1 Introduction
This paper continues our study of the maximum number of lines on smooth quartic surfaces in
initiated in [Reference Rams and Schütt9, Reference Rams and Schütt10]. Starting from Segre’s original ideas and claims in [Reference Segre16], we proved in [Reference Rams and Schütt9] that a smooth quartic surface outside characteristics
contains at most 64 lines, with the maximum attained by Schur’s quartic [Reference Schur12]. In characteristic
, this specializes to the Fermat quartic which contains 112 lines, the maximum by [Reference Rams and Schütt10]. In characteristic
, however, both these quartics degenerate which opens the way to new phenomena. In this paper we study these phenomena and give a geometric proof that the maximum number of lines still cannot exceed 64:
Theorem 1.1. Let
be a field of characteristic
. Then any smooth quartic surface over
contains at most 64 lines.
After this paper was written, Degtyarev stated in [Reference Degtyarev2], partly based on machine-aided calculations from [Reference Degtyarev, Itenberg and Sertöz3], that the bound of Theorem 1.1 can be improved to 60 in characteristic
. The record is attained by a quartic with
-action which we shall exhibit explicitly in Section 8. We point out that unlike in other characteristics (by work of us and Veniani [Reference Rams and Schütt9, Reference Rams and Schütt10, Reference Veniani19]), there exist nonsmooth quartic K3 surfaces with more lines than in the smooth case, in fact with as many as 68 lines in characteristic
(see Remark 2.3), indicating how special this situation is.
We emphasize that originally we were expecting the bound from characteristics
$\neq 2,3$
to go up in characteristic
, since just like in characteristic
, there may be quasi-elliptic fibrations and the flecnodal divisor may degenerate. With this in mind, our previous best bound ended up at
in [Reference Rams and Schütt10, Proposition 1.3]. In contrast, this paper will show that quasi-elliptic fibrations in characteristic
cannot arise from lines on smooth quartics (see Proposition 2.1). Then we make particular use of special features of elliptic fibrations in characteristic 2, and of the Hessian, to preserve the original bound of
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews genus one fibrations for smooth quartics with lines with a special view toward quasi-elliptic fibrations. In Section 3, we discuss ramification types and the Hessian of a cubic in characteristic
to derive Segre’s upper bound for the number of lines met by a line of the so-called first kind on a smooth quartic surface. Lines of the second kind are analyzed in Section 4, much in the spirit of [Reference Rams and Schütt9]. The proof of Theorem 1.1 is given in Sections 5–7 by distinguishing which basic configurations of lines occur on the quartic. The paper concludes with an example of a smooth quartic over
containing 60 lines over
Convention 1.2. Throughout this note we work over an algebraically closed field
of characteristic
, since base change does not affect the validity of Theorem 1.1.
2 Genus one fibration
be a smooth quartic surface over an algebraically closed field
of characteristic
. Assuming that
contains a line
, the linear system
$|{\mathcal{O}}_{S}(1)-\ell |$
gives a pencil of cubic curves; explicitly these are obtained as residual cubics
is intersected with the pencil of planes
. In particular, we obtain a fibration

whose fibers are reduced curves of arithmetic genus one. Note that in general there need not be a section, and due to the special characteristic, the general fiber need not be smooth, that is, the fibration may a priori be quasi-elliptic. In fact, we shall instantly rule this latter special behavior out, but before doing so, we note the limited types of singular fibers (in Kodaira’s notation [Reference Kodaira5]) which may arise from a plane curve of degree
Table 1. Possible singular fibers of

