Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 November 2008
Kang Sheng—a veteran counter-intelligence official and close political ally of Mao Zedong's—is said to have remarked in the winter of 1959 that among the critics of the Great Leap Forward (GLF) there was ‘One soldier’ and ‘One civilian’ whose criticisms were ‘in close harmony’. The soldier was Peng Dehuai, China's Minister of Defence, who had clashed with Mao at the Lushan Conference that summer, and whose criticism of the GLF had subsequently been denounced by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee as an ‘attempt at splitting the Party´ and ‘a ferocious assault on the Party Center and Comrade Mao Zedong's leadership’. The civilian was Yang Xianzhen, the President of the Central Party School, who had aroused Kang's wrath by condemning the GLF as hopelessly Utopian, and by claiming that it already had brought on starvation and might yet bring about the collapse of the CCP.
The research and writing of this paper were supported by a research grant from the Swedish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSFR). I am indebted to Carol Lee Hamrin and Thomas Kampen for their valuable comments on an earlier draft.Google Scholar
1 Hengwu, Ai, Guanyu ‘Heer Eryi’ de Lunzhan [On the polemic concerning ‘two merging into one’] (Wuhan: Hubei Renmin Chubanshe, 1981), 10.Google Scholar
2 ‘Zhongguo Gongchandang Ba Jie Ba Zhong Quanhui Guanyu Yi Peng Dehuai Weishou de Fandang Jituan de Jueyi’ [Resolution of the 8th plenum of the 8th Central Committee of the CCP concerning the anti-Party clique headed by peng Dehuai], in Jinggangshan, Bingtuan Qinghua Daxue (ed.), Lushan Huiyi Zhongyao Wenxuan [Selected important documents from the Lushan conference] (Beijing: Jinggangshan Zazhi She, 1967), 24.Google Scholar
3 One of the few histories of the period to mention Xianzhen, Yang, and his ‘doubts…about the great leap’, is MacFarquhar, Roderick, The Origins of the Cultural Revolution 2: The Great Leap Forward (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983), 320.Google Scholar
4 Zhang's, crucial 21 July Speech at Lushan is in Zhang Wentian Xuanji [Selected works of Zhang Wentian] (Beijing: Renmin Chubanshe, 1985), 480–506.Google Scholar For the circumstances that prompted himto make it, see Peisen, Zhang, ‘Zhang Wentian Lushan Fayan Sixiang de Youlai He Fazhan’ [Origins and development of the ideological content of Zhang Wentian's statement at Lushan], in Yanjiushi, Zhonggong Zhongyang Wenxian (ed.), Wenxian He Yanjiu 1985 Nian Huibianben [Documents and Research, 1985 annual selection] (Beijing: Renmin Chubanshe, 1986), 399–415.Google Scholar
5 Xianzhen, Yang, Zunzhong Weiwulun, Zunzhong Bianzhengfa [Respect materialism, respect dialectics] (Wuhan: Hubei Renmin Chubanshe, 1980);Google ScholarXianzhen, Yang, Shenmo Shi Weiwuzhuyi [What is materialism?] (Shijiazhuang: Hebei Renmin Chubanshe, 1980);Google ScholarXianzhen, Yang, Wode Zhexue ‘Zuian’ [My philosophical ‘criminal case’] (Beijing: Renmin Chubanshe, 1981);Google ScholarYang Xianzhen Wenji [Yang Xianzhen's works], 2 vols (Shijiazhuang: Hebei Renmin Chubanshe, 1984–).Google Scholar
6 Shoudu Pipan Zichanjieji Fandong Xueshu ‘Quanwei’ Weiyuanhui, Lianluo (ed.), Liu Shaoqi Yuyong Zhexue ‘Quanwei’ Yang Xianzhen Fangeming Xiuzhengzhuyi Yanlun Zhaibian [Collected extracts from the counter-revolutionary reactionary utterances of Yang Xianzhen, Liu Shaoqi's philosophical court-‘authority’] (Beijing: Zhongguo Renmin Daxue, 1967);Google Scholar‘Chedi Qingsuan Fangeming Xiuzhengzhuyi Touzi Peng Zhen Zai Zhongyang Dangxiao Fanxia de Taotian Zuixing’ [Thoroughly eradicate the towering crimes committed by the counter-revolutionary revisionist boss Peng Zhen in the Central Party School] in Guanyu Peng, Lu, Luo, Yang Fangeming Xiuzhengzhuyi Jituan Cailiao [Materials on the Peng, Lu, Luo, Yang counter-revolutionary revisionist clique], 8 vols (Beijing: Douzheng Peng, Lu, Luo, Yang Fangeming Xiuzhengzhuyi Jituan Xijiao Choubeichu, 1966), 4, 1–9.Google Scholar
