The general structure of smooth noncomplete surfaces
with negative (logarithmic) Kodaira dimension is not fully understood yet. For say smooth quasi-projective surfaces over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, it was established by Keel and McKernan [Reference Keel and McKernan10] that the negativity of the Kodaira dimension is equivalent to the fact that
is generically covered by images of the affine line
in the sense that the set of points
$x\in X$
with the property that there exists a nonconstant morphism
$f:\mathbb{A}^{1}\rightarrow X$
such that
$x\in f(\mathbb{A}^{1})$
is dense in
with respect to the Zariski topology. This property, called
-uniruledness is equivalent to the existence of an open embedding
into a complete variety
covered by proper rational curves meeting the boundary
$B=\overline{X}\setminus X$
in at most one point. In the case where
is smooth and affine, an earlier deep result of Miyanishi–Sugie and Fujita [Reference Miyanishi and Sugie14] asserts the stronger property that
-ruled: there exists a Zariski dense open subset
$U\subset X$
of the form
$U\simeq Z\times \mathbb{A}^{1}$
for a suitable smooth curve
. Equivalently,
admits a surjective flat morphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X\rightarrow C$
to an open subset
of a smooth projective model
, whose generic fiber is isomorphic to the affine line over the function field of
. Such a morphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X\rightarrow C$
is called an
-fibration, and
is said to be of affine type or complete type when the base curve
is affine or complete, respectively.
-uniruled but not
-ruled affine varieties are known to exist in every dimension
[Reference Dubouloz and Kishimoto1]. Many examples of
-uniruled affine threefolds can be constructed in the form of flat families
$f:X\rightarrow B$
of smooth
-ruled affine surfaces parametrized by a smooth base curve
. For instance, the complement
of a smooth cubic surface
$S\subset \mathbb{P}_{\mathbb{C}}^{3}$
is the total space of a family
$f:X\rightarrow \mathbb{A}^{1}=\text{Spec}(\mathbb{C}[t])$
-ruled surfaces induced by the restriction of a pencil
generated by
and three times a tangent hyperplane
whose intersection with
consists of a cuspidal cubic curve. The general fibers of
have negative Kodaira dimension, carrying
-fibrations of complete type only, and the failure of
-ruledness is intimately related to the fact that the generic fiber
, which is a surface defined over the field
, does not admit any
-fibration defined over
. Nevertheless, it was noticed in [Reference Gurjar, Masuda and Miyanishi3, Theorem 6.1] that one can infer straight from the construction of
$f:X\rightarrow \mathbb{A}^{1}$
the existence of a finite base extension
$\text{Spec}(L)\rightarrow \text{Spec}(K)$
for which the surface
$X_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}}\times _{\text{Spec}(K)}\text{Spec}(L)$
carries an
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}}\times _{\text{Spec}(K)}\text{Spec}(L)\rightarrow \mathbb{P}_{L}^{1}$
defined over the field
A natural question is then to decide whether this phenomenon holds in general for families
$f:X\rightarrow B$
-ruled affine surfaces parameterized by a smooth base curve
, namely, does the existence of
-fibrations on the general fibers of
imply the existence of one on the generic fiber of
, possibly after a finite extension of the base
? A partial positive answer is given by Gurjar et al. [Reference Gurjar, Masuda and Miyanishi3, Theorem 3.8] under the additional assumption that the general fibers of
-fibrations of affine type. The main result in Gurjar et al. [Reference Gurjar, Masuda and Miyanishi3, Theorem 3.8] is derived from the study of log-deformations of suitable relative normal projective models
$\overline{f}:(\overline{X},D)\rightarrow B$
with appropriate boundaries
. It is established in particular that the structure of the boundary divisor of a well-chosen smooth projective completion of a general closed fiber
is stable under small deformations, a property which implies in turn, possibly after a finite extension of the base
, the existence of an
-fibration of affine type on the generic fiber of
. This log-deformation theoretic approach is also central in the related recent work of Flenner et al. [Reference Flenner, Kaliman and Zaidenberg2] on the classification of normal affine surfaces with
-fibrations of affine type up to a certain notion of deformation equivalence, defined for families which admit suitable relative projective models satisfying Kamawata’s axioms of logarithmic deformations of pairs [Reference Kawamata8]. The fact that the
-fibrations under consideration are of affine type plays again a crucial role and, in contrast with the situation considered in [Reference Gurjar, Masuda and Miyanishi3], the restrictions imposed on the families imply the existence of
-fibrations of affine type on their generic fibers.
Our main result (Theorem 7) consists of a generalization of the results in [Reference Gurjar, Masuda and Miyanishi3] to families
$f:X\rightarrow S$
-ruled surfaces over an arbitrary normal base
, which also includes the case where a general closed fiber
-fibrations of complete type only. In particular, we obtain the following positive answer to [Reference Gurjar, Masuda and Miyanishi3, Conjecture 6.2]:
$f:X\rightarrow S$
be a dominant morphism between normal complex algebraic varieties whose general fibers are smooth
-ruled affine surfaces. Then there exist a dense open subset
$S_{\ast }\subset S$
, a finite étale morphism
$T\rightarrow S_{\ast }$
and a normal
$h:Y\rightarrow T$
such that the induced morphism
$f_{T}=\text{p}r_{T}:X_{T}=X\times _{S_{\ast }}T\rightarrow T$
factors as

$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X_{T}\rightarrow Y$
is an
In contrast with the log-deformation theoretic strategy used in [Reference Gurjar, Masuda and Miyanishi3], which involves the study of certain Hilbert schemes of rational curves on well-chosen relative normal projective models
$\overline{f}:(\overline{X},B)\rightarrow S$
, our approach is more elementary, based on the notion of Kodaira dimension [Reference Iitaka7] adapted to the case of geometrically connected varieties defined over arbitrary base fields of characteristic zero. Indeed, the hypothesis means equivalently that the general fibers of
have negative Kodaira dimension. This property is in turn inherited by the generic fiber of
, which is a smooth affine surface defined over the function field of
, thanks to a standard Lefschetz principle argument. Then we are left with checking that a smooth affine surface
defined over an arbitrary base field
of characteristic zero and with negative Kodaira dimension admits an
-fibration, possibly after a suitable finite base extension
$\text{Spec}(k_{0})\rightarrow \text{Spec}(k)$
, a fact which ultimately follows from finite type hypotheses and the aforementioned characterization of Miyanishi and Sugie [Reference Miyanishi and Sugie14].
