, respectively. It follows that the associated element
(which can be shown to be in
) satisfies
is the generator of the positive part of
), so that the inverse map sends
to the vector obtained by multiplying the positive part of
, and adding
to the result. Given an automorphic form
of weight
, a very lengthy, tedious, and involved calculation gives us the expression for the
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}^{\otimes 2}$
-valued automorphic form obtained from
under the operator mentioned in the previous paragraph, and after applying the pairing we obtain an expression closely related to
. Indeed, the expression denoted by
in [Reference ShimuraSh1] becomes
using our variable, so that multiplying by
before applying the operator and by
afterward corresponds to the operation involving
appearing in the definition of
, as well as the additional operation with
. However, the details of this calculation are very long as well, and therefore we have chosen to state and prove Theorem 1.1 more directly.
For calculational purposes it turns out convenient to introduce the operator

on which complex conjugation interchanges the indices
. The operator

will also show up, so we denote it
$\widetilde{(D^{\ast })^{2}}$
. We now turn to the
Proof of Proposition 1.3.
Conjugating the desired equality for
, applying Equation (2), and taking the differences between the operators
into consideration, we see that the asserted equality for
is equivalent to

Moreover, multiplying the complex conjugate of the latter equation by
and comparing
yields the required property for
(with the index
replaced by
). Hence, as in the proof of Theorem 1.1, we are reduced to proving this single equation. In addition, the dependence on
of the left hand side enters only through the difference
$-4imD^{\ast }$
between the operators
$l\in \{0,2\}$
. As a simple calculation yields

it suffices to prove the equality for
(i.e., the original assertion for

The commutator of
is evaluated using the equalities

(all of which follow from straightforward calculations). Applying the equalities

and putting in the appropriate scalars now establishes the proposition. ◻
Our next task is the
Proof of Proposition 1.5.
We begin by evaluating
written as

Using the equalities

we establish the equation

is defined in the formulation of the proposition. We now decompose
(which is
), yielding

The formulas

now show that

The required commutation relation follows. As Theorem 1.1 shows that the compositions
commute with all the slash operators of weight
, and Proposition 1.3 implies that these operators commute with
, the assertion about
is also established. This proves the proposition.◻
Finally, we come to the
Proof of parts (iii) and (iv) of Proposition 1.6.
We prove part (iii) by induction (the case
being trivial). If
is presented by the asserted formula then
, which is
, equals

For each
, the term involving
$\frac{D^{\ast }}{Y^{2}}$
) in
takes the term with indices
) to a multiple of the term corresponding to
) for
. For
we have

and we multiply the latter sum by
. This shows that
can be expressed by the asserted formula. Putting in the multipliers
and the coefficients of
$\frac{D^{\ast }}{Y^{2}}$
, summing over
, and taking the coefficient in front of the term with indices
) in the result, we obtain the recursive relation asserted in part (iii). We now observe that for
the recursive formula reduces to

Denote the asserted value of
. As
, it suffices to show that the numbers
satisfy the latter recursive formula. But the equality

holds for every
), and multiplication by
$\frac{l!\cdot 2^{c-1}}{c(l+1-c)!}$
and by the binomial coefficient
yields the required recursive relation for the numbers
. This completes the proof of the proposition.◻
4 Actions on theta kernels—proofs
The main technical lemma, which will be required for the evaluations in most of the following proofs, is based on
Lemma 4.1. Given
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}\in L_{\mathbb{R}}$
, the operators
take the function
$Z\in K_{\mathbb{R}}+iC$
Proof. The commutation relation between powers of
and the operators
obtained from the first definition of the latter operators in Theorem 1.1 and the fact that the latter operators involve only holomorphic differentiation allows us to write
. Hence we must evaluate the operation of
$D^{\ast }$
. For the latter operator a simple calculation yields

The former operator is pure of weight 2, hence its action gives a nonzero result only on the part
, and using an orthonormal basis one finds that this result is just
. Combining these results, we find that

from which the value of
follows. The assertion about
is a consequence of the value of
, since
is a real function and
is the operator which is complex conjugate to
, multiplied by
. This proves the lemma.◻
Another useful evaluation appears in the following
Lemma 4.2. The holomorphic and anti-holomorphic
-gradients of
have, as vectors in
, the norms
is anti-holomorphic, and the holomorphic gradients of
respectively, where
is the orthogonal projection of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}\in L_{\mathbb{R}}$
$K_{\mathbb{R}}=\{z,\unicode[STIX]{x1D701}\}^{\bot }$
. It follows that
has holomorphic gradient