7 For a comprehensive account of Yang's lifelong struggle to develop ‘a comprehensive explication of a more orthodox Chinese Marxism-Leninism’ than Mao Zedong's, see Hamrin, Carol Lee, ‘Yang Xianzhen: Upholding Orthodox Leninist Theory’ in Hamrin, and Cheek, Timothy (eds), China's Establishment Intellectuals (Armonk: M. E. Sharpe, 1986), 51–91.Google Scholar Other studies of Yang in English include Munro, Donald J., ‘The Yang Hsien-chen Affair’, The China Quarterly 22 (04–06 1965), 75–82;CrossRefGoogle ScholarHamrin, Carol Lee, ‘Alternatives Within Chinese Marxism 1955–1965: Yang Hsien-chen's Theory of Dialectics’, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1975;Google ScholarGoldman, Merle, China's Intellectuals (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1981), 95–101;Google ScholarLee, Hamrin Carol (ed. & transl.), Selections from My Philosophical ‘Criminal Case’ (Armonk: M. E. Sharpe, forthcoming in Chinese Law and Government).Google Scholar
8 Guan, Shan (ed.), Yang Xianzhen Yanjiu Ziliao [Research materials on Yang Xianzhen] (Changsha: Hunan Renmin Chubanshe, 1987), 110–25. All statements pertaining to Yang's biography and career in the present text are, where not otherwise noted, based on this source.Google Scholar
9 For information on Yang's years in prison, see Cheek, Timothy, ‘The “61 Prisoners” Speak for Themselves: New Sources on CCP Prison Experiences from the 1930s’, forthcoming in CCP Research Newsletter, 1991.Google Scholar
10 ‘Guanyu Bo Yibo, Liu Lantao, An Ziwen, Yang Xianzhen Deng Ren Zishou Panbian Wenti de Chubu Diaocha’ [Preliminary investigation into the matter of the surrender and treachery of Bo Yibo, Liu Lantao, An Ziwen, Yang Xianzhen et al.], in collection of documents (title page missing) from the campaign to ‘clean up the class ranks’ available in the Library of the Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, Harvard University, 21–3.Google Scholar
11 Shan, Guan72–3.Google Scholar
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13 Klein, Donald W. and Clark, Anne B. (eds), Biographic Dictionary of Chinese Communism 1921–1965 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971), 973.Google Scholar
14 ‘Chedi Qingsuan’, 2.Google Scholar
15 Ruoyu, Fan, Vice-President of the Central Party School, quoted in Ai Hengwu, 44–5.Google Scholar
16 Xianzhen, Yang, Wode Zhexue ‘Zuian’, 83–112.Google Scholar
17 Ibid., 84–6.
18 Ibid., 84–5; 105. For an overview of events in China in the summer and autumn of 1958 at the high point of the ‘transition to communism’, see Schoenhals, Michael, Saltationist Socialism: Mao Zedong and the Great Leap Forward 1958 (Stockholm Föreningen for Orientaliska Studier, 1987), 66–127.Google Scholar
19 Xianzhen, Yang, Wode Zhexue ‘Zuian’, 84–6.Google Scholar
20 Ibid., 91.
21 Ibid., 84.
22 Ibid., 86–7.
23 Ibid., 91.
24 For an analysis of Mao's concept of ‘intellectual emancipation’ as part of the ideological foundation of the GLF, see Schoenhals, 23–39.Google Scholar
25 Xianzhen, Yang, Wode Zhexue ’, 103.Google Scholar
26 Xianzhen, Yang, ‘Zai Gaoji Dangxiao Dangwei Kuodahui Shang de Jianghua’ [Speech at enlarged meeting of the Central Party School Party committee] (27 March 1959), in Shoudu Pipan, 7.Google Scholar
27 Xianzhen, Yang, Wode Zhexue ‘Zuian’, 91; 92; 99; 106; 118. Examples of this kind of imprecise language abound in the text of Yang's lecture, which he himself nevertheless claims in an accompanying note was revised in more than 300 places by his academic secretary prior to publication.Google Scholar
28 Zedong, Mao, ‘Zhi Zhongyang, Sheng Shi Zizhiqu, Di, Xian Siji Dangwei Weiyuan’ [Letter to members of Party committees on the four levels of the Center, the provinces, cities and autonomous regions, the prefectures and the counties] in Mao Zedong Shuxin Xuanji [Selected letters of Mao Zedong] (Beijing: Renmin Chubanshe, 1983), 552–3.Google Scholar