The article is organized as follows. The first section contains a review of the structure of smooth affine surfaces of negative Kodaira dimension over arbitrary base fields
of characteristic zero. We show in particular that every such surface
admits an
-fibration after a finite extension of the base field
, and we give criteria for the existence of
-fibrations defined over
. These results are then applied in the second section to the study of deformations
$f:X\rightarrow S$
of smooth
-ruled affine surfaces: after giving the proof of the main result, Theorem 7, we consider in more detail the particular situation where the general fibers of
$f:X\rightarrow S$
are irrational. In this case, after shrinking
if necessary, we show that the morphism
actually factors through an
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X\rightarrow Y$
over an
$h:Y\rightarrow S$
which coincides, up to birational equivalence, with the maximally rationally connected quotient of a relative smooth projective model
$\overline{f}:\overline{X}\rightarrow S$
. The last section is devoted to the case of affine threefolds equipped with a fibration
$f:X\rightarrow B$
by irrational
-ruled surfaces over a smooth base curve
: we explain in particular how to construct an
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X\rightarrow Y$
by means of a relative minimal model program applied to a smooth projective model
$\overline{f}:\overline{X}\rightarrow B$
-ruledness of affine surfaces over nonclosed field
In what follows, the term
-variety refers to a geometrically integral scheme of finite type over a base field
of characteristic zero. A
is said to be
-rational if it is birationally isomorphic over
to the projective space
, where
$n=\dim _{k}X$
. When no particular base field is indicated, we use simply the term rational to refer to a geometrically rational variety. We call a variety irrational if it is not rational in the previous sense.
1.1 Logarithmic Kodaira dimension
1.1.1. Let
be a smooth algebraic variety defined over a field
of characteristic zero. By virtue of Nagata compactification [Reference Nagata15] and Hironaka desingularization [Reference Hironaka5] theorems, there exists an open immersion
into a smooth complete algebraic variety
with reduced SNC boundary divisor
$B=\overline{X}\setminus X$
. The (logarithmic) Kodaira dimension
is then defined as the Iitaka dimension [Reference Iitaka6] of the pair
$(\overline{X};\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{\overline{X}}(\log B))$
, where
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{\overline{X}}(\log B)=(\det \unicode[STIX]{x1D6FA}_{\overline{X}/k}^{1})\otimes {\mathcal{O}}_{\overline{X}}(B)$
. So letting

we have
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D705}(X)=\text{tr}.\deg _{k}{\mathcal{R}}(\overline{X},B)-1$
$H^{0}(\overline{X},\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{\overline{X}}(\log B)^{\otimes m})\neq 0$
for sufficiently large
. Otherwise, if
$H^{0}(\overline{X},\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{\overline{X}}(\log B)^{\otimes m})=0$
for every
$m\geqslant 1$
, we set by convention
and we say that
is negative. The so-defined element
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D705}(X)\in \{-\infty \}\cup \left\{0,\ldots ,\text{dim}_{k}X\right\}$
is independent of the choice of a smooth complete model
[Reference Iitaka7].
Furthermore, the Kodaira dimension of
is invariant under arbitrary extensions of the base field
. Indeed, given an extension
$k\subset k^{\prime }$
, the pair
$(\overline{X}_{k^{\prime }},B_{k^{\prime }})$
obtained by the base change
$\text{Spec}(k^{\prime })\rightarrow \text{Spec}(k)$
is a smooth complete model of
$X_{k^{\prime }}=X\times _{\text{Spec}(k)}\text{Spec}(k^{\prime })$
with reduced SNC boundary
$B_{k^{\prime }}$
. Furthermore letting
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}:\overline{X}_{k^{\prime }}\rightarrow \overline{X}$
be the corresponding faithfully flat morphism, we have
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{\overline{X}_{k^{\prime }}}(\log B_{k^{\prime }})\simeq \unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}^{\ast }\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{X}(\log B)$
and so
${\mathcal{R}}(X_{k^{\prime }})\simeq {\mathcal{R}}(X)\otimes _{k}k^{\prime }$
by the flat base change theorem [Reference Hartshorne4, Proposition III.9.3]. Thus
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D705}(X)=\unicode[STIX]{x1D705}(X_{k^{\prime }})$
Example 1. The affine line
is the only smooth geometrically connected noncomplete curve
with negative Kodaira dimension. Indeed, let
be a smooth projective model of
and let
be the curve obtained by the base change to an algebraic closure
. Since
is noncomplete,
$B=\overline{C}_{\overline{k}}\setminus C_{\overline{k}}$
consists of a finite collection of closed points
$p_{1},\ldots ,p_{s}$
$s\geqslant 1$
, on which the Galois group
acts by
-automorphisms of
. Clearly,
$H^{0}(\overline{C}_{\overline{k}},\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{\bar{C}_{\overline{k}}}(\log B)^{\otimes m})\neq 0$
$\overline{C}_{\overline{k}}\simeq \mathbb{P}_{\overline{k}}^{1}$
. Since
is then necessarily
$\overline{C}\setminus C$
consists of unique
-rational point, showing that
$\overline{C}\simeq \mathbb{P}_{k}^{1}$
$C\simeq \mathbb{A}_{k}^{1}$
1.2 Smooth affine surfaces with negative Kodaira dimension
Recall that by virtue of [Reference Miyanishi and Sugie14], a smooth affine surface
defined over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero has negative Kodaira dimension if and only if it is
-ruled: there exists a Zariski dense open subset
$U\subset X$
of the form
$U\simeq Z\times \mathbb{A}^{1}$
for a suitable smooth curve
. In fact, the projection
$\text{pr}_{Z}:U\simeq Z\times \mathbb{A}^{1}\rightarrow Z$
always extends to an
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X\rightarrow C$
over an open subset
of a smooth projective model
. This characterization admits the following straightforward generalization to arbitrary base fields of characteristic zero:
Theorem 2. Let
be a smooth geometrically connected affine surface defined over a field
of characteristic zero. Then the following are equivalent:
(a) The Kodaira dimension
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D705}(X)$ of
$X$ is negative.
