Published online by Cambridge University Press: 14 March 2018
The Salt Range of the Northern Punjab derives its name from the numerous beds of rock salt which are there included amidst the pre-Cambrian strata. Some of these salt beds are of great purity and immense thickness, and have been utilised as a source of the mineral from a remote period, while extensive mines have been opened out by Government since the annexation of the province. The blödite referred to below was discovered in these workings by Dr. H. Warth, lately Deputy Superintendent of the Geological Survey of India, but who, at the time alluded to, held charge of the mines in question.
page 311 note 1 3rd edition (1877), p. 645,
page 312 note 1 Zeitsch. f. Kryst. u. Min., I. (1877), 70.
page 312 note 2 Zeitsch. d. deuts, geol. Gesell., XXIII. (t871), 670,
page 312 note 3 Pogg Annalen, CXLIV. (1872), 586,
page 312 note 4 y in original.
page 313 note 1 l. c.
page 314 note 1 Red glass.
page 314 note 2 Ammoniacal cupric sulphate.
page 314 note 3 John; Chemische Schriften. VI (1821), 240 (as quoted by Tschermak : I have been unable to refcr to the original). Göbel; G. Rose, Reise nachdem Ural (1842), II. 270. Tschermak: SYzungsb. d k. Akad. der Wiss. Wien, LX I Abth. (1869), 722. Also v. Foullon; Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichanst. Wien, XXXVIII. (1888), 3. Tsehermak, however, found the Hallstadt mineral perfectly stable.
page 314 note 4 Hayes; Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Boston, V. 391. Groth anct Hintze; l.c. : v. Foullon; l.c..
page 315 note 1 The atomic weights used are those adopted by Prof. F. W. Clarke in his Recalculation of the Atomic Weights. New Edition, 1897.
page 315 note 2 l. c.
page 315 note 3 l. c. and Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichsanst. XXII. (1872), Min. Mitth. 58.
page 315 note 4 loc. cit.
page 316 note 1 loc. cit.
page 316 note 2 Or 200 ? The original is not clear.
page 316 note 3 l. c
page 317 note 1 l. c. & Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien. LXIII. 1 Abth. (1871), 321.
page 317 note 2 Zeit. f. physikalische Chemie, I. (I887), 176.
page 317 note 3 Jahrb. d. k. k. geol. Reiehanst, XXIII, 2 Abth., 136; and Records, GeJl. Surf. India, VII, 64; Memoirs, Geol. Surv. India, XIV, 80.
page 317 note 4 Wynne, Memoirs, 1. c, 79.