Multivariate analyses (cluster and correspondence) were used to assess the taxonomic structure of 34 isolates of Penicillium miczynskii
scored for 95 binary characters. Six isolates of P. raistrickii and P. rolfsii were added solely for the purpose of comparison. The
characters used were 38 micromorphological, 15 cultural and 42 secondary metabolite characters. With just one exception, allocation
of isolates to clusters was equal in the separate analyses using morphological and secondary metabolite data. The combined data set,
using 95 characters, resulted in clearly-defined clusters interpretable as species on the basis of the distribution of ex-type cultures.
Four species were accepted: P. miczynskii, P. manginii, P. soppii and P. atrosanguineum. Two additional species, P. syriacum and P.
chrzaszczii, represented only by ex-type cultures, were interpreted as a nomen ambiguum and a form of uncertain taxonomic status,
Brief descriptions, illustrations and a synoptic key are included to aid identification of the accepted species.