(b) For some finite extension
$k_{0}$ of
$k$ , the surface
$X_{k_{0}}$ contains an open subset
$U\simeq Z\times \mathbb{A}_{k_{0}}^{1}$ for some smooth curve
$Z$ defined over
$k_{0}$ .
(c) There exist a finite extension
$k_{0}$ of
$k$ and an
$\mathbb{A}^{1}$ -fibration
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X_{k_{0}}\rightarrow C_{0}$ over a smooth curve
$C_{0}$ defined over
$k_{0}$ .
Proof. Clearly (c) implies (b) and (b) implies (a). To show that (a) implies (c), we observe that letting
be an algebraic closure of
, we have
. It then follows from the aforementioned result of Miyanishi and Sugie [Reference Miyanishi and Sugie14] that
admits an
$q:X_{\overline{k}}\rightarrow C$
over a smooth curve
, with smooth projective model
. Since
are of finite type over
, there exists a finite extension
$k\subset k_{0}$
such that
$q:X_{\overline{k}}\rightarrow \overline{C}$
is obtained from a morphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X_{k_{0}}\rightarrow \overline{C}_{0}$
to a smooth projective curve
defined over
by the base extension
$\text{Spec}(\overline{k})\rightarrow \text{Spec}(k_{0})$
. By virtue of Example 1,
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X_{k_{0}}\rightarrow \overline{C}_{0}$
is an
Examples of smooth affine surfaces
of negative Kodaira dimension without any
-fibration defined over the base field but admitting
-fibrations of complete type after a finite base extension were already constructed in [Reference Dubouloz and Kishimoto1]. The following example illustrates the fact that a similar phenomenon occurs for
-fibrations of affine type, providing in particular a negative answer to [Reference Gurjar, Masuda and Miyanishi3, Problem 3.13].
Example 3. Let
$B\subset \mathbb{P}_{k}^{2}=\text{Proj}(k[x,y,z])$
be a smooth conic without
-rational point defined by a quadratic form
, where
$a,b\in k^{\ast }$
, and let
$\overline{X}\subset \mathbb{P}_{k}^{3}=\text{Proj}(k[x,y,z,t])$
be the smooth quadric surface defined by the equation
. The complement
$X\subset \overline{X}$
of the hyperplane section
is a
-rational smooth affine surface with
, which does not admit any
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X\rightarrow C$
over a smooth, affine or projective curve
. Indeed, if such a fibration existed then a smooth projective model of
would be isomorphic to
; since the fiber of
over a general
-rational point of
is isomorphic to
, its closure in
would intersect the boundary
$\overline{X}\setminus X\simeq B$
in a unique point, necessarily
-rational, in contradiction with the choice of
In contrast, for a suitable finite extension
$k\subset k^{\prime }$
, the surface
$X_{k^{\prime }}$
becomes isomorphic to the complement of the diagonal in
$\overline{X}_{k^{\prime }}\simeq \mathbb{P}_{k^{\prime }}^{1}\times \mathbb{P}_{k^{\prime }}^{1}$
and hence, it admits at least two distinct
-fibrations over
$\mathbb{P}_{k^{\prime }}^{1}$
, induced by the restriction of the first and second projections from
$\overline{X}_{k^{\prime }}$
. Furthermore, since
$X_{k^{\prime }}$
is isomorphic to the smooth affine quadric in
$\mathbb{A}_{k^{\prime }}^{3}=\text{Spec}(k^{\prime }[u,v,w])$
with equation
, it also admits two distinct
-fibrations over
$\mathbb{A}_{k^{\prime }}^{1}$
, induced by the restrictions of the projections
1.3 Existence of
-fibrations defined over the base field
1.3.1. The previous example illustrates the general fact that if
is a smooth geometrically connected affine surface with
which does not admit any
-fibration, then there exists a finite extension
$k^{\prime }$
such that
$X_{k^{\prime }}$
admits at least two
-fibrations of the same type, either affine or complete, with distinct general fibers. Indeed, by virtue of Theorem 2, there exists a finite extension
such that
admits an
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X_{k_{0}}\rightarrow C$
. Let
$k^{\prime }$
be the Galois closure of
in an algebraic closure of
and let
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}_{k^{\prime }}:X_{k^{\prime }}\rightarrow C_{k^{\prime }}$
be the
-fibration deduced from
. If
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}_{k^{\prime }}:X_{k^{\prime }}\rightarrow C_{k^{\prime }}$
is globally invariant under the action of the Galois group
$\text{Gal}(k^{\prime }/k)$
$X_{k^{\prime }}$
, in the sense that for every
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6F7}\in \text{Gal}(k^{\prime }/k)$
considered as a Galois automorphism of
$X_{k^{\prime }}$
there exists a commutative diagram
for a certain
$k^{\prime }$
$C_{k^{\prime }}$
, then we would obtain a Galois action of
$\text{Gal}(k^{\prime }/k)$
$C_{k^{\prime }}$
for which
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}_{k^{\prime }}:X_{k^{\prime }}\rightarrow C_{k^{\prime }}$
becomes an equivariant morphism. Since
$C_{k^{\prime }}$
is quasi-projective and
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}_{k}^{\prime }$
is affine, it would follow from Galois descent that there exist a curve
defined over
and a morphism
$q:X\rightarrow \tilde{C}$
defined over
such that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}_{k^{\prime }}:X_{k^{\prime }}\rightarrow C_{k^{\prime }}$
is obtained from
by the base change
$\text{Spec}(k^{\prime })\rightarrow \text{Spec}(k)$
. Since by virtue of Example 1 the affine line does not have any nontrivial form, the generic fiber of
would be isomorphic to the affine line over the field of rational functions of
and so,
$q:X\rightarrow \tilde{C}$
would be an
-fibration defined over
, in contradiction with our hypothesis. So there exists at least an element
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6F7}\in \text{Gal}(k^{\prime }/k)$
considered as a
-automorphism of
$X_{k^{\prime }}$
such that the
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}_{k^{\prime }}:X_{k^{\prime }}\rightarrow C_{k^{\prime }}$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}_{k^{\prime }}\circ \unicode[STIX]{x1D719}:X_{k^{\prime }}\rightarrow C_{k^{\prime }}$
have distinct general fibers.
