1 Introduction
be a Noetherian local ring of prime characteristic
. We have the Frobenius endomorphism
$F:R\rightarrow R$
$x\mapsto x^{p}$
. The
-singularities are certain singularities defined via this Frobenius map. They appear in the theory of tight closure (cf. [Reference Huneke13] for its introduction), which was systematically introduced by Hochster and Huneke [Reference Hochster and Huneke9] and developed by many researchers, including Hara, Schwede, Smith, Takagi, Watanabe, Yoshida and others. A recent active research of
-singularities is centered around the correspondence with the singularities of the minimal model program. We recommend [Reference Takagi and Watanabe25] as an excellent survey for recent developments.
In this paper we study the deformation of
-singularities. That is, we consider the problem: if
has certain property P for a regular element
$x\in R$
, then does
has the property P? The classical objects of
-singularities are
-purity and
-injectivity (cf. [Reference Huneke13, Reference Takagi and Watanabe25]). It is well known that
-rationality always deforms while
-regularity and
-purity do not deform in general [Reference Singh22, Reference Singh23]. Whether
-injectivity deforms is a long- standing open problem [Reference Fedder6] (for recent developments, we refer to [Reference Horiuchi, Miller and Shimomoto11, Reference Ma, Schwede and Shimomoto18]). Recall that the Frobenius endomorphism induces a natural Frobenius action on every local cohomology module,
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)$
. The ring
is called
-injective if this Frobenius action
is injective for every
$i\geqslant 0$
. The class of
-injective singularities contains other classes of
-singularities. For an ideal-theoretic characterization of
-injectivity, see [Reference Quy and Shimomoto20, Main Theorem D]. We consider this paper as a step toward a solution of the deformation of
We introduce two conditions:
-full and
-anti-nilpotent singularities, in terms of the Frobenius actions on local cohomology modules of
(we refer to Section 2 for detailed definitions). The first condition is motivated by recent results on Du Bois singularities [Reference Ma, Schwede and Shimomoto18]. The second condition has been studied in [Reference Enescu and Hochster5, Reference Ma16], and is known to be equivalent to stably FH-finite, which means all local cohomology modules of
$R[[x_{1},\ldots ,x_{n}]]$
supported at the maximal ideals have only finitely many Frobenius stable submodules. We prove that
-fullness and
-anti-nilpotency both deform, and we obtain more evidence on deformation of
-injectivity. Our results largely generalize earlier results of [Reference Horiuchi, Miller and Shimomoto11] in this direction. We list some of our main results here:
Theorem 1.1. (Theorem 4.2, Corollary 5.16)
be a Noetherian local ring of characteristic
a regular element of
. Then we have:
(1) if
$R/(x)$ is
$F$ -anti-nilpotent, then so is
$R$ ;
(2) if
$R/(x)$ is
$F$ -full, then so is
$R$ ;
(3) if
$R/(x)$ is
$F$ -full and
$F$ -injective, then so is
$R$ .
Theorem 1.2. (Theorem 5.11)
be a Noetherian local ring of characteristic
. Suppose the residue field
is perfect. Let
be a regular element of
such that
$\operatorname{Coker}(H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)\overset{x}{\rightarrow }H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R))$
has finite length for every
. If
-injective, then the map
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)$
is injective for every
, in particular
2 Definitions and basic properties
2.1 Modules with Frobenius structure
be a local ring of characteristic
. A Frobenius action on an
$M\rightarrow M$
, is an additive map such that for all
$u\in M$
$r\in R$
. Such an action induces a natural
-linear map
$\mathscr{F}_{R}(M)\rightarrow M$
denotes the Peskine–Szpiro’s Frobenius functor. We say
is an
-stable submodule of
$F(N)\subseteq N$
. We say the Frobenius action on
is nilpotent if
for some
We note that having a Frobenius action on
is the same as saying that
is a left module over the ring
, which may be viewed as a noncommutative ring generated over
by the symbols
$1,F,F^{2},\ldots \,$
by requiring that
$r\in R$
. Moreover,
is an
-stable submodule of
equivalent to requiring that
is an
-submodule of
. We will not use this viewpoint in this article though.
be an (typically Artinian)
-module with a Frobenius action
. We say the Frobenius action on
is full (or simply
is full), if the map
$\mathscr{F}_{R}^{e}(M)\rightarrow M$
is surjective for some (equivalently, every)
$e\geqslant 1$
. This is the same as saying that the
-span of all the elements of the form
is the whole
for some (equivalently, every)
$e\geqslant 1$
. We say the Frobenius action on
is anti-nilpotent (or simply
is anti-nilpotent), if for any
-stable submodule
$N\subseteq M$
, the induced Frobenius action
is injective (note that this in particular implies that
acts injectively on
Lemma 2.1. The Frobenius action on
is anti-nilpotent if and only if every
-stable submodule
$N\subseteq M$
is full. In particular, if
anti-nilpotent, then
is full.
Proof. Suppose
is anti-nilpotent. Let
$N\subseteq M$
be an
-stable submodule. Consider the
-span of
, call it
$N^{\prime }$
. Clearly,
$N^{\prime }\subseteq N$
is another
-stable submodule of
$F(N)\subseteq N^{\prime }$
. But since
is anti-nilpotent,
acts injectively on
$M/N^{\prime }$
. Thus we have
$N=N^{\prime }$
and hence
is full.
Conversely, suppose every
-stable submodule of
is full. Suppose there exists an
-stable submodule
$N\subseteq M$
such that the Frobenius action on
is not injective. Pick
$y\notin N$
such that
$F(y)\in N$
. Let
$N^{\prime \prime }=N+Ry$
. It is clear that
$N^{\prime \prime }$
is an
-stable submodule of
and the
-span of
$F(N^{\prime \prime })$
is contained in
$N\subsetneq N^{\prime \prime }$
. This shows
$N^{\prime \prime }$
is not full, a contradiction.◻
We also mention that whenever
is endowed with a Frobenius action
, then
defines another Frobenius action on
for every
$r\in R$
. It is easy to check that if the action
is full or anti-nilpotent, then so is
We collect some definitions about singularities in positive characteristic. Let
be a Noetherian local ring of characteristic
with the Frobenius endomorphism
$F:R\rightarrow R;x\mapsto x^{p}$
is called
-finite if
is a finitely generated as an
-module via the homomorphism
is called
-pure if the Frobenius endomorphism is pure.Footnote
It is worth to note that if
is either
-finite or complete, then
-pure is equivalent to the condition that the Frobenius endomorphism
$F:R\rightarrow R$
is split [Reference Hochster and Roberts12]. Let
$I=(x_{1},\ldots ,x_{t})$
be an ideal of
. Then we denote by
th local cohomology module with support at
(we refer to [Reference Brodmann and Sharp3] for the general theory of local cohomology modules). Recall that local cohomology may be computed as the cohomology of the Čech complex