29 Mao, Zedong, ‘Zai Ba Da Er Ci Huiyi Shang de Jianghua’ [Speech at the second session of the 8th National Congress] (8 May 1958), in Mao Zedong Sixiang Wansui [Long live Mao Zedong thought] (Beijing: 1967), 287–8.Google Scholar
30 ‘Zhongyang Shujichu Dui Gaijin Neibu Cankao Gongzuo de Yijian’ [Views of the Central Secretariat on improving the work of the Internal Reference], in Xinhuashe Wenjian Ziliao Xuanbian [Selected New China News Agency documents and materials], 4 vols (Beijing: Xinhuashe Xinwen Yanjiusuo, 1987), 4, 182–3.Google Scholar For additional information on Internal Reference, see Schoenhals, Michael, ‘Elite Information in China’, Problems of Communism, XXXIV 09–10 1985, 65–71.Google Scholar
31 ‘Chedi Qingsuan’, 2. Also, on the basis of a different source, in MacFarquhar, 430.Google Scholar
32 Xianzhen, Yang, Wode Zhexue [Zuian], 121–2.Google Scholar
33 ‘Xiaowei Bangongshi Zhibu Jianbao’ [Brief report from the Party branch in the school committee], in Shoudu Pipan, 13.Google Scholar
34 ‘Zai Kaifeng Shi de Baogao’ [Report in Kaifeng municipality], in Shoudu Pipan, 14.Google Scholar
35 Shan, Guan, 321–8. Additional passages in Shoudu Pipan, 6, 8–9. 12–14, 26–8, 35, 38, 40, 50.Google Scholar
36 Shan, Guan, 322.Google Scholar
37 Ibid.
38 Ibid.
39 Ibid., 322–3. Incomplete text amended on the basis of Shoudu Pipan, 38.
40 Ibid., 323. Incomplete text amended on the basis of Shoudu Pipan, 6.
41 Ibid., 324. Incomplete text amended on the basis of Shoudu Pipan, 27.
42 Ibid.
43 Ibid., 321.
44 Ibid., 323.
45 Ibid., 322
46 Xianzhen, Yang, Wode Zhexue ‘Zuian’, 112.Google Scholar
47 Shan, Guan, 322–7. Incomplete text amended on the basis of Shoudu Pipan, 12.Google Scholar
48 Ibid., 327.
49 Pipan, Shoudu, 12–13.Google Scholar
50 Ibid., 13.
51 Shan, Guan, 328.Google Scholar
52 Ibid., 330.
53 Xin, Yang, ‘Yang Xianzhen Mengyuan Ershi Nian Jishi’ [Factual record of twenty years of injustices suffered by Yang Xianzhen], Renwu 4 (1989), 64–5.Google Scholar
54 ‘Communique of the Eighth Plenum of the Eighth Central Committee of the CCP’, in Bowie, Robert R. and Fairbank, John K. (eds), Communist China 1955–1959: Policy Documents and Analysis (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1962), 533–5.Google Scholar For the definitive account of the Lushan Conference by a participant, see Rui, Li, Lushan Huiyi Shilu [True record of the Lushan Conference] (Beijing: Chunqiu Chubanshe & Hunan Jiaoyu Chubanshe, 1989).Google Scholar See also Shihui, Chen, ‘1959 Nian Lushan Huiyi Jishi’ [Chronicle of the 1959 Lushan Conference], Zhonggong Dangshi Ziliao 28 (1988), 111–49.Google Scholar
55 Quotes from this talk are in Pipan, Shoudu, 38–9, and ‘Chedi Qingsuann’, 2. It is not referred to or quoted anywhere in recent official publications by or about Yang. Entries for September and October 1959 are conspicuously absent from the chronology of Yang's life included in Guan Shan, 110–25.Google Scholar
56 Kan, Zhong (pseud.), Kang Sheng Pingzhuan [Critical Biography of Kang Sheng] (Beijing: Hongqi Chubanshe, 1982), 360. Kang's appointment to this post had taken place on 15 March 1957.Google Scholar
57 Xianzhen, Yang, Wode Zhexue ‘Zuian’, 81.Google Scholar
58 Ruoyu, Fan, quoted in Hengwu, Ai, 44.Google Scholar
59 Zhongguo Renmin Jiefangjun Gaodeng Junshi Xueyuan ‘Honglian’ Bingtuan (ed.), Da Junfa, Da Yexinjia, Da Yinmoujia Peng Dehuai Fangeming Zuixing Huibian [The collected counter-revolutionary crimes of the great warlord, great careerist and great schemer Peng Dehuai] (Beijing, 1967), 40–1.Google Scholar
60 Xianzhen, Yang, Wode Zhexue ‘Zuian’, 148–9.Google Scholar
61 For some amusing examples of Peng's ‘disrespectful’ references to the Party Chairman, see Zhongguo Renmin Jiefangjun, 6–9.Google Scholar