Arguing backward, we obtain the following criterion:
Proposition 4. Let
be a smooth geometrically connected affine surface with
. If there exists a finite Galois extension
$k^{\prime }$
such that
$X_{k^{\prime }}$
admits a unique
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }:X_{k^{\prime }}\rightarrow C_{k^{\prime }}$
up to composition by automorphisms of
$C_{k^{\prime }}$
, then
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }:X_{k^{\prime }}\rightarrow C_{k^{\prime }}$
is obtained by base extension from an
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X\rightarrow C$
defined over
Corollary 5. A smooth geometrically connected irrational affine surface
has negative Kodaira dimension if and only if it admits an
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X\rightarrow C$
over a smooth irrational curve
defined over the base field
. Furthermore for every extension
$k^{\prime }$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}_{k^{\prime }}:X_{k^{\prime }}\rightarrow C_{k^{\prime }}$
is the unique
-fibration on
$X_{k^{\prime }}$
up to composition by automorphisms of
$C_{k^{\prime }}$
Proof. Uniqueness is clear since otherwise
$C_{k^{\prime }}$
would be dominated by a general fiber of another
-fibration on
$X_{k^{\prime }}$
, and hence would be rational, implying in turn the rationality of
. By virtue of Theorem 2, there exist a finite Galois extension
$k^{\prime }$
and an
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }:X_{k^{\prime }}\rightarrow C^{\prime }$
over a smooth curve
$C^{\prime }$
. The latter is irrational as
is irrational, which implies that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }:X_{k^{\prime }}\rightarrow C^{\prime }$
is the unique
-fibration on
$X_{k^{\prime }}$
. So
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }$
descend to an
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X\rightarrow C$
over a smooth irrational curve
defined over
The following example shows that the irrationality hypothesis cannot be weakened to the property that
is geometrically rational but not
Example 6. Let
$a\in \mathbb{Q}$
be a rational number which is not a cube and let
$S=S_{a}\subset \mathbb{P}_{\mathbb{Q}}^{3}=\text{Proj}_{\mathbb{Q}}(\mathbb{Q}[x,y,z,t])$
be the smooth cubic surface defined by the equation
. All lines on
are defined over the splitting field
of the polynomial
$u^{3}+a\in \mathbb{Q}[u]$
, and one checks by direct computation that no orbit of the action of the Galois group
$\text{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q})\simeq \mathfrak{S}_{3}$
consists of a disjoint union of such lines. It follows that the Picard number
is equal to
, hence by Segree–Manin Theorem that
is rational but not
-rational (see e.g., [Reference Kollár, Smith and Corti12, Exercise 2.18 and Theorem 2.1]). Let
$H=\left\{x+y=0\right\}\subset \mathbb{P}_{\mathbb{Q}}^{3}$
be the tangent hyperplane to
at the point
and let
$X=S\setminus (H\cap S)$
. So
is a smooth affine surface defined over
, and since the intersection of
consists of three lines meeting at the Eckardt point
, one checks easily that
. Thus
admits an
-fibration by virtue of [Reference Miyanishi and Sugie14], but we claim that
does not admit any such fibration defined over
. Indeed, suppose on the contrary that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}:X\rightarrow C$
is an
-fibration over a smooth curve defined over
. Since
is geometrically rational and contains a
-rational point, for instance the image by
of the point
$[0:-1:1:0]\in X(\mathbb{Q})$
, it is
-rational. But then
would be
-rational, a contradiction.
2 Families of
-ruled affine surfaces
2.1 Existence of étale
This subsection is devoted to the proof of the following:
Theorem 7. Let
be normal algebraic varieties defined over a field
of infinite transcendence degree over
, and let
$f:X\rightarrow S$
be a dominant affine morphism with the property that for a general closed point
$s\in S$
, the fiber
is a smooth geometrically connected affine surface with negative Kodaira dimension. Then there exist an open subset
$S_{\ast }\subset S$
, a finite étale morphism
$T\rightarrow S_{\ast }$
and a normal
$h:Y\rightarrow T$
such that
$f_{T}=\text{p}r_{T}:X_{T}=X\times _{S_{\ast }}T\rightarrow T$
factors as

$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X_{T}\rightarrow Y$
is an
Proof. Shrinking
if necessary, we may assume that
is affine, that
$f:X\rightarrow S$
is smooth and that
for every closed point
$s\in S$
. It is enough to show that the fiber
over the generic point
is geometrically connected, with negative Kodaira dimension. Indeed, if so, then by Theorem 2 above, there exist a finite extension
and an
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}}\times _{\text{Spec}(K)}\text{Spec}(L)\rightarrow C$
onto a smooth curve
defined over
. Letting
be the normalization of
and shrinking
again if necessary, we obtain a finite étale morphism
$T\rightarrow S$
such that the generic fiber of
$\text{pr}_{T}:X_{T}\rightarrow T$
is isomorphic to the
-fibered surface
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}}\times _{\text{Spec}(K)}\text{Spec}(L)\rightarrow C$
and then the assertion follows from Lemma 8 below.
The properties of being geometrically connectedness and having negative Kodaira dimension are invariant under finite algebraic extensions of the base field. So letting
be an algebraic closure of
, it is enough to show that the generic fiber of the induced morphism
$f_{\overline{k}}:X_{\overline{k}}\rightarrow S_{\overline{k}}$
is geometrically connected, of negative Kodaira dimension. We may thus assume from now on that
is algebraically closed. Since
are affine and of finite type over
, there exist a subfield
of finite transcendence degree over
, and a smooth morphism
$f_{0}:X_{0}\rightarrow S_{0}$
-varieties such that
$f:X\rightarrow S$
is obtained from
$f_{0}:X_{0}\rightarrow S_{0}$
by the base extension
$\text{Spec}\left(k\right)\rightarrow \text{Spec}(k_{0})$
. The field
has finite transcendence degree over
and hence, it admits a
. Letting
be the fiber of
over the generic point
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}_{0}:\text{Spec}(K_{0})\rightarrow S_{0}$
, the composition
induces a
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}(S_{0},{\mathcal{O}}_{S_{0}})\otimes _{k_{0}}k\rightarrow k$
defining a closed point
$s:\text{Spec}(k)\rightarrow \text{Spec}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}(S_{0},{\mathcal{O}}_{S_{0}})\otimes _{k_{0}}k)=S$
for which we obtain the following commutative diagram
The bottom square of the cube being Cartesian by construction, we deduce that

Since by assumption,
is geometrically connected with
, we conclude that
is geometrically connected and has negative Kodaira dimension. This implies in turn that
is geometrically connected and that
as desired.◻
In the proof of the above theorem, we used the following lemma:
Lemma 8. Let
$f:X\rightarrow S$
be a dominant affine morphism between normal varieties defined over a field
of characteristic zero. Then the following are equivalent:
(a) The generic fiber
$X_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}}$ of
$f$ admits an
$\mathbb{A}^{1}$ -fibration
$q:X_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}}\rightarrow C$ over a smooth curve
$C$ defined over the fraction field
$K$ of
$S$ .