The Frobenius endomorphism
$F:R\rightarrow R$
induces a natural Frobenius action
$F:H_{I}^{i}(R)\rightarrow H_{I^{[p]}}^{i}(R)\cong H_{I}^{i}(R)$
. A local ring
is called
-injective if the Frobenius action on
is injective for all
$i\geqslant 0$
. This is the case if
-pure [Reference Hochster and Roberts12, Lemma 2.2]. One can also characterize
-injectivity using certain ideal closure operations (see [Reference Ma17, Reference Quy and Shimomoto20] for more details).
Example 2.2. Let
$I=(x_{1},\ldots ,x_{t})\subseteq R$
be an ideal generated by
elements. By the above discussion we have

and the natural Frobenius action on
$1/(x_{1}\cdots x_{t})$
$1/(x_{1}^{p}\cdots x_{t}^{p})$
. Therefore, it is easy to see the Frobenius action on
is full (in fact,
$\mathscr{F}_{R}(H_{I}^{t}(R))\rightarrow H_{I}^{t}(R)$
is an isomorphism). On the other hand, one cannot expect
is always anti-nilpotent even when
is regular. For example, let
be a formal power series ring in two variables and
. We have

be the submodule of
generated by
$\{y^{2}x^{-n}\}_{n=1}^{\infty }$
, then it is easy to see
is an
-stable submodule of
. However,
$F(yx^{-1})=y^{p}x^{-p}\in N$
$yx^{-1}\notin N$
. So the Frobenius action on
is not injective and hence
is not anti-nilpotent.
We are mostly interested in the Frobenius actions on local cohomology modules of
supported at the maximal ideal. We introduce two notions of
Definition 2.3.
(1) We say that
$(R,\mathfrak{m})$ is
$F$ -full, if the Frobenius action on
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)$ is full for every
$i\geqslant 0$ . This means
$\mathscr{F}_{R}(H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R))\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)$ is surjective for every
$i\geqslant 0$ .
(2) We say that
$(R,\mathfrak{m})$ is
$F$ -anti-nilpotent, if the Frobenius action on
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)$ is anti-nilpotent for every
$i\geqslant 0$ .
The concept of
-anti-nilpotency is not new, it was introduced and studied in [Reference Enescu and Hochster5] and [Reference Ma16] under the name stably FH-finite: that is, all local cohomology modules of
$R[[x_{1},\ldots ,x_{n}]]$
supported at their maximal ideals have only finitely many
-stable submodules. It is a nontrivial result [Reference Enescu and Hochster5, Theorem 4.15] that this is equivalent to
Remark 2.4.
(1) It is clear that
$F$ -anti-nilpotent implies
$F$ -injective and
$F$ -full (see Lemma 2.1). Moreover,
$F$ -pure local rings are
$F$ -anti-nilpotent [Reference Ma16, Theorem 1.1]. In particular,
$F$ -pure local rings are
$F$ -full.
(2) We can construct many
$F$ -anti-nilpotent (equivalently, stably FH-finite) rings that are not
$F$ -pure [Reference Quy and Shimomoto20, Sections 5 and 6].
(3) Cohen–Macaulay rings are automatically
$F$ -full, since
$\mathscr{F}_{R}(H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{d}(R))\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{d}(R)$ is an isomorphism. But even
$F$ -injective Cohen–Macaulay rings are not necessarily
$F$ -anti-nilpotent [Reference Enescu and Hochster5, Example 2.16].
We give some simple examples of rings that are not
-full, we see a family of such rings in Example 3.6.
Example 2.5.
(1) Let
$R=k[s^{4},s^{3}t,st^{3},t^{4}]$ where
$k$ is a field of characteristic
$p>0$ . Then
$R$ is a graded ring with
$s^{4},t^{4}$ a homogeneous system of parameters. A simple computation shows that the class
$$\begin{eqnarray}\left[\frac{(s^{3}t)^{2}}{s^{4}},-\frac{(st^{3})^{2}}{t^{4}}\right]\in R_{s^{4}}\oplus R_{t^{4}}\end{eqnarray}$$
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{1}(R)$ . In particular,
$[H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{1}(R)]$ sits only in degree 2 and thus the natural Frobenius map kills
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{1}(R)$ .
$R$ is not
$F$ -full.
(2) Let
$R=(k[x,y,z]/(x^{3}+y^{3}+z^{3}))\#k[s,t]$ be the Segre product of
$A=(k[x,y,z]/(x^{3}+y^{3}+z^{3}))$ and
