Published online by Cambridge University Press: 07 January 2016
This article explores the reasons why Turin's Fascists launched a violent offensive against the local labour movement two months after the Fascist seizure of power. The article demonstrates that the residual resistance of the working class to Fascism was the major reason behind the Turin massacre. However, it also investigates other decisive factors for the violence of December 1922: the conflict between the national Fascist leadership and Turin Fascism and within the Turin fascio itself. The article challenges the interpretation, best exemplified by Renzo De Felice, that the Fascist violence was spontaneous, carried out by undisciplined squadristi without the approval of Mussolini and the Fascist leadership. Rather, it argues that there existed significant levels of planning and a high degree of toleration by the Turinese and national Fascist leaderships and the local authorities. Using Turin as a case study, the article provides a clearer view of the tensions existing within the Fascist movement in the months after the seizure of power. It analyses how Turin Fascism was riddled by factional disputes and how its attempts to gain control of the major political and economic institutions of the city were frustrated by the opposition of the local authorities and industrialists, backed by Mussolini's government. The events of the months preceding and following the strage also afford insights into the conflicts within Fascism over the future role squadrism and violence was to play in the Fascist movement now Mussolini was head of government.
1. Montagnana, Mario, Ricordi di un operaio torinese , Rinascita, Rome, 1949, p. 235; Canteri, Celestino, Memorie del nostro '900. Circoli comunisti, lotte e vita nella Torino capitale operaia, Jaca Book, Milan, 2004, p. 73. For a list of the injured see ‘Elenco dei feriti durante le rappresaglie fasciste nei giorni 18, 19 e 20 dicembre 1922’, in Archivio Centrale dello Stato, segretaria particolare del Duce, carteggio riservato, Partito Nazionale Fascista (henceforth ACS, SPD, CR, PNF) (1922–1943), b. 26, sf. 1, 1923, inserto A, fascicolo gran consiglio-fatti di Torino 1922; see also Carcano, Giancarlo, Strage di Torino. Una storia italiana dal 1922 al 1971, La Pietra, Milan, 1973, pp. 62–70, p. 96.Google Scholar
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82. Giunta–Gasti commission report, 4 January 1923, pp. 10–1, in ACS, SPD, CR, PNF (1922–1943), b. 26, sf. 1, 1923, inserto A.Google Scholar
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89. Giunta's telegram to Finzi, 4 January 1922, no. 381, in ACS, MI, gabinetto Finzi, ordine pubblico (1922–1923), b. 9, f. 89; see also Mana, , ‘Le origini del fascismo a Torino’, pp. 281–2.Google Scholar
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95. Mana, , ‘Le origini del fascismo a Torino’, pp. 285–287; for the Fascist–Nationalist merger see De Grand, Alexander, The Italian Nationalist Association and the Rise of Fascism in Italy, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NE, 1978, pp. 149–60.Google Scholar
96. La Stampa , ‘Piero Belli espulso da Torino, 27 October 1922, p. 3; see De Vecchi's version of the Fascist Grand Council meeting of 13 January 1923, published as ‘Una sconcertante storia del fascismo’, in the Milanese weekly periodical, Il Tempo, 1959–1960, quoted in Carcano, , Strage , pp. 138–40.Google Scholar
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