(b) There exist an open subset
$S_{\ast }$ of
$S$ and a normal
$S_{\ast }$ -scheme
$h:Y\rightarrow S_{\ast }$ of relative dimension
$1$ such that the restriction of
$f$ to
$V=f^{-1}(S_{\ast })$ factors as
$f\mid _{V}=h\circ \unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:V\rightarrow Y\rightarrow S_{\ast }$ where
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:V\rightarrow Y$ is an
$\mathbb{A}^{1}$ -fibration.
Proof. If (b) holds then letting
be the fraction field of
, we have a commutative diagram
in which each square is Cartesian. It follows that
$h_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}}:C\rightarrow \text{Spec}(K)$
is a normal whence smooth curve defined over
and that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}}:X_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}}\rightarrow C$
is an
-fibration. Conversely, suppose that
admits an
$q:X_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}}\rightarrow C$
and let
be a smooth projective model of
. Then there exist an open subset
and a projective
$h:Y\rightarrow S_{0}$
whose generic fiber is isomorphic to
. After shrinking
if necessary, the rational map
-schemes induced by
becomes a morphism and we obtain a factorization
$f\mid _{V}=h\circ \unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}$
. By construction, the generic fiber
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:V\rightarrow Y$
is isomorphic to

$V\times _{Y}C\simeq V_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}}\simeq X_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}}$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}}\rightarrow C{\hookrightarrow}\overline{C}$
is an
-fibration. So
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:V\rightarrow Y$
is an
Example 9. Let
$R=\mathbb{C}[s^{\pm 1},t^{\pm 1}]$
and let
be the relatively ample divisor in
defined by the equation
. The restriction
$h:X=\mathbb{P}_{S}^{2}\setminus D\rightarrow S$
of the structure morphism defines a family of smooth affine surfaces with the property that for every closed point
$s\in S$
is isomorphic to the complement in
of the smooth conic
. In particular,
admits a continuum of pairwise distinct
$X_{s}\rightarrow \mathbb{A}_{\mathbb{C}}^{1}$
, induced by the restrictions to
of the rational pencils on
generated by
and twice its tangent line at an arbitrary closed point
$p_{s}\in D_{s}$
. On the other hand, the fiber of
over the generic point
is a conic without
-rational point in
and hence, we conclude by a similar argument as in Example 3 that
does not admit any
-fibration defined over
. Therefore there is no open subset
$S_{\ast }$
over which
can be factored through an
2.2 Deformations of irrational
-ruled affine surfaces
In this subsection, we consider the particular situation of a flat family
$f:X\rightarrow S$
over a normal variety
whose general fibers are irrational
-ruled affine surfaces. A combination of Corollary 5 and Theorem 7 above implies that if
$f:X\rightarrow S$
is smooth and defined over a field of infinite transcendence degree over
, then the generic fiber
-ruled. Equivalently, there exist an open subset
$S_{\ast }\subset S$
and a normal
$S_{\ast }$
$h:Y\rightarrow S_{\ast }$
such that the restriction of
$X_{\ast }=X\times _{S}S_{\ast }$
factors through an
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X_{\ast }\rightarrow Y$
(see Lemma 8). The restriction of
to the fiber of
over a general closed point
$s\in S_{0}$
is an
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}_{s}:X_{s}\rightarrow Y_{s}$
over the normal, whence smooth, curve
. Since
is irrational,
is irrational, and so
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}_{s}:X_{s}\rightarrow Y_{s}$
is the unique
-fibration on
up to composition by automorphisms of
. So in this case, we can identify
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}_{s}:X_{s}\rightarrow Y_{s}$
with the Maximally Rationally Connected fibration (MRC-fibration)
of a smooth projective model
in the sense of [Reference Kollár11, IV.5]: recall that
is unique, characterized by the property that its general fibers are rationally connected and that for a very general point
$y\in Y_{s}$
any rational curve in
which meets
is actually contained in
. The
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X_{\ast }\rightarrow Y$
can therefore be re-interpreted as being the MRC-fibration of a relative smooth projective model
Reversing the argument, general existence and uniqueness results for MRC-fibrations allow actually to get rid of the smoothness hypothesis of a general fiber of
$f:X\rightarrow S$
and to extend the conclusion of Theorem 7 to arbitrary base fields of characteristic zero. Namely, we obtain the following characterization:
Theorem 10. Let
be normal varieties defined over a field
of characteristic zero and let
$f:X\rightarrow S$
be a dominant affine morphism with the property that for a general closed point
$s\in S$