$B=k[s,t]$ , where
$k$ is a field of characteristic
$p>0$ with
$p\equiv 2$ mod
$3$ . Then
$R$ is a normal domain, since it is a direct summand of
$A\otimes _{k}B=A[s,t]$ . Moreover, a direct computation (for example see [Reference Ma, Schwede and Shimomoto18, Examples 4.11 and 4.16]) shows that
$$\begin{eqnarray}H_{\mathfrak{m}_{R}}^{2}(R)=[H_{\mathfrak{ m}_{R}}^{2}(R)]_{0}\cong [H_{\mathfrak{m}_{A}}^{2}(A)]_{0}=k.\end{eqnarray}$$
$p\equiv 2$ mod 3, we know the natural Frobenius map kills
$[H_{\mathfrak{m}_{A}}^{2}(A)]_{0}$ . Hence
$R$ is not
$F$ -full. On the other hand, if
$p\equiv 1$ mod
$3$ , then it is well known that
$R$ is
$F$ -pure (since
$A$ is) and hence
$F$ -anti-nilpotent [Reference Ma16, Theorem 1.1].
Remark 2.6.
(1) When
$R$ is a homomorphic image of a regular ring
$A$ , say
$R=A/I$ ,
$R$ is
$F$ -full if and only if
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(A/J)\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(A/I)$ is surjective for every
$J\subseteq I\subseteq \sqrt{J}$ . This is because by [Reference Lyubeznik15, Lemma 2.2], the
$R$ -span of
$F^{e}(H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R))$ is the same as the image
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(A/I^{[p^{e}]})\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(A/I)$ , and for every
$J\subseteq I\subseteq \sqrt{J}$ ,
$I^{[p^{e}]}\subseteq J$ for
$e\gg 0$ . As an application, when
$R=A/I$ is
$F$ -full, we have
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(A/I)=0$ provided
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(A/J)=0$ . Hence
$\operatorname{depth}A/I\geqslant \operatorname{depth}A/J$ for every
$J\subseteq I\subseteq \sqrt{J}$ .
(2) Suppose
$R$ is a local ring essentially of finite type over
$\mathbb{C}$ and
$R$ is Du Bois (we refer to [Reference Schwede21] or [Reference Ma, Schwede and Shimomoto18] for the definition and basic properties of Du Bois singularities). In this case we do have
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(A/J)\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(A/I)$ is surjective for every
$J\subseteq I=\sqrt{J}$ [Reference Ma, Schwede and Shimomoto18, Lemma 3.3]. This is the main ingredient in proving singularities of dense
$F$ -injective type deform [Reference Ma, Schwede and Shimomoto18, Theorem C].
(3) Since
$F$ -injective singularity is the conjectured characteristic
$p>0$ analog of Du Bois singularity [Reference Bhatt, Schwede and Takagi1, Reference Schwede21], it is thus quite natural to ask whether
$F$ -injective local rings are always
$F$ -full. It turns out that this is false in general [Reference Ma, Schwede and Shimomoto18, Example 3.5]. However, constructing such examples seems hard. In fact, [Reference Enescu and Hochster5, Example 2.16] (or its variants like [Reference Ma, Schwede and Shimomoto18, Example 3.5]) is the only example we know that is
$F$ -injective but not
$F$ -anti-nilpotent.
The above remarks motivate us to introduce and study
-fullness and a stronger notion of
-injectivity (see Section 5).
We end this subsection by proving that
-full rings localize. Note that it is proved in [Reference Ma16, Theorem 5.10] that
-anti-nilpotent rings localize.
For convenience, we use
to denote the target ring of the Frobenius map
$R\overset{F}{\rightarrow }R^{(1)}$
. If
is an
-module, then
has a structure of an
-module. We can then identify
, and
corresponds to an
-module which we call
$F^{\flat }(M)$
(we refer to [Reference Blickle and Böckle2, Section 2.3] for more details on this). When
-finite, we have
$\operatorname{Hom}_{R}(R^{(1)},E_{R})\cong E_{R^{(1)}}$
$F^{\flat }(E)\cong E_{R}$
, where
denotes the injective hull of the residue field of
Proposition 2.7. Let
be an
-finite and
-full local ring. Then
is also
-full for every
$\mathfrak{p}\in \operatorname{Spec}R$
Proof. By a result of Gabber [Reference Gabber7, Remark 13.6],
is a homomorphic image of a regular ring
. Let
$n=\dim A$
. We have

