Published online by Cambridge University Press: 07 January 2016
The focus of this article is the revisionist course which the Italian Socialist Party embarked upon after 1956 and which led up to the first Centre-Left government. The article challenges two quite well established views. One view is that the transformation experienced by the PSI during the 1956-64 period was simply tactically expedient and devoid of any substance and consistency. This article argues, by contrast, that these years represented, in Alessandro Pizzorno's words, a veritable ‘Copernican revolution’. This period of revisionism was as important as the better-known revisionisms elaborated during the same period by other European Socialist parties such as the German SPD or British Labour. The second main argument is that ‘structural reformism’, the new strategy adopted by the PSI after 1956, was not, as it has often been described, an expression of ‘duplicity’ owing to the party's incapacity to behave like a genuinely reformist party - a phenomenon that has allegedly long characterized parties of the Left. Instead, the strategy was reflected in the changes to European socialism during the early 1960s. In particular, this period marked a contrast to the previous years which were characterized by the dominance of ideas of ‘redistributive’ socialism, à la Anthony Crosland. This period marked also a shift among Socialist parties towards the acceptance of greater state controls over the economy by way of public planning and ownership.
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75. Pietro Nenni's report to the 34th PSI National Congress (1961), in PSI, Resoconto stenografico 34° Congresso Nazionale PSI, Milano 15–20 marzo 1961, Edizioni Avanti!, Milan and Rome, 1961, pp. 10–41, p. 30.Google Scholar
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78. After a period (1949–53) in which the party membership substantially recovered from the crisis of 1948, it started declining again after 1956: members fell from 780,000 in 1953 to 480,000 in 1957 and started growing again only after 1966. Renewed growth might, however, partly be explained by the clientelistic character which the party began to acquire after a few years in government, an hypothesis which, in some respects, is proved by the fact that party membership grew almost exclusively in the South and steadily declined over the same period in the North: while in 1950 members from the North made up 67 per cent of the total, in 1967 they did not exceed 20 per cent. Cavazza, Fabio, ‘Elettori e Iscritti al PSI’, in Sivini, G., Partiti e partecipazione politica in Italia, Giuffrè, Milan, 1969, pp. 189–212, pp. 204–7.Google Scholar
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83. Guiducci, , Socialismo e verità, p. 73. See also Aldo Di Virgilio, , ‘Politica e scienze sociali in Italia nel secondo dopoguerra: l'esperienza di Tempi Moderni, Il Politico, 2, June 1985, pp. 275–97, p. 294.Google Scholar
84. See ‘35° Congresso Nazionale. Roma, 25–29 ottobre 1963’, in Pedone, , Novant'anni di pensiero socialista, pp. 238–320, p. 282. On the same question see also PSI, Resoconto stenografico 34° Congresso Nazionale PSI, Milano 15–20 marzo 1961, p. 307 and Roberto Guiducci's remarks in Archivio Centrale di Stato (Rome), Nenni Papers, ‘Correspondence series’, section 1944–1979, box no. 28, bundle no. 1445, Pietro Nenni–Roberto Guiducci correspondence.Google Scholar
85. Archivio Centrale di Stato (Rome), Nenni Papers, ‘Correspondence series’, section 1944–1979, Pietro Nenni–Gaetano Arfè correspondence, box no. 17, bundle no. 1057, Letter from Pietro Nenni to Gaetano Arfè, 28 November 1964 (Rome).Google Scholar
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88. di Studi Storici, Fondazione ‘Filippo Turati’ (Florence), PSI Archive, ‘Election Manifestos’ series, ‘Il programma 1963’, p. 38.Google Scholar
89. Riccardo Lombardi's speech to the 33rd PSI National Congress (1959), in PSI, Resoconto stenografico 33° Congresso Nazionale PSI, Napoli, 15–18 gennaio 1959. See also ‘Mozione autonomia, 34° Congresso Nazionale PSI 1961’, in Pedone, , Novant'anni di pensiero socialista, p. 210.Google Scholar
90. Giolitti, , ‘Alcune osservazioni’, p. 688.Google Scholar
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96. From the late 1950s onwards, Italian Socialists attached increasing importance to planning. This was reflected in the congresses in Naples (1959), Milan (1961) and Rome (1963). See, for instance, 33rd PSI Congress, Autonomists motion 1959, in Pedone, , Novant'anni di pensiero socialista, p. 122.Google Scholar
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