Published online by Cambridge University Press: 14 March 2018
The mineral described in this paper occurs at tile Hudson Bay zinc mine about five miles east of Saline, near Nelson in the West Kootenay district of British Columbia, I regret that I have no data as to the exact character of the ore-body except that it occurs in a region where palaeozoic rocks are intruded by biotite-granite and that it is probably genetically connected with the intrusion of the latter. The zinc occurs ill the form of the silicate and tb a less extent the carbonate. There is also a small amount of oxidized lead-ore, principally cerussite.
An abstract of this paper appeared in 'Nature', June 29, 1916, vol. xcvii, p. 375, and Geol. Mag., July 1916, vol. iii, p. 886. In the meantime the same mineral, from the same locality and under the name spencerite, has been briefly described by A. H. Phillips, Amer. Journ. Sei., September 1916, ser. 4, vol. xlii, p. 275. The results of his analysis confirm the chemical formula given below.
1 An abstract of this paper appeared in 'Nature', June 29, 1916, vol. xcvii, p. 375, and Geol. Mag., July 1916, vol. iii, p. 886. In the meantime the same mineral, from the same locality and under the name spencerite, has been briefly described by A. H. Phillips, Amer. Journ. Sei., September 1916, ser. 4, vol. xlii, p. 275. The results of his analysis confirm the chemical formula given below.