where the last isomorphism is by local duality. Thus after identifying
, we have
is the Matlis dual of
$F^{\flat }(\operatorname{Ext}_{A}^{n-i}(R,A))$
. So
$\mathscr{F}_{R}(H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R))\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)$
is surjective for every
if and only if
$\operatorname{Ext}_{A}^{n-i}(R,A)\rightarrow F^{\flat }(\operatorname{Ext}_{A}^{n-i}(R,A))$
is injective for every
. The latter condition clearly localizes. So
-full implies
-full for every
$\mathfrak{p}\in \operatorname{Spec}R$
3 On surjective elements
The following definition was introduced in [Reference Horiuchi, Miller and Shimomoto11] and was the key tool in [Reference Horiuchi, Miller and Shimomoto11].
Definition 3.1. Let
be a Noetherian local ring and
a regular element of
is called a surjective element if the natural map on the local cohomology module
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R/(x^{n}))\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R/(x))$
induced by
$R/(x^{n})\rightarrow R/(x)$
is surjective for all
$i\geqslant 0$
The next proposition is a restatement of [Reference Horiuchi, Miller and Shimomoto11, Lemma 3.2], so we omit the proof.
Proposition 3.2. The following are equivalent:
$x$ is a surjective element.
(ii) For all
$0<h\leqslant k$ the multiplication map
$$\begin{eqnarray}R/(x^{h})\overset{x^{k-h}}{\rightarrow }R/(x^{k})\end{eqnarray}$$
$$\begin{eqnarray}H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R/(x^{h}))\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{ m}}^{i}(R/(x^{k}))\end{eqnarray}$$
$i\geqslant 0$ .
(iii) For all
$0<h\leqslant k$ the short exact sequence
$$\begin{eqnarray}0\rightarrow R/(x^{h})\overset{x^{k-h}}{\rightarrow }R/(x^{k})\rightarrow R/(x^{k-h})\rightarrow 0\end{eqnarray}$$
$$\begin{eqnarray}0\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R/(x^{h}))\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{ m}}^{i}(R/(x^{k}))\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{ m}}^{i}(R/(x^{k-h}))\rightarrow 0\end{eqnarray}$$
$i\geqslant 0$ .
Proposition 3.3. The following are equivalent:
$x$ is a surjective element.
(ii) The multiplication map
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)\overset{x}{\rightarrow }H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)$ is surjective for all
$i\geqslant 0$ .
Proof. By Proposition 3.2,
is a surjective element if and only if all maps in the direct limit system
$\{H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R/(x^{h}))\}_{h\geqslant 1}$
are injective. This is equivalent to the condition

is injective for all
$h\geqslant 1$
and all
$i\geqslant 0$
(the last isomorphism comes from an easy computation using local cohomology spectral sequences and noting that
is a nonzero divisor on
, see also [Reference Horiuchi, Miller and Shimomoto11, Lemma 2.2]).
Claim 3.4.
is exactly the connection maps in the long exact sequence of local cohomology induced by
$0\rightarrow R\xrightarrow[{}]{\cdot x^{h}}R\rightarrow R/(x^{h})\rightarrow 0$

Proof of claim.
Observe that by definition,
is the natural map in the long exact sequence of local cohomology

which is induced by
$0\rightarrow R/(x^{h})\rightarrow R_{x}/R\xrightarrow[{}]{\cdot x^{h}}R_{x}/R\rightarrow 0$
(note that
is a nonzero divisor on
$H_{x}^{1}(R)\cong R_{x}/R$
). However, it is easy to see that the multiplication by
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R_{x}/R)\xrightarrow[{}]{\cdot x^{h}}H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R_{x}/R)$
can be identified with the multiplication by
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i+1}(R)\xrightarrow[{}]{\cdot x^{h}}H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i+1}(R)$
because we have a natural identification
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R_{x}/R)\cong H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(H_{x}^{1}(R))\cong H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i+1}(R)$
(see for example [Reference Horiuchi, Miller and Shimomoto11, Lemma 2.2]). This finishes the proof of the claim.◻
From the claim it is immediate that
is a surjective element if and only if the long exact sequence splits into short exact sequences:

But this is equivalent to saying that the multiplication map
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)\overset{x^{h}}{\rightarrow }H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)$
is surjective for all
$h\geqslant 1$
$i\geqslant 0$
, and also equivalent to
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)\overset{x}{\rightarrow }H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)$
is surjective for all
$i\geqslant 0$
We next link the notion of surjective element with
-fullness. This is inspired by [Reference Ma, Schwede and Shimomoto18, Reference Singh and Walther24].
Proposition 3.5. Let
be a regular element of
. If
-full, then
is a surjective element. In particular, if
-anti-nilpotent, then
is a surjective element.
Proof. We have natural maps:

-full, then
is surjective for every
. Since
is always surjective, the natural map
$\mathscr{F}_{R}^{e}(H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R/(x)))\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R/(x))$
is surjective for every
. Now simply notice that for every
, the map
$\mathscr{F}_{R}^{e}(H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R/(x)))\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R/(x))$
factors through
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R/(x^{p^{e}}))\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R/(x))$
, so
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R/(x^{p^{e}}))\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R/(x))$
is surjective for every
. This clearly implies that
is a surjective element.◻
The above propositions allow us to construct a family of non
-full local rings:
Example 3.6. Let
be a local ring with finite length cohomology, that is,
has finite length for every
$i<\dim R$
(under mild conditions, this is equivalent to saying that
is Cohen–Macaulay on the punctured spectrum). Let
be an arbitrary regular element in
. If
is not Cohen–Macaulay, then we claim that
is not
-full (and hence not
-anti-nilpotent). For suppose it is, then
is a surjective element by Proposition 3.5, hence
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)\overset{x}{\rightarrow }H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)$
is surjective for every
by Proposition 3.3. But since
has finite length cohomology, we also know that a power of
for every
$i<\dim R$
. This implies
for every
$i<\dim R$
. So
is Cohen–Macaulay, a contradiction.
We learned the following argument from [Reference Horiuchi, Miller and Shimomoto11, Lemma A.1]. Since it is a crucial technique of this paper, we provide a detailed proof.
Proposition 3.7. Let
be a local ring of prime characteristic
a regular element of
. Let
be a positive integer such that the map
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s-1}(R)\overset{x}{\rightarrow }H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s-1}(R)$
is surjective and the Frobenius action on
is injective, then the map

is injective.
Proof. The natural commutative diagram

induces the following commutative diagram (the left most
comes from our hypothesis that the map
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s-1}(R)\overset{x}{\rightarrow }H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s-1}(R)$
is surjective):

$y\in \operatorname{Ker}(x^{p-1}F)\cap \text{Soc}(H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s}(R))$
. Then we have
$x\cdot y=0$
so there exists
$z\in H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s-1}(R/(x))$
such that
. Following the above commutative diagram we have

However, since both
are injective, we have
and hence
. This shows
is injective and hence completes the proof.◻
Proposition 3.7 immediately generalizes the main result of [Reference Horiuchi, Miller and Shimomoto11]:
Corollary 3.8. (Compare with [Reference Horiuchi, Miller and Shimomoto11], Main Theorem)
be a local ring of prime characteristic
a regular element of
. Suppose
-injective. Then we have
(i) The map
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{t}(R)\overset{x^{p-1}F}{\longrightarrow }H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{t}(R)$ is injective where
$t=\operatorname{depth}R$ . In particular, the natural Frobenius action on
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{t}(R)$ is injective.
(ii) Suppose
$x$ is a surjective element. Then the map
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)\overset{x^{p-1}F}{\longrightarrow }H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)$ is injective for all
$i\geqslant 0$ . In particular,
$R$ is
$F$ -injective.
(iii) If
$R/(x)$ is
$F$ -full (e.g.,
$R$ is
$F$ -anti-nilpotent or
$R$ is
$F$ -pure), then
$R$ is
$F$ -injective.
Proof. (i) Follows from Proposition 3.7 applied to
, (ii) also follows from Proposition 3.7 (because
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)\overset{x}{\rightarrow }H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)$
is surjective for every
$i\geqslant 0$
by Proposition 3.3), (iii) follows from (ii), because we know
is a surjective element by Proposition 3.5.◻
In the next two sections, we show that
-full and
-anti-nilpotent singularities both deform. We also prove new cases of deformation of
-injectivity. These results are generalizations of Proposition 3.7 and Corollary 3.8.
4 Deformation of
-full and
-anti-nilpotent singularities
In this section we prove that the condition
-full and
-anti-nilpotent both deform. Throughout this section we assume that
is a local ring of prime characteristic
. We begin with a crucial lemma.
Lemma 4.1. Let
be a surjective element of
. Let
$N\subseteq H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)$
be an
-stable submodule. Let
$L=\bigcap _{t}x^{t}N$
. Then
is an
-stable submodule of
and we have the following commutative diagram (for every
$e\geqslant 1$

is the map
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i-1}(R/(x))\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)$
Proof. Since
is a surjective element, by Proposition 3.3 we know that the map