While this is already quite restrictive for any genus one fibration, it determines the singular fibers of a quasi-elliptic fibration in characteristic
completely: the general fiber has Kodaira type
, and for Euler–Poincaré characteristic reasons, there are exactly 20 reducible fibers, all of type
. It turns out that this together with the theory of Mordell–Weil lattices provides enough information to rule out quasi-elliptic fibrations in our characteristic
Proposition 2.1. The fibration
cannot be quasi-elliptic.
Proof. Assume to the contrary that
is quasi-elliptic. Then
automatically is unirational, and thus supersingular, that is, the Néron–Severi group
has rank
equaling the second Betti number; endowed with the intersection pairing, the Néron–Severi lattice has discriminant

by [Reference Artin1]. We use the following basic result whose proof resembles that of [Reference Elkies and Schütt4, Theorem 2].
Lemma 2.2. If
is quasi-elliptic, then it admits a section.
Proof of Lemma 2.2.
If there were no section, then
would have multisection index
, thanks to the trisection
. Hence we can define an auxiliary integral lattice
of the same rank by dividing the general fiber

can be interpreted as index
overlattice of
, we obtain

By (2), this is not an integer, despite
being integral, giving the desired contradiction.◻
We continue the proof of Proposition 2.1 by picking a section of
and denoting it by
. Then
induces a section
which is obtained fiberwise (or on the generic fiber) from
by Abel’s theorem. By the theory of Mordell–Weil lattices [Reference Shioda17] (which also applies to quasi-elliptic fibrations), the class of
is computed as follows. Let
be the number of reducible fibers which are intersected by
in the linear component, and denote the respective component by
$\ell _{i}$
. Let
$\ell \cdot O=s$
. We claim that

To see this, it suffices to verify the following properties, using the fact that
$P\equiv \ell$
modulo the trivial lattice generated by
and fiber components:
$P$ meets every fiber with multiplicity one in a single component (the linear component; this is assured by subtracting
$2O$ and the
$\ell _{i}$ );
$P^{2}=-2$ (giving the coefficient of
$F$ in the representation of
$P$ ).
But then the Mordell–Weil group of a Jacobian quasi-elliptic fibration is always finite (compare [Reference Rudakov and Shafarevich11, Section 4]), so
has height zero. Using
and the correction terms
from each of the
reducible fibers where
meets the conic while
always meets the line, we find

Since the equation
has no integer solution (reduce modulo
!), we arrive at the required contradiction.◻
Remark 2.3. Once quasi-elliptic fibrations are excluded, one can adopt the techniques from [Reference Rams and Schütt9, Reference Rams and Schütt10] to prove without too much difficulty that
cannot contain more than 68 lines. While this is still a few lines away from Theorem 1.1, it is an interesting coincidence that there exists a one-dimensional family of nonsmooth quartic K3 surfaces (parameterized by
), that is, admitting only isolated ordinary double points as singularities, which contain as many as 68 lines:

We found this family experimentally during our search for smooth quartics with many lines (see Section 8). Generically, there is only a single (isolated) singularity; it is located at
and has type
. The minimal resolution of a general member of the family is a supersingular K3 surface of Artin invariant
Recently, Veniani proved in [Reference Veniani20] that 68 is indeed the maximum for the number of lines on quartic surfaces with at worst isolated ordinary double point singularities in characteristic
, and every surface attaining this maximum is projectively equivalent to a member of the above family.
3 Ramification and Hessian
In this section, we introduce two of the main tools for the proof of Theorem 1.1. It is instructive that both of them have different features in characteristic
than usual.
3.1 Ramification
First we consider the ramification of the restriction of the morphism
to the line

Since this morphism has degree
, it always has exactly 1 or 2 ramification points in characteristic
(because of Riemann–Hurwitz and wild ramification). We distinguish the ramification type of
according to the ramification points as follows:

The ramification type is relevant for our purposes because often one studies the base change of
$k(\ell )$
where by definition the fibration corresponding to
attains a section. In fact, we usually extend the base field to the Galois closure of
$k(\ell )/k(\mathbb{P}^{1})$
splits into three sections. Note that the field extension
$k(\ell )/k(\mathbb{P}^{1})$
itself is Galois if and only if
has ramification type
. Encoded in the ramification, one finds how the singular fibers behave under the base change, and more importantly, how they are intersected by the sections obtained from
3.2 Hessian
We now introduce the Hessian of the residual cubics
. To this end, we apply a projective transformation, so that