Now, the (easily evaluated) equalities


reduce to the norm of the latter gradient to

in the
$K_{\mathbb{R}}\times \mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{R}$
coordinates, so that the sum of the first three terms in the brackets is just
. Subtracting
completes the proof of the first assertion, and the second assertion follows from complex conjugation since the function
is real-valued. This proves the lemma.◻
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}\in L_{\mathbb{R}}$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70F}=x+iy\in {\mathcal{H}}$
we denote the vector
. Its norm is
, and after choosing an element of
, it decomposes into
(of norm
) and
(whose norm is
). We now prove
Proposition 4.3. Let
$f:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$
be a smooth function. Then the images of the function
$2\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}yP_{0,2,2}\big[\tilde{\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}}_{-}^{2}f^{\prime \prime }(\tilde{\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}}_{+})-\frac{b_{-}}{2}f^{\prime }(\tilde{\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}}_{+})\big]$
$2\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}yP_{2,0,0}\big[\tilde{\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}}_{-}^{2}f^{\prime \prime }(\tilde{\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}}_{+})-\frac{b_{-}}{2}f^{\prime }(\tilde{\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}}_{+})\big]$
Proof. Both operators consist of a first order operator
(a multiple of
$D^{\ast }$
or of
$\overline{D^{\ast }}$
) and a second order operator
(which equals
). Then
$D\big(f(T)\big)=DT\cdot f^{\prime }(T)$
, and
is the sum of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E5}T\cdot f^{\prime }(T)$
and an expression involving
$f^{\prime \prime }(T)$
. In our case
, so that the coefficient of
$f^{\prime }(T)$
is just
, and the latter expressions are evaluated using Lemma 4.1. The coefficients of
$f^{\prime \prime }(T)$
coming from
are the norms (in
) of the holomorphic and anti-holomorphic gradients of
, the latter being multiplied by
. For
these norms take the values given in Lemma 4.2, multiplied by
. Gathering these results together and substituting the value of
completes the proof of the proposition.◻
We now turn to proving assertions concerning the images of theta lifts (or complex conjugates of theta functions), having only holomorphic weights of automorphy, under the operators
. This was seen to boil down to the operation on the function
from Equation (4), with
replaced by
, under the additional assumption
. The exponent was seen, using part (i) of Lemma 2.1, to be
, where the first multiplier is a constant (i.e., independent of
). The polynomial part is evaluated in
Lemma 4.4.
(i) For any natural numbers
$k$ and
$n$ we have
(ii) Applying
$e^{\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E5}_{v_{-}}/8\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}y}$ to
$(2\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}y)^{l}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{-}^{2})^{l}$ yields
$$\begin{eqnarray}\mathop{\sum }_{p}\binom{l}{p}\bigg[\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}\bigg(l+\frac{b_{-}}{2}\bigg)\bigg/\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}\bigg(p+\frac{b_{-}}{2}\bigg)\bigg](\tilde{\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}}_{-}^{2})^{p}.\end{eqnarray}$$
We allow the index
appearing in Part (i) here to be negative, with the natural extension of the definition of
to negative
. We remark that the expressions obtained in this part are just the generalized Laguerre polynomials
, multiplied by the exponents, and normalized appropriately.
Proof. Multiple applications of part (ii) of Lemma 2.1 show that

Multiplying by
and summing over
, the left hand side of the equation in part (i) becomes just

On the other hand, differentiating the product
times with respect to

and substituting
yields the same expression multiplied by
. This establishes part (i). For part (ii), applying part (iii) of Lemma 2.1 successively evaluates

Dividing this term by
, multiplying everything by
, and substituting
gives the asserted expression. This completes the proof of the lemma.◻
, Lemma 4.4 implies that the dependence of the expression
(or the corresponding theta function) on the variable
is only through the quantity
. For convenience, we gather these results in the following
Corollary 4.5. Define the functions