Applying the local cohomology functor to the following commutative diagram:

we have the following commutative diagram:

for all
$i\geqslant 1$
$e\geqslant 1$
, where the rows are short exact sequences by
$(\star )$
Therefore, to prove the lemma, it suffices to show that
-stable and

is exact. It is clear that
-stable since it is an intersection of
-stable submodules of
. To see the exactness of the above sequence, first note that
, so
$L+\operatorname{Im}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D719})\subseteq L:_{H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)}x$
. Thus it is enough to check that
$L:_{H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)}x\subseteq L+\operatorname{Im}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D719})$
. Let
be an element such that
$xy\in L$
. Since
by the construction of
, there exists
$z\in L$
such that
. So
$y-z\in \operatorname{Im}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D719})$
and hence
$y\in L+\operatorname{Im}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D719})$
, as desired.◻
We are ready to prove the main result of this section. This answers [Reference Quy and Shimomoto20, Problem 4] for stably FH-finiteness.
Theorem 4.2.
be a local ring of positive characteristic
a regular element of
. Then we have:
(i) if
$R/(x)$ is
$F$ -anti-nilpotent, then so is
$R$ ;
(ii) if
$R/(x)$ is
$F$ -full, then so is
$R$ .
Proof. We first prove (i). Let
be an
-stable submodule of
. We want to show that the induced Frobenius action on
is injective. Since
is a surjective element by Proposition 3.5. Let
$L=\bigcap _{t}x^{t}N$
. By Lemma 4.1, we have the following commutative diagram:

We first claim that the middle map
$x^{p^{e}-1}F^{e}:H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)/L\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)/L$
is injective. Let
$y\in \operatorname{Ker}(x^{p^{e}-1}F^{e})\cap \text{Soc}(H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)/L)$
. We have
$x\cdot y=0$
, so
for some
$z\in H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i-1}(R/(x))/\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}^{-1}(L)$
. It is easy to see that
is an
-stable submodule of
. Since
-anti-nilpotent, we know the Frobenius action
, and hence its iterate
, on
is injective. Therefore,
and hence
. This proves that
and hence
acts injectively on
Note that we have a descending chain
$N\supseteq xN\supseteq x^{2}N\supseteq \cdots \,.$
is Artinian,
$L=\bigcap _{t}x^{t}N=x^{n}N$
for all
$n\gg 0$
. We next claim that
, this will finish the proof because we already showed
acts injectively on
. We have
$x^{p^{e}-1}F^{e}(N)\subseteq x^{p^{e}-1}N=L$
$e\gg 0$
, but the map
$x^{p^{e}-1}F^{e}:H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)/L\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)/L$
is injective by the above paragraph. So we must have
$N\subseteq L$
and thus
. This completes the proof of (1).
Next we prove (ii). The method is similar to that of (i). Let
be the
-span of
, this is the same as the image of
$\mathscr{F}_{R}(H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R))\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)$
. It is clear that
is an
-stable submodule. We want to show
. Since
is a surjective element by Proposition 3.5. Let
$L=\bigcap _{t}x^{t}N$
. By Lemma 4.1, we have the following commutative diagram:

The descending chain
$N\supseteq xN\supseteq x^{2}N\supseteq \cdots \,$
stabilizes because
is Artinian. So
$L=\bigcap _{t}x^{t}N=x^{n}N$
$n\gg 0$
. The key point is that in the above diagram, the middle Frobenius action
is the zero map on
$e\gg 0$
, because for any
$y\in H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)$
$F^{e}(y)\in N$
and thus
$x^{p^{e}-1}F^{e}(y)\in L$
$e\gg 0$
. But then since
can be viewed as a submodule of
by the above commutative diagram, the natural Frobenius action
is zero, that is,
is nilpotent on
is nilpotent on
, we know that
must contain all elements
, hence it contains the
-span of
. But
-full, so we must have
. But this means the map

is an isomorphism, which is impossible unless
(since otherwise any nonzero socle element of
maps to zero). Therefore, we have
. This proves
-full and hence finished the proof of (2).◻
The following is a well-known counter-example of Fedder [Reference Fedder6] and Singh [Reference Singh22] for the deformation of
Example 4.3. (Compare with [Reference Quy and Shimomoto20, Lemma 6.1])
be a perfect field of characteristic
and let

denote the image of
(and its quotients), respectively. Then
is a regular element of
$R/(y)\cong K[[U,V,Z]]/(UV,UZ,VZ)$
-pure by [Reference Hochster and Roberts12, Proposition 5.38]. So
-anti-nilpotent by [Reference Ma16, Theorem 1.1]. By Theorem 4.2 we have
is also
-anti-nilpotent, or equivalently,
is stably
-injectivity and depth
We start with the following definition.
Definition 5.1. (Cf. [Reference Brodmann and Sharp3, Definition 9.1.3]) Let
be a finitely generated module over a local ring
. The finiteness dimension
with respect to
is defined as follows:

Remark 5.2.
(i) Assume that
$\dim M=0$ or
$M=0$ (recall that a trivial module has dimension
$-1$ ). In this case,
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(M)$ is finitely generated for all
$i$ and
$f_{\mathfrak{m}}(M)$ is equal to
$\infty$ . It will be essential to know when the finiteness dimension is a positive integer. We mention the following result. Let
$(R,\mathfrak{m})$ be a local ring and let
$M$ be a finitely generated
$R$ -module. If
$d=\dim M>0$ , then the local cohomology module
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{d}(M)$ is not finitely generated. For the proof of this result, see [Reference Brodmann and Sharp3, Corollary 7.3.3].
(ii) Suppose
$(R,\mathfrak{m})$ is an image of a Cohen–Macaulay local ring. By the Grothendieck finiteness theorem (cf. [Reference Brodmann and Sharp3, Theorem 9.5.2]) we have
$$\begin{eqnarray}f_{\mathfrak{m}}(M)=\min \{\operatorname{depth}M_{\mathfrak{p}}+\dim R/\mathfrak{p}\,:\,\mathfrak{p}\in \text{Supp}(M)\setminus \{\mathfrak{m}\}\}.\end{eqnarray}$$
$M$ is generalized Cohen–Macaulay if and only if
$\dim M=f_{\mathfrak{m}}(M)$ .
It is clear that
$\operatorname{depth}R\leqslant f_{\mathfrak{m}}(R)\leqslant \dim R$
. The following result says that if
-injective, then
has ‘good’ depth.
Theorem 5.3. If
-injective, then
Proof. Suppose
. The commutative diagram

induces the following commutative diagram

where both
and the left vertical map are injective. But
has finite length,
$x^{p^{e}-1}F^{e}:H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{t}(R)\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{t}(R)$
vanishes for
$e\gg 0$
, which is a contradiction.◻
Remark 5.4. The assertion of Theorem 5.3 also holds true if
-full. Indeed, by Proposition 3.5 we have
is a surjective element. Hence there is no nonzero
of finite length. Thus
Remark 5.5. The above result is closely related to the work of Schwede and Singh in [Reference Horiuchi, Miller and Shimomoto11, Appendix]. In the proof of [Reference Horiuchi, Miller and Shimomoto11, Lemma A.2, Theorem A.3], it is claimed that if
satisfies the Serre condition
for all
$\text{Spec}^{\circ }(R)$
, the punctured spectrum of
, and
, then
is finitely generated. But this fact may not be true if
is not equidimensional. For instance, let
$R=K[[a,b,c,d]]/(a)\cap (b,c,d)$
a field. We have
for all
$\mathfrak{p}\in \text{Spec}^{\circ }(R)$
. However,
is not finitely generated.
The assertion of [Reference Horiuchi, Miller and Shimomoto11, Lemma A.2] (and hence [Reference Horiuchi, Miller and Shimomoto11, Theorem A.3]) is still true. In fact, we can reduce it to the case that
is equidimensional. We fill this gap below.
Corollary 5.6. [Reference Horiuchi, Miller and Shimomoto11, Lemma A.2]
be an
-finite local ring. Suppose there exists a regular element
such that
-injective. If
satisfies the Serre condition
for all
$\mathfrak{p}\in \text{Spec}^{\circ }(R)$
, then
Proof. We can assume that
$k\leqslant d=\dim R$
. In fact, we need only to prove that
$t:=\operatorname{depth}R\geqslant k$
. The case
is trivial since
contains a regular element
. For
$k\geqslant 2$
, since
-injective we have
is reduced (cf. [Reference Schwede21, Proposition 4.3]). Hence
$\operatorname{depth}(R/(x))\geqslant 1$
, so
$\operatorname{depth}R\geqslant 2$
. Thus
satisfies the Serre condition
. On the other hand, since
is a homomorphic image of a regular ring by a result of Gabber [Reference Gabber7, Remark 13.6]. In particular,
is universally catenary.Footnote
But if a universally catenary ring satisfies
, then it is equidimensional (see [Reference Hochster and Huneke10, Remark 2.2(h)]). By Theorem 5.3 and Remark 5.2(ii), there exists a prime ideal
$\mathfrak{p}\in \text{Spec}^{\circ }(R)$
such that
$\operatorname{depth}R=\operatorname{depth}R_{\mathfrak{p}}+\dim R/\mathfrak{p}$
. It is then easy to see that
$\operatorname{depth}R\geqslant \min \{d,k+1\}\geqslant k$
. The proof is complete.◻
Remark 5.7. In the above argument, we actually proved that if
, then
$\operatorname{depth}R\geqslant k+1$
5.2 Deformation of
We begin with the following generalization of the notion of surjective elements.
Definition 5.8. (Cf. [Reference Cuong, Morales and Nhan4])
A regular element
is called a strictly filter regular element if

has finite length for all
$i\geqslant 0$
Lemma 5.9. Let
be a local ring of characteristic
. Suppose the residue field
is perfect. Let
be an
-module with an injective Frobenius action
. Suppose
is an
-stable submodule of
of finite length. Then the induced Frobenius action on
is injective.
Proof. First we note that
is killed by
: suppose
$x\in L$
, then
$F^{e}(\mathfrak{m}\cdot x)=\mathfrak{m}^{[p^{e}]}\cdot x=0$
$e\gg 0$
has finite length. But then
$\mathfrak{m}\cdot x=0$
acts injectively. Now we have a Frobenius action
on a
-vector space
. Call the image of
$L^{\prime }\subseteq L$
(which is a
-vector subspace of
). Since
is injective, the
-vector space dimension of
$L^{\prime }$
is equal to the
-vector space dimension of
. But since
, this implies
$L^{\prime }=L$
and thus
is surjective, hence
is bijective. Now by the injectivity of
again we have
$F(x)\notin L$
for all
$x\notin L$
. Thus
$F:M/L\rightarrow M/L$
is injective.◻
Example 5.10. The perfectness of the residue field in Lemma 5.9 is necessary. Let
, where
is an indeterminate. We consider the Frobenius action on the
$Ae_{1}\oplus Ae_{2}$
defined by