Then the pencil of hyperplanes in
is given by

(including the hyperplane
, so everything in what follows can be understood in homogeneous coordinates of
; we decided to opt for the affine notation for simplicity). The residual cubics
$S\cap H_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}$
are given by a homogeneous cubic polynomial

which is obtained from the homogeneous quartic polynomial
$f\in k[x_{1},x_{2},x_{3},x_{4}]$
by substituting
and factoring out
. Outside characteristic
, the points of inflection of
(which are often used to define a group structure on
, at least when one of them is rational) are given by the Hessian

In characteristic
, however, some extra divisibilities in the coefficients force us to modify the Hessian formally using the
until it takes the following shape (understood algebraically over
in terms of the generic coefficients of
before reducing modulo
and substituting):

(These manipulations must be known to the experts as they amount to the saturation of the ideal generated by
and its Hessian over
.) In order to use the Hessian for considerations of lines on
, Segre’s key insight from [Reference Segre16] was that
vanishes on each linear component of a given residual cubic
(or, if
is singular, but irreducible, in its singularity). That is, any line in a fiber of
(i.e., intersecting
) gives a zero of the following polynomial
, obtained by intersecting
(i.e., substituting
) and taking the resultant with respect to either remaining homogeneous variable:

More precisely, one computes that
has generically degree
, and that each line contributes to the zeroes of
on its own, that is, if some fiber contains three lines, then
attains a triple root:
Lemma 3.1. In the above set-up, assume that
(1) a fiber of type
$\text{I}_{3}$ or
$\text{IV}$ at
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}_{0}$ , then
$(\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}-\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}_{0})^{3}\mid R$ ;
(2) a fiber of type
$\text{I}_{2}$ or
$\text{III}$ with double ramification at
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}_{0}$ , then
$(\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}-\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}_{0})^{2}\mid R$ .
For degree reasons, one directly obtains the following upper bound, originally due to Segre over
, for the valency
$v(\ell )$
of the line
, that is, the number of other lines on
met by
Corollary 3.2. If
$R\not \equiv 0$
, then
$v(\ell )\leqslant 18$
This makes clear that we have to carefully distinguish whether
vanishes identically or not. Recall from [Reference Rams and Schütt9, Reference Segre16] how this leads to the following terminology:
Definition 3.3. The line
is said to be of the second kind if
$R\equiv 0$
. Otherwise, we call
a line of the first kind.
We next show that lines of the second kind behave essentially as in characteristic
$\neq 2,3$
. For lines of the first kind, the different quality of ramification changes the situation substantially, but it is not clear (to us) whether the valency bound from Corollary 3.2 is still sharp. (The lines on the record surface from Section 8 have all valency 17.)
4 Lines of the second kind
Since lines of the second kind in characteristic
turn out to behave mostly like in characteristics
$\neq 2,3$
, we will be somewhat sketchy in this section. That is, while trying to keep the exposition as self-contained as possible, we refer the reader back to [Reference Rams and Schütt9] for the details whenever possible.
be a line of the second kind. Then, by definition,
is contained in the closure of the flex locus on the smooth fibers. This severely limits the way how
may intersect the singular fibers. As in characteristics
$\neq 2,3$
in [Reference Rams and Schütt9], one obtains the following configurations depending on the ramification:
Lemma 4.1. A line of the second kind may intersect the singular fibers of
depending on the ramification as follows:

We emphasize that fibers of types
necessarily come with wild ramification in characteristic
; in fact they impose on the discriminant a zero of multiplicity at least 4 by [Reference Schütt and Schweizer14]. (In mixed characteristic, i.e., when specializing from characteristic zero to characteristic
, this can often be explained as some fiber of type
absorbing other irreducible singular fibers without changing its type, compare Lemma 4.2 with the results valid in characteristic zero from [Reference Rams and Schütt9, Lemma 4.3].)
As in [Reference Rams and Schütt9] we continue to argue with the base change of
to the Galois closure of
$k(\ell )/k(\mathbb{P}^{1})$
. By construction, this sees
split into three sections; taking one as zero for the group law, the others necessarily become
-torsion. In practice, this implies that fibers of types
have to even out—including two possible degenerations:
∙ a pair of fibers
$\text{I}_{1},\text{I}_{3}$ might merge to type
$\text{IV}$ ;
∙ two fibers of type
$\text{I}_{1}$ might merge to
$\text{I}_{2}$ , still paired with two
$\text{I}_{3}$ fibers.
In the next table, we thus group the fibers according to their Kodaira type in single entries
, pairs
and triples
. Since fiber type
automatically comes with double ramification by Lemma 4.1, we can bound the possible configurations of singular fibers (where the precise numbers depend on the index of wild ramification of the
Lemma 4.2. For a line of the second kind, the singular fibers of
can be configured as follows:

Corollary 4.3. Unless the line
of the second kind has ramification type
, it has valency

Otherwise one has
$v(\ell )\leqslant 20$
It is due to this result that we will have to pay particular attention to lines of the second kind with ramification type
. As it happens, quartics containing such a line are not hard to parametrize; in fact, a comparison with the proof of [Reference Rams and Schütt9, Lemma 4.5] shows that exactly the same argument as in characteristics
$\neq 2,3$
goes through:
Lemma 4.4. Let
be a line of the second kind on a smooth quartic
with ramification type
. Then
is projectively equivalent to a quartic in the family
given by the homogeneous polynomials

$\ell =\{x_{3}=x_{4}=0\}$
$q_{2}\in k[x_{3},x_{4}]_{(2)}$
$q_{4}\in k[x_{3},x_{4}]_{(4)}$
We will not need the precise location of all singular fibers of
in what follows, but we would like to highlight the ramified singular fibers of Kodaira type
. These degenerate to type
if and only if
(unless the surface attains singularities, for instance if
has a square factor). Note that if
is smooth and taken as in Lemma 4.4, then

For the record, we also note the following easy consequence of our considerations which we use occasionally to specialize to Jacobian elliptic fibrations:
Corollary 4.5. If
admits no section, or if no two lines on
intersect, then
contains at most 21 lines.
Proof. In the first case, since any line disjoint from
would give a section of
, we know that all lines on
. Hence the corollary follows from the combination of Corollaries 3.2 and 4.3.
In the second case, the lines give orthogonal
classes in
. Since the latter has signature
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}(X)\leqslant b_{2}(X)=22$
, the claim follows.◻
5 Proof of Theorem 1.1 in the triangle case
We break the proof of Theorem 1.1 into three cases, depending on which configurations of lines the smooth quartic
admits. They will be treated separately in this and the next two sections. Throughout this section, we work with a smooth quartic
satisfying the following assumption:
Assumption 5.1.
contains a triangle (or a star) composed of 3 lines.
Equivalently (since
is assumed to be smooth), there is a hyperplane
containing the three said lines and thus splitting completely into lines on

If neither of the lines
$\ell _{1},\ldots ,\ell _{4}$
is of the second kind, then each of them meets at most
lines on
by Corollary 3.2. Since any line on
, we find that
contains at most 64 lines as claimed.
If the lines are allowed to be of the second kind, but not of ramification type
, then Corollary 4.3 implies again that
contains at most 64 lines.
To complete the proof of Theorem 1.1 in the triangle case, it thus suffices to consider the case where one of the lines, say
$\ell _{1}$
, is of the second kind with ramification type
. Hence
can be given as in Lemma 4.4; in particular, it admits a symplectic automorphism
of order 3 acting by

for some primitive root of unity
. Note that
permutes the lines
$\ell _{2},\ell _{3},\ell _{4}$
(or of any triangle coplanar with
$\ell _{1}$
). In particular, these three lines are of the same type. As before, we continue to distinguish three cases:
$\ell _{2}$
is of the first kind, then consider the degree 18 polynomial
$R\in k[\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}]$
associated to the flex points of the genus one fibration induced by
$\ell _{2}$
. Locate the singular fiber
$\ell _{1}+\ell _{3}+\ell _{4}$
(of type
) at
. Then an explicit computation shows that

Since this divisibility exceeds the lower bound from Lemma 3.1, we infer from the arguments laid out in Section 3 that
$\ell _{2}$
meets at most 14 lines outside the fiber at
. In total, this gives