, and
are natural numbers and
$w\in \mathbb{R}$
. Then the theta function

Proof. Just substitute the value of
, which equals the product of
, from Lemma 4.4 into the expression defining the theta function.◻
We can now present the
Proof of Proposition 2.3.
As seen above, it suffices to consider the action of
on the expression
with fixed
(recall that
is harmonic). The holomorphicity of the differentiation in
shows that the result is the same as
. By putting
, Proposition 4.3 evaluates
, and multiplying by

But the expression in parentheses is
by part (ii) of Lemma 4.4, and the harmonicity of
allows us to put it also into the action of
without affecting the resulting expression. Putting in the missing constant
and summing over
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}\in L^{\ast }$
we establish the equality

But as
is harmonic, Equation (6) shows that applying the operator
yields the complex conjugate of the latter expression, and complex conjugation inverts the sign of
. This proves the proposition.◻
We now turn to the
Proof of Lemma 2.5.
Write the theta function
as in Corollary 4.5. It suffices to fix
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}\in L^{\ast }$
and compare the coefficients of
in both sides. Take some
$0\leqslant p\leqslant l$
, and apply Proposition 4.3 with the function
. The powers of
from Corollary 4.5 and Proposition 4.3 merge to
in the denominator, and the remaining part of

, and as one easily evaluates

the part in brackets in the latter expression equals

We now write the denominator in the preceding constant as

in front of the three terms in Equation (9) respectively, and after taking the sum over
and gathering the functions with the same index
together, we see that the quotient

(where we have omitted the variable
). Using the identity
we can write the latter expression as

Now, differentiating
times and multiplying by
takes the equality

One application of this relation replaces
, and we also obtain

Each of the terms in Equation (10) thus contributes to the total coefficient in front of
, which using the classical properties of the binomial coefficients reduces to
. Using the recursive property of the gamma function again, we obtain the coefficient
, which together with

yields the coefficient appearing in front of
in the expansion of
in Corollary 4.5. The total coefficient in front of the function
in Equation (10) becomes (again, using binomial identities) just
, and the gamma quotient and the powers of
complete the formula for the second asserted term. For the remaining term
from Equation (10) we use the functional equation of the gamma function again to write
, and we also decompose

Corollary 4.5 then establishes the remaining asserted term in a similar manner. This completes the proof of the lemma. ◻
We go on to the
Proof of Proposition 2.6.
We prove the assertion by induction on
. The case
is trivial. Denote the asserted coefficient corresponding to the
th term in the expression for the image under
. We need to evaluate

and compare it with the asserted expression for
. Lemma 2.5 shows that for each
-image of the corresponding theta function is a linear combination of three theta functions, which correspond to the index
and the indices
, and
. After applying the appropriate summation index changes, the coefficient which we get in front of

Substituting the values of
, and
, one easily sees that all three terms yield the same multiplier
. Applying the functional equation for the gamma function in the first and third term, we obtain that the remaining expression equals

The same considerations we applied for evaluating the coefficient of
in Lemma 2.5 show that the expression in brackets equals
. Applying the functional equation of the gamma function once more, this yields the asserted value of
. This completes the proof of the proposition.◻
Finally, we come to the
Proof of Proposition 2.7.
We begin by proving that for any
$q\in \mathbb{N}$
, the action of the operator

the assertion is trivially true. We write the asserted function of
preceding the theta function in the term corresponding to
in the sum arising from the index
. Given that this assertion holds for
, we apply Equation (5) for the operator
acting on each term, and observe that the resulting theta functions correspond to the index
and to the summation indices
. Moreover, after the usual index change manipulations one sees that the total coefficient in front of the theta function with indices

As the second term here is easily seen to be just
, the inductive assertion follows from the classical property of the binomial coefficients. With
the general formula from above becomes

On the other hand, putting
in Proposition 2.6, multiplying by
(which commutes with differential operators in the variable
), and taking the complex conjugate of the result, yields precisely the same expression. This proves the proposition.◻
I would like to thank J. Bruinier for numerous suggestions and intriguing discussions regarding the results of this paper. I also wish to thank the anonymous referee for his/her helpful comments.