It is clear that
is injective. Moreover,
$Ae_{1}\oplus 0$
is an
-stable submodule of
$Ae_{1}\oplus Ae_{2}$
. Since
$F(Ae_{1}\oplus Ae_{2})\subseteq Ae_{1}\oplus 0$
, the induced Frobenius action on
$(Ae_{1}\oplus Ae_{2})/(Ae_{1}\oplus 0)$
is the zero map. By localizing, we obtain an injective Frobenius action on
$M=k\cdot e_{1}\oplus k\cdot e_{2}$
$L=k\cdot e_{1}\oplus 0$
is an
-stable submodule of finite length, but the induced Frobenius action on
is not injective.
The following is a generalization of the main result of [Reference Horiuchi, Miller and Shimomoto11] when
is perfect.
Theorem 5.11. Let
be a Noetherian local ring of characteristic
. Suppose the residue field
is perfect. Let
be a strictly filter regular element. If
-injective, then the map
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)$
is injective for every
, in particular
Proof. Let
$L_{i}:=\operatorname{Coker}(H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)\overset{x}{\rightarrow }H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R))$
, we have
has finite length for all
$i\geqslant 0$
. The commutative diagram

induces the following commutative diagram

Therefore, we have the following commutative diagram

with the Frobenius action
$F:H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i-1}(R/(x))/L_{i-1}\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i-1}(R/(x))/L_{i-1}$
is injective by Lemma 5.9. Now by the same method as in the proof of Proposition 3.7 or Theorem 4.2(i), we conclude that the map
$x^{p-1}F:H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)$
is injective for all
$i\geqslant 0$
Similarly, we have the following:
Proposition 5.12. Let
be a Noetherian local ring of characteristic
. Suppose the residue field
is perfect. Let
be a regular element such that
-injective. Let
be a positive integer such that
has finite length. Then the map
$x^{p-1}F:H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s+1}(R)\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s+1}(R)$
is injective.
Proof. The short exact sequence

induces the exact sequence

has finite length, so is
$\operatorname{Ker}(H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s}(R)\overset{x}{\rightarrow }H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s}(R))$
. We claim that

also has finite length: to see this we may assume
is complete, since
$\operatorname{Ker}(H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s}(R)\overset{x}{\rightarrow }H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s}(R))$
has finite length, this means
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s}(R)^{\vee }\overset{x}{\rightarrow }H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s}(R)^{\vee }$
is surjective when localizing at any
$\mathfrak{p}\neq \mathfrak{m}$
. But by [Reference Matsumura19, Theorem 2.4] this implies
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s}(R)^{\vee }\overset{x}{\rightarrow }H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s}(R)^{\vee }$
is an isomorphism when localizing at any
$\mathfrak{p}\neq \mathfrak{m}$
. Thus
$\operatorname{Ker}(H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s}(R)^{\vee }\overset{x}{\rightarrow }H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s}(R)^{\vee })$
has finite length which, after dualizing, shows that
$\operatorname{Coker}(H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s}(R)\overset{x}{\rightarrow }H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s}(R))$
has finite length.
We have proved
$L_{s}=\operatorname{Coker}(H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s}(R)\overset{x}{\rightarrow }H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s}(R))$
has finite length. Now the map
$x^{p-1}F:H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s+1}(R)\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{s+1}(R)$
is injective by the same argument as in Theorem 5.11.◻
The following immediate corollary of the above proposition recovers (and in fact generalizes) results in [Reference Horiuchi, Miller and Shimomoto11].
Corollary 5.13. [Reference Horiuchi, Miller and Shimomoto11, Corollary 4.7]
be a Noetherian local ring of characteristic
. Suppose the residue field
is perfect. Let
be a regular element such that
-injective. Then the map
$x^{p-1}F:H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)\rightarrow H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{i}(R)$
is injective for all
$i\leqslant f_{\mathfrak{m}}(R/(x))+1$
. In particular, if
is generalized Cohen–Macaulay, then
Because of the deep connections between
-injective and Du Bois singularities [Reference Bhatt, Schwede and Takagi1, Reference Schwede21] and Remark 2.6, we believe that it is rarely the case that an
-injective ring fails to be
-full (again, the only example we know this happens is [Reference Ma, Schwede and Shimomoto18, Example 3.5], which is based on the construction of [Reference Enescu and Hochster5, Example 2.16]). Therefore, we introduce:
Definition 5.14. We say
is strongly
-injective if
-injective and
Remark 5.15. In general we have:
-injective. Moreover, when
is Cohen–Macaulay, strongly
-injective is equivalent to
We can prove that strong
-injectivity deform.
Corollary 5.16. Let
be a regular element on
. If
is strongly
-injective, then
is strongly