Together with Corollary 4.3, this shows that
contains at most 63 lines.
Similarly, if
$\ell _{2}$
is of the second kind, but not of ramification type
, then by Corollary 4.3, there are no more than 60 lines on
We conclude the proof of Theorem 1.1 in the triangle case by ruling out that
$\ell _{2}$
is of the second kind with ramification type
. (Over
this case leads either to Schur’s quartic (containing 64 lines) or to
being singular [Reference Rams and Schütt9, Lemma 6.2].) But presently the situation differs substantially since there can only be two ramification points anyway. Rescaling
, we can assume that the given line lies in the fiber at
; this determines the
-coefficient of
, say. Then, up to the action of
, it is given by

One checks that
$\ell _{2}$
has generically ramification type
; this degenerates to type
continuing to be smooth if and only if

where the prime indicates the formal derivative with respect to either
. Substituting for a coefficient of
, this directly implies

where we have located the
$\ell _{1}+\ell _{3}+\ell _{4}$
as in 5.3.1. Solving for
$R\equiv 0$
, we inspect the first few coefficients of
. Starting with the coefficient of
, a simple case-by-case analysis yields that
can only vanish identically if
is singular. This completes the proof of Theorem 1.1 in the triangle case.◻
6 Proof of Theorem 1.1 in the square case
Throughout this section, we work with a smooth quartic
satisfying the following assumption:
Assumption 6.1.
contains neither a triangle nor a star composed of 3 lines, but it does contain a square comprising 4 lines.
We shall refer to this situation as the square case. Our arguments are inspired by an approach due to Degtyarev and Veniani (see [Reference Veniani19]).
Lemma 6.2. If
contains no triangles or stars, then each line
has valency

Proof. Since the genus one fibration
induced by
cannot be quasi-elliptic by Proposition 2.1, the proof of Lemma 6.2 amounts to a simple Euler–Poincaré characteristic computation as the contributions of the singular fibers (including wild ramification) have to sum up to
. Presently, since
admits no triangles and stars by assumption,
can only have singular fibers of Kodaira types
. Hence there can be at most 12 fibers containing a line.◻
Denote any 4 lines forming a square on
$\ell _{1},\ldots ,\ell _{4}$
. Order the lines such that
$\ell _{i}.\ell _{j}=1$
if and only if
$i\not \equiv j\;\text{mod}\;2$
. Consider the two residual (irreducible) conics
such that the hyperplane class
decomposes on

Then the linear system
induces a genus one fibration

with fibers of degree
– one of them is exactly the square
$D=\ell _{1}+\cdots +\ell _{4}$
of Kodaira type
. Any line on
is either orthogonal to
and thus a fiber component of
, or it gives a section or bisection for
, thus contributing to the valency of one or two of the lines
$\ell _{i}$
. In total, this gives the upper bound

where the second equality follows from Lemma 6.2. We shall now study the possible fiber configurations to derive the following upper bound for the number of lines on
which will prove Theorem 1.1 in the square case.
Proposition 6.3. Under Assumption 6.1, the smooth quartic
contains at most 60 lines.
Before starting the proof of Proposition 6.3 properly, we note the possible reducible fibers of
Table 2. Possible reducible fibers of

Using the fact that additive fibers necessarily come with wild ramification (so that they contribute at least 4 to the Euler–Poincaré characteristic, see [Reference Schütt and Schweizer14, Proposition 5.1]), one can easily work out all fiber configurations possibly admitting more than 20 lines as fiber components:

To rule out all these configurations, we employ structural Weierstrass form arguments specific to characteristic
(which apply since we can always switch to the Jacobian of
). Similar arguments have been applied to the particular problem of maximal singular fibers of elliptic K3 surfaces in [Reference Schütt and Schweizer14].
6.1 General set-up
In characteristic
, an elliptic curve with given nonzero
can be defined by a Weierstrass form over a given field

As usual, this is unique up to quadratic twist, but here twists occur in terms of an extra summand
, with
-isomorphic surfaces connected by the Artin–Schreier map
$z\mapsto z^{2}+z$

The main approach now consists in substituting a conjectural
-invariant, given as quotient

associated to the usual integral Weierstrass form

Converting the twisted form of (3) with
-invariant from (5) to an integral model
, we arrive at the Weierstrass form