, the fiber
is an irrational
-ruled surface. Then there exist a dense open subset
$S_{\ast }$
and a normal
$S_{\ast }$
$h:Y\rightarrow S_{\ast }$
such that the restriction of
$X_{\ast }=X\times _{S}S_{\ast }$
factors as

$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X_{\ast }\rightarrow Y$
is an
Proof. Shrinking
if necessary, we may assume that it is smooth and that for every closed point
$s\in S$
is irrational and
-ruled, hence carrying a unique
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{s}:X_{s}\rightarrow C_{s}$
over an irrational normal curve
. Since
$f:X\rightarrow S$
is affine, there exist a normal projective
$\overline{X}\rightarrow S$
and an open embedding
of schemes over
. Letting
$W\rightarrow \overline{X}$
be a resolution of the singularities of
, hence in particular of those of
, we may assume up to shrinking
again if necessary that
$W\rightarrow S$
is a smooth morphism. We let
be the birational map of
-schemes induced by the embedding
. By virtue of [Reference Kollár11, Theorem 5.9], there exist an open subset
$W^{\prime }$
, an
$h:Z\rightarrow S$
and a proper morphism
$\overline{q}:W^{\prime }\rightarrow Z$
such that for every
$s\in S$
, the induced rational map
is the MRC-fibration for
. On the other hand, since
is a smooth projective model of
, the induced rational map
is the MRC-fibration for
. Consequently, for a general closed point
$z\in Z$
, the fiber
, which is an irreducible proper rational curve contained in
, must coincide with the closure of the image by
of a general closed fiber of
. The latter being isomorphic to the affine line
over the residue field
of the corresponding point of
, we conclude that there exists an affine open subset
on which the composition
$\overline{q}\circ j:U\rightarrow Z$
is a well-defined morphism with general closed fibers isomorphic to affine lines over the corresponding residue fields. So
$\overline{q}\circ j:U\rightarrow Z$
is an
-fibration by virtue of [Reference Kambayashi and Miyanishi9]. The generic fiber of
$f:X\rightarrow S$
is thus
-ruled and the assertion follows from Lemma 8 above.◻
Example 11. Let
$h:Y\rightarrow S$
be a smooth family of complex projective curves of genus
$g\geqslant 2$
over a normal affine base
and let
be the relative tangent sheaf of
. Since by Riemman–Roch
$\dim H^{1}(Y_{s},{\mathcal{T}}_{Y/S,s})=3g-3$
for every point
$s\in S$
$h_{\ast }{\mathcal{T}}_{Y/S,s}=0$
$R^{1}h_{\ast }{\mathcal{T}}_{Y/S}$
is locally free of rank
[Reference Hartshorne4, Corollary III.12.9] and so,
$H^{1}(Y,{\mathcal{T}}_{Y/S})\simeq H^{0}(S,R^{1}h_{\ast }{\mathcal{T}}_{Y/S})$
by the Leray spectral sequence. Replacing
by an open subset, we may assume that
$R^{1}h_{\ast }{\mathcal{T}}_{Y/S}$
admits a nowhere vanishing global section
. Via the isomorphism
$H^{1}(Y,{\mathcal{T}}_{Y/S})\simeq \text{Ext}_{Y}^{1}({\mathcal{O}}_{Y},{\mathcal{T}}_{Y/S})$
, we may interpret this section as the class of a nontrivial extension
$0\rightarrow {\mathcal{T}}_{Y/S}\rightarrow {\mathcal{E}}\rightarrow {\mathcal{O}}_{Y}\rightarrow 0$
of locally free sheaves over
. The inclusion
${\mathcal{T}}_{Y/S}\rightarrow {\mathcal{E}}$
defines a section
of the locally trivial
$\overline{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}}:\overline{X}=\text{Proj}(\text{Sym}_{{\mathcal{O}}_{Y}}{\mathcal{E}}^{\vee })\rightarrow Y$
and the nonvanishing of
guarantees that
is the support of an
-ample divisor. Indeed the
-ampleness of
is equivalent to the property that for every
$s\in S$
the induced section
of the
$\overline{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}}_{s}:\overline{X}_{s}\rightarrow Y_{s}$
over the smooth projective curve
is ample. Since by construction,
$\overline{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}}_{s}\mid _{\overline{X}_{s}\setminus D_{s}}:\overline{X}_{s}\setminus D_{s}\rightarrow Y_{s}$
is a nontrivial torsor under the line bundle
$\text{Spec}(\text{Sym}{\mathcal{T}}_{Y_{s}}^{\vee })\rightarrow Y_{s}$
, it follows that
intersects positively every section
except maybe
itself. On the other hand, we have
, and so the ampleness of
follows from the Nakai–Moishezon criterion and the description of the cone effective cycles on an irrational projective ruled surface given in [Reference Hartshorne4, Propositions 2.20–2.21].
$X=\overline{X}\setminus D$
, we obtain a smooth family

$\overline{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}}\mid _{X}:X\rightarrow Y$
is a nontrivial, locally trivial,
-bundle such that for every
$s\in S$
is an affine surface with an
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}_{s}:X_{s}\rightarrow Y_{s}$
of complete type.
In contrast with the previous example, the following proposition shows in particular that if the total space of a family of irrational
-ruled affine surfaces
$f:X\rightarrow S$
has finite divisor class group, then the induced
-fibration on a general fiber of
$f:X\rightarrow S$
is necessarily of affine type.
