Published online by Cambridge University Press: 14 March 2018
In this paper are embodied the results of an examination of the specimens of lead slags from Laurium in the British Museum. On some of the specimens a new mineral, paralaurionite, was found, which possesses the same chemical composition as laurionite, but entirely different morphological and optical characters.
In addition to crystals of the four minerals given in the title, a few crystals oi matloekite and anglesite were noticed, and on one specimen there is a radiating group of prismatic crystals of penfieldite.
page 102 note 1 Throughout this paper the same letters are used for the faces as in Dana's System of Mineralogy, Sixth Edition.
page 102 note 2 Annalen naturhist. Mus. Wien, 1887, II. 188, and II. 83 and 127 (Notizen). Dr. KSehlin was the first to describe Laurionite.
page 102 note 3 Ber. niederrhein. Ges. p. 150, June 6th, 1887. Prof. vom Rath took the pyramid face p as parametral plane. The values given above have been calculated from his me asurements.
page 103 note 1 Loc cit., where figures of the two types may be seen.
page 103 note 2 Zeits, Kryst. Min. 189% XXIX. 55. Abstract in this vol. p. 5'L
page 105 note 1 G. G. Stokes, "On a formula for determining the optical constants of doubly refracting crystals," Camb. and Dub. Math Journal, 1846, I. 183. Cf. Liebiseh, Physikalische Krystallographie, Leipzig, 1891, p. 394,
page 107 note 1 Mat. Min. Russl. 1881, VIII. 118.
page 107 note 2 Ber. niederrhein. Gee, p. 154, June 7th, 1887.
page 109 note 1 Three crystals only were measured with the vertical circle.
page 110 note 1 Cf. Liebisch, Physikalische Krystatlographie, Leipzig, 1891, Tafel VI, Figs. 4, 5, and 6.