Which, outside very special cases, will be nonminimal at the zeroes of
. Then minimalizing is achieved by running Tate’s algorithm [Reference Tate18] which consequently gives relations between the coefficients of
$a_{1},D^{\prime }$
, or in some cases like ours leads to a contradiction. By inspection of (6), the polynomial
encodes singular or supersingular fibers. For immediate use, we record the following criterion which is borrowed from [Reference Schweizer15, Lemma 2.4(a)]:
Lemma 6.4. Assume that there is a supersingular place which is not singular. Locating it at
, the
-coefficient of
has to vanish.
Proof. By assumption,
$a_{1}=ta_{1}^{\prime }$
, so the integral Weierstrass form (6) reads

$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E5}=d_{0}+d_{1}t+\cdots \,$
, the fiber of the affine Weierstrass form at
has a singular point at
. Since
is a place of good reduction, the Weierstrass form is nonminimal. From Tate’s algorithm [Reference Tate18], this translates as
being in fact a surface singularity. Equivalently,
by Jacobi’s criterion.◻
Example 6.5. There cannot be a rational elliptic surface in characteristic
with singular fibers
. Otherwise,
for some squarefree degree 5 polynomial
and with
$a\neq 0$
. Since the surface is semistable, Lemma 6.4 kicks in to show that
, contradiction.
Remark 6.6. Note that the criterion of Lemma 6.4 applies after any Möbius transformation fixing
, and to any supersingular place that is not singular. Tracing the nonminimality argument further through Tate’s algorithm, one can, for instance, show that there do not exist elliptic fibrations in characteristic
with configuration of singular fibers
(as occurring on Schur’s quartic over
6.2 Nonexistence of the configurations
In each of the said cases, the
-invariant (5) is a perfect square. Equivalently,
arises from another elliptic fibration by a purely inseparable base change. (To see this, apply the variable transformation
$y\mapsto y+Dx$
to (4).) In the first two cases, this would lead to a rational elliptic surface with five
fibers; this cannot exist by [Reference Lang6] (which can be checked independently as in Example 6.5 or 6.3). Similarly, the configuration
cannot arise at all because fibers of type
are only related to type
$\text{IV}^{\ast }$
by inseparable base change, so that the Euler–Poincaré characteristics would not sum up to a multiple of
For the last configuration, since the fiber of type
comes with wild ramification of index
(by the Euler–Poincaré characteristic formula), it can only arise from a singular fiber of the same ramification index and total contribution to the discriminant congruent to
. By [Reference Schütt and Schweizer14, Proposition 5.1], this uniquely leads to Kodaira type
$\text{I}_{1}^{\ast }$
, but then again with the five
fibers the Euler–Poincaré characteristics do not sum up to a multiple of
6.3 Nonexistence of the configurations
Each of these configurations is semistable, so Lemma 6.4 applies with supersingular (smooth) place at
. In the first case, for instance, we can locate the
fiber at
and write affinely

for some squarefree polynomial
of degree
. But then
$t\mid \unicode[STIX]{x1D6E5}_{5}$
by Lemma 6.4, contradiction. The other two configurations can be ruled out completely analogously.
Proof of Proposition 6.3.
Altogether it follows from Sections 6.2 and 6.3 that the fibers of
may contain at most 20 lines. In view of the upper bound