Proposition 12. Let
be a geometrically integral normal affine variety with finite divisor class group
and let
$f:X\rightarrow S$
be a dominant affine morphism to a normal variety
with the property that for a general closed point
$s\in S$
, the fiber
is an irrational
-ruled surface, say with unique
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{s}:X_{s}\rightarrow C_{s}$
. Then there exists an effective action of the additive group scheme
such that for a general closed point
$s\in S$
, the
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{s}:X_{s}\rightarrow C_{s}$
factors through the algebraic quotient
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}_{s}:X_{s}\rightarrow X_{s}/\!/\mathbb{G}_{a,s}=\text{Spec}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}(X_{s},{\mathcal{O}}_{X_{s}})^{\mathbb{G}_{a,s}})$
Proof. Let
$f\mid _{X_{\ast }}=h\circ \unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X_{\ast }\stackrel{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}}{\longrightarrow }Y\stackrel{h}{\longrightarrow }S_{\ast }$
be as in Theorem 10. Since
is an
-fibration, there exists an affine open subset
$U\subset Y$
such that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{-1}(U)\simeq U\times \mathbb{A}^{1}$
as schemes over
. Since
is affine, its complement in
is of pure codimension
, and the finiteness of
implies that it is actually the support of an effective principal divisor
for some
$a\in \unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}(X,{\mathcal{O}}_{X})$
. Let
be the locally nilpotent derivation of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{-1}(U),{\mathcal{O}}_{X})\simeq \unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}(X,{\mathcal{O}}_{X})_{a}$
corresponding to the
-action by translations on the second factor. Since
is invertible in
, it belongs to the kernel of
, and the finite generation of
guarantees that for a suitably chosen
$n\geqslant 0$
is a locally nilpotent derivation
. By construction, the restriction of
to the dense open subset
is invariant under the corresponding
-action, and so
$f:X\rightarrow S$
-invariant. For a general closed point
$s\in S$
, the induced
-action on
is nontrivial, and its algebraic quotient
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}_{s}:X_{s}\rightarrow X_{s}/\!/\mathbb{G}_{a}=\text{Spec}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}(X_{s},{\mathcal{O}}_{X_{s}})^{\mathbb{G}_{a}})$
is a surjective
-fibration onto a normal affine curve
. Since
is irrational, the general fibers of
must coincide. It follows that
-invariant, whence factors through
3 Affine threefolds fibered in irrational
-ruled surfaces
In this section, we consider in more detail the case of normal complex affine threefolds
admitting a fibration
$f:X\rightarrow B$
by irrational
-ruled surfaces, over a smooth curve
. We explain how to derive the variety
$h:Y\rightarrow B$
for which
factors through an
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X\rightarrow Y$
from a relative minimal model program applied to a suitable projective model of
. In the case where the divisor class group of
is finite, we provide a complete classification of such fibrations in terms of additive group actions on
-cylinders via relative minimal model program
be a normal complex affine threefold and let
$f:X\rightarrow B$
be a flat morphism onto a smooth curve
with the property that a general closed fiber
is an irreducible irrational
-ruled surface. We let
$\overline{f}:W\rightarrow B$
be a smooth projective model of
obtained from an arbitrary normal relative projective completion
by resolving the singularities. We let
be the birational map induced by the open immersion
By applying a minimal model program for
, we obtain a sequence of birational

$\overline{f}_{i}:W_{i}\rightarrow B$
, where
is either a divisorial contraction or a flip, and the rightmost variety
$W^{\prime }$
is the output of a minimal model program over
. The hypotheses imply that
$W^{\prime }$
has the structure of a Mori conic bundle
$\overline{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}}:W^{\prime }\rightarrow Y$
over a projective
$h:Y\rightarrow B$
corresponding to the contraction of an extremal ray of
$\overline{\text{NE}}(W^{\prime }/B)$
. Indeed, a general fiber of
being a birationally ruled projective surface, the output
$W^{\prime }$
is not a minimal model of
. So
$W^{\prime }$
is either a Mori conic bundle over a
of dimension
or a del Pezzo fibration over
, the second case being excluded by the fact that the general fibers of
are irrational.
Proposition 13. The induced map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}=\overline{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}}\mid _{X}:X{\dashrightarrow}Y$
is a rational
Proof. Since a general closed fiber
is a normal affine surface with an
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{b}:X_{b}\rightarrow C_{b}$
over a certain irrational smooth curve
, it follows that there exists a unique maximal affine open subset
such that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{b}^{-1}(U_{b})\simeq U_{b}\times \mathbb{A}^{1}$
and such that the rational map
induced by
is regular, inducing an isomorphism between
and its image. Each step
consists of either a flip whose flipping and flipped curves are contained in fibers of
$\overline{f}_{i}:W_{i}\rightarrow B$
$\overline{f}_{i+1}:W_{i+1}\rightarrow B$
respectively, or a divisorial contraction whose exceptional divisor is contained in a fiber of
$\overline{f}_{i}:W_{i}\rightarrow B$
, or a divisorial contraction whose exceptional divisor intersects a general fiber of
$\overline{f}_{i}:W_{i}\rightarrow B$
. Clearly, a general closed fiber of
$\overline{f}_{i}:W_{i}\rightarrow B$
is not affected by the first two types of birational maps. On the other hand, if
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}_{i}:W_{i}\rightarrow W_{i+1}$
is the contraction of a divisor
$E_{i}\subset W_{i}$
which dominates
, then a general fiber of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}_{i}\mid _{E_{i}}$
is a smooth proper rational curve. The intersection of
with a general closed fiber
thus consists of proper rational curves, and its intersection with the image of the maximal affine cylinder like open subset
is either empty or composed of affine rational curves. Since
is an irrational curve, it follows that each irreducible component of
$E_{i}\cap (\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{b}^{-1}(U_{b}))$
is contained in a fiber of
. This implies that there exists an open subset
with the property that for every
$i=1,\ldots ,\ell$
, the restriction of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}_{i}\circ \cdots \circ \unicode[STIX]{x1D719}_{1}\circ j$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{b}^{-1}(U_{b,0})\subset X_{b}$
is an isomorphism onto its image in
. A general fiber of
$\overline{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}}:W^{\prime }\rightarrow Y$
over a closed point
$y\in Y$
being a smooth proper rational curve, its intersection with
viewed as an open subset of
$W_{h(y)}^{\prime }$
, is thus either empty or equal to a fiber of
. So by virtue of [Reference Kambayashi and Miyanishi9], there exists an open subset
on which
restricts to an
$\overline{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}}\mid _{V}:V\rightarrow Y$
Corollary 14. Let
be a normal complex affine threefold
equipped with a morphism
$f:X\rightarrow B$
onto a smooth curve
whose general closed fibers are irrational
-ruled surfaces. Then
is birationally equivalent to the product of
with a family
$h_{0}:{\mathcal{C}}_{0}\rightarrow B_{0}$
of smooth projective curves of genus
$g\geqslant 1$
over an open subset
$B_{0}\subset B$
Proof. By the previous Proposition,
has the structure of a rational
over a
-dimensional normal proper
$h:Y\rightarrow B$
. In particular,
is birational to
$Y\times \mathbb{P}^{1}$
. On the other hand, for a general closed point
$b\in B$
, the curve
is birational to the base
of the unique
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{b}:X_{b}\rightarrow C_{b}$
on the irrational affine surface
. Letting
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}:{\tilde{Y}}\rightarrow Y$
be a desingularization of
, there exists an open subset
over which the composition
$h\circ \unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}:{\tilde{Y}}\rightarrow Y$
restricts to a smooth family
$h_{0}:{\mathcal{C}}_{0}\rightarrow B_{0}$
of projective curves of a certain genus
$g\geqslant 1$
. By construction,
is birational to
${\mathcal{C}}_{0}\times \mathbb{P}^{1}$
Remark 15. Example 11 above shows conversely that for every smooth family
$h:{\mathcal{C}}\rightarrow B$
of projective curves of genus
$g\geqslant 2$
, there exists a smooth
-ruled affine threefold
birationally equivalent to
${\mathcal{C}}\times \mathbb{P}^{1}$
. Actually, in the setting of the previous Corollary 14, if we assume further that a general fiber of
$f:X\rightarrow B$
carries an
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{b}:X_{b}\rightarrow C_{b}$
over a smooth curve
whose smooth projective model has genus
$g\geqslant 2$
, then there exists a uniquely determined family
$h:{\mathcal{C}}\rightarrow B$
of proper stable curves of genus
such that
is birationally equivalent to
${\mathcal{C}}\times \mathbb{P}^{1}$
: indeed, the moduli stack
of stable curves of genus
$g\geqslant 2$
being proper and separated, the smooth family
$h_{0}:{\mathcal{C}}_{0}\rightarrow B_{0}$
extends in a unique way to a family
$h:{\mathcal{C}}\rightarrow B$
of stable curves of genus
3.2 Factorial affine threefolds
Proposition 16. Let
be a normal affine threefold with finite divisor class group
and let
$f:X\rightarrow B$
be a morphism onto a smooth curve
whose general closed fibers are irrational
-ruled surfaces. Then there exists a factorization
$f=h\circ \unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X\rightarrow Y\rightarrow B$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X\rightarrow Y$
is the algebraic quotient morphism of an effective
-action on
. In particular, a general fiber of
admits an
-fibration of affine type.
