This contribution of Mycological Research News features : New generic concepts in Verticillium sect. Prostrata, and The sterigmata of Volucrisporium: a clarification.
This issue includes 17 papers. The first describes a technique for genetically transforming ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes. Molecular studies, often in association with other approaches, are applied to reassess species concepts in Polymyxa, explore the relationships of Melanospora and similar genera, examine lineages in violet root rot fungi, filament-beaked and other Alternaria species, Nectria galligena and N. coccinea var. faginata in North America, Phialophora gregata f. sp. sojae, the pine rusts Cronartium flaccidum and Peridermium pini, Rosellinia necatrix isolates from avocado, Claviceps purpurea populations on Spartina, Colletotrichum species on Hevea.
A major paper examines secondary metabolite profiles of 153 Alternaria isolates grown under standard conditions and assesses them in relation to morphological and RAPD data.
In addition, protein expression after low temperature exposure associated with fruit body formation in Flammulina velutipes is documented, the use of natural products to control sapstaining fungi reviewed, and the aerodynamics of conidia in Erynia neoaphidis and some other entomophthoralean fungi studied.
A new genus of mycorrhizal Cortinariaceae is described, and the Coemansia spiralis complex revised.
The following new scientific names are introduced: Anamika gen. nov.; Coemansia bainieri nom. nov.; A. indica, and C. linderi spp. nov.; and Polymyxa graminis f. sp. colombiana, f. sp subtropicalis, f. sp. tepida, f. sp. temperata, and f. sp. tropicalis f. spp. nov.