this completes the proof of Proposition 6.3. ◻
7 Proof of Theorem 1.1 in the squarefree case
Throughout this section, we work with a smooth quartic
satisfying the following assumption:
Assumption 7.1.
contains neither a triangle nor a star composed of 3 lines nor a square comprising 4 lines.
In short, we also call
squarefree (meaning also trianglefree). In the sequel of this paper we use the following stronger version of [Reference Rams and Schütt10, Theorem 1.1].
Lemma 7.2. Let
$Q\subset S$
be an irreducible conic which is coplanar with two lines on
. Then
is met by at most
lines on
Proof. The proof of the claim forms the last section of the proof of [Reference Rams and Schütt10, Proposition 1.3]. ◻
Proposition 7.3. If
is squarefree, then
contains at most
Proof. By Corollary 4.5 we can assume that
contains a pair of lines
$\ell _{1}\neq \ell _{2}$
that intersect. Let
$\ell _{2},\ell _{3},\ell _{4},\ldots ,\ell _{k_{1}+1}$
be the lines on
that meet
$\ell _{1}$
, and let
$\ell _{i,1},\ldots ,\ell _{i,k_{i}}$
be the lines that intersect
$\ell _{i}$
$i\geqslant 2$
. After reordering the lines, we assume
$\ell _{1}=\ell _{i,1}$
Suppose that
$(k_{1}+k_{i})\leqslant 16$
for an
$i\in \{2,\ldots ,k_{1}+1\}$
. Then, by Lemma 7.2 the irreducible conic in
$|{\mathcal{O}}_{S}(1)-\ell _{1}-\ell _{i}|$
is met by at most
lines on
other than
$\ell _{1},\ell _{i}$
, and the claim of the proposition follows immediately, because every line on
meets either
$\ell _{1}$
$\ell _{i}$
or the conic.
Otherwise, we assume to the contrary that
contains more than 60 lines. After exchanging
$\ell _{1},\ell _{i}$
, if necessary, and iterating the above process, we may assume using Lemma 6.2 that

In particular, we always have the lines
$\ell _{2},\ldots ,\ell _{6}$
, and
$k_{i}\geqslant 9$
$i\geqslant 2$
. Assumption 7.1 guarantees that

Consider the divisor
$D=2\ell _{2}+\ell _{2,2}+\cdots +\ell _{2,5}$
of Kodaira type
$\text{I}_{0}^{\ast }$
. Then
induces a genus one fibration

as fiber. Naturally,
$\ell _{3},\ldots ,\ell _{k_{1}+1}$
, being perpendicular to
, also appear as fiber components, but we can say a little more. Namely, by (8), each
$\ell _{j}$
$2<j\leqslant k_{1}+1$
) comes with at least
adjacent lines, say
$\ell _{j,6},\ldots ,\ell _{j,k_{j}}$
which are also perpendicular to
. Since
$k_{j}\geqslant 9$
, the divisor
$2\ell _{j}+\ell _{j,6}+\cdots +\ell _{j,9}$
gives another
$\text{I}_{0}^{\ast }$
fiber of
; in particular, there is no space for any further fiber components, that is,
for all
$j=3,\ldots ,k_{1}+1$
. Therefore, we obtain
$k_{1}\geqslant 8$
from (7), so
admits at least
fibers of type
$\text{I}_{0}^{\ast }$
. The sum of their contributions to the Euler–Poincaré characteristic of
clearly exceeds
, even if
were to be quasi-elliptic. This gives the desired contradiction and thus concludes the proof of Proposition 7.3.◻
8 Example with 60 lines
This section gives an explicit example of a smooth quartic surface defined over the finite field
which contains 60 lines over
. Motivated by [Reference Rams and Schütt8] where a pencil of quintic surfaces going back to Barth was studied, we consider geometrically irreducible quartic surfaces with an action by the symmetric group
of order
. These come in a one-dimensional pencil which can be expressed in elementary symmetric polynomials
of degree
in the homogeneous coordinates of

There are 60 lines at the primitive third roots of unity as follows. Let
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}\in \mathbb{F}_{16}$
be a fifth root of unity, that is,
. Then
is a cube root of unity, and
contains the line
given by

-orbit of
consists of exactly 60 lines which span
of rank
and discriminant
. We are not aware of any other smooth quartic surface in
with 60 or more lines.
In fact, the surface
can be shown to lift to characteristic zero together with all its 60 lines at
$\hat{\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}}=-\frac{3}{10}\pm \frac{\sqrt{-11}}{10}$
(although proving this is not as easy as it might seem). The lines are then defined over the Hilbert class field
as follows. Let
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}\in \bar{\mathbb{Q}}$

The quartic at
contains the line


As before, its
-orbit comprises all 60 lines on
We thank Davide Veniani for helpful comments and discussions, and the anonymous referee for valuable suggestions. This paper was completed at the workshop on K3 surfaces and related topics at KIAS in November 2015. We thank the organizers JongHae Keum and Shigeyuki Kondō for their great hospitality.