Proof. By virtue of Proposition 12, there exists an effective
-action on
such that for a general closed point
$b\in B$
, the
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{b}:X_{b}\rightarrow C_{b}$
factors through the algebraic quotient

is a threefold, the ring of invariants
is finitely generated [Reference Zariski16]. The quotient morphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:X\rightarrow Y=\text{Spec}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}(X,{\mathcal{O}}_{X})^{\mathbb{G}_{a,B}})$
is an
-fibration, and since
is a categorical quotient in the category of algebraic varieties, the invariant morphism
$f:X\rightarrow B$
factors through
Corollary 17. Let
$f:\mathbb{A}^{3}\rightarrow B$
be a morphism onto a smooth curve
with irrational
-ruled general fibers. Then
is isomorphic to either
and there exists a factorization
$f=h\circ \unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:\mathbb{A}^{3}\rightarrow \mathbb{A}^{2}\rightarrow B$
, where
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:\mathbb{A}^{3}\rightarrow \mathbb{A}^{2}$
is the quotient morphism of an effective
-action on
Proof. Since
is dominated by a general line in
, it is necessarily isomorphic to
. The second assertion follows from Proposition 16 and the fact that the algebraic quotient of every nontrivial
-action on
is isomorphic to
[Reference Miyanishi13].◻
Example 18. In Corollary 17 above, the base curve
need not be affine. For instance, the morphism

defines a family whose general member is isomorphic to the product
$C_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}\times \mathbb{A}^{1}$
$C_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}\subset \mathbb{A}^{2}=\text{Spec}(\mathbb{C}[xz-y^{2},x])$
is the affine elliptic curve with equation
. The subring
coincides with the ring of invariants of the
-action associated with the locally nilpotent
is the composition of the quotient morphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:\mathbb{A}^{3}\rightarrow \mathbb{A}^{2}=\mathbb{A}^{3}/\!/\mathbb{G}_{a}=\text{Spec}(\mathbb{C}[u,v])$
defined by
$(x,y,z)\mapsto (xz-y^{2},x)$
and of the morphism
$h:\mathbb{A}^{2}=\text{Spec}(\mathbb{C}[u,v])\rightarrow \mathbb{P}^{1}$
defined by
$\left(u,v\right)\mapsto [uv^{2}+1:u^{3}]$
Corollary 17 above implies in particular that if a general fiber of a regular function
$f:\mathbb{A}^{3}\rightarrow \mathbb{A}^{1}$
is irrational and admits an
-fibration, then the latter is necessarily of affine type. In contrast, regular functions
$f:\mathbb{A}^{3}\rightarrow \mathbb{A}^{1}$
whose general fibers are rational and equipped with
-fibrations of complete type only do exist, as illustrated by the following example.
Example 19. Let
$f=x^{3}-y^{3}+z(z+1)\in \mathbb{C}[x,y,z]$
and let
$f:\mathbb{A}^{3}=\text{Spec}(\mathbb{C}[x,y,z])\rightarrow \mathbb{A}^{1}=\text{Spec}(\mathbb{C}[\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}])$
be the corresponding morphism. The closure
of a general fiber
$S_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}=f^{\ast }(\unicode[STIX]{x1D706})$
is a smooth cubic surface which intersects the hyperplane
$H_{\infty }=\left\{t=0\right\}$
along the union
of three lines meeting at the Eckardt point
. Thus
is rational and a direct computation reveals that
. So by virtue of [Reference Miyanishi and Sugie14],
admits an
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}:S_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}\rightarrow C_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}$
over a smooth rational curve
. If
was affine, then there would exist a nontrivial
-action on
having the general fibers of
as general orbits. But it is straightforward to check that every automorphism of
considered as a birational self-map of
is in fact a biregular automorphism of
preserving the boundary
. So the automorphism group of
injects into the group
of automorphisms of the pair
. The latter being a finite group, we conclude that no such
-action exists, and hence that
only admits
-fibrations of complete type. An
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}:S_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}\rightarrow \mathbb{P}^{1}$
can be obtained as follows: letting
$B_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}=L_{1}\cup L_{2}\cup L_{3}$
is a member of a
-tuple of pairwise disjoint lines whose simultaneous contraction realizes
as a blow-up
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}:\overline{S}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}\rightarrow \mathbb{P}^{2}$
in such a way that
are respectively a smooth conic and its tangent line at the point
. The birational transform
of the pencil generated by
restricts to an
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}:S_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}\rightarrow \mathbb{P}^{1}$
with two degenerate fibers: an irreducible one, of multiplicity two, consisting of the intersection with
of the unique exceptional divisor of
whose center is supported on
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}(L_{3})\setminus \{p\}$
, and a smooth one consisting of the intersection with
of the four exceptional divisors of
with centers supported on
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}(L_{2})\setminus \left\{p\right\}$
The research was done during a visit of the first author at the University of Saitama. The authors thank this institution for its generous support and the excellent working conditions.