Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 January 2019
We describe the mineralogy of a lamproite dyke from Gundrapalli village (Nalgonda district), Telangana, India. The dyke consists of a mineral assemblage characteristic of lamproites in terms of the presence of amphiboles (mainly potassic-richterite together with potassic-arfvedsonite, magnesio-riebeckite, Ti-rich potassic-magnesio-arfvedsonite, potassic-magnesio-arfvedsonite, katophorite and potassic-ferri-katophorite), Al-poor pyroxene, phlogopite (Ti-rich, Al-poor), pseudomorphed leucite, spinel (chromite-magnesiochromite), fluorapatite, baryte, titanite, rutile, barytocalcite, calcite, ilmenite, hydro-zircon, baotite, strontianite, allanite, quartz and pyrite. The absence of wadeite and priderite have been compensated for by the presence of baotite, rutile, titanite, baryte and hydro-zircons. The presence of the secondary phases: allanite, hydro-zircon, chlorite, quartz and cryptocrystalline silica, implies that the dyke has undergone deuteric alteration. On the basis of its typomorphic mineralogy the Gundrapalli dyke has been classified as a pseudoleucite-phlogopite-amphibole-lamproite. We report the presence of the rare mineral baotite from this lamproite, the first recognition of baotite from a lamproite in India. The mineralogy of the baotite-bearing Gundrapalli lamproite is analogous to the baotite-bearing Kvaløya lamproite from Troms, Norway.
Associate Editor: Katharina Pfaff