doi: 10.1557/opl.2015.25, Published by Materials Research Society, 02 February 2015.
The original Figure 4 published in this paper is incorrect. Below is the correct figure, as well as updates to the surrounding text regarding this figure:
Page 3, in section “c-type edge dislocations”:
There are two slip systems for c-type dislocations,
$\left\{ {\bar 1\bar 120} \right\}\left\langle {0001} \right\rangle$
$\left\{ {1\bar 100} \right\}\left\langle {0001} \right\rangle$
Page 4:

Figure 4 - (a) The core structure of a
$\left( {\bar 1\bar 120} \right)\left[ {0001} \right]$
c-type dislocation, (b) the same dislocation looking down on the glide plane, with crystallographic directions as indicated. (c) and (d) are the same for a
$\left( {\bar 1100} \right)\left[ {0001} \right]$
c-type dislocation.
The author regrets this error.