Published online by Cambridge University Press: 14 March 2018
The subject of this note derives interest less from its novelty than from the beautiful manner in which the intergrowth is exemplified in Nature. As Sadebeek has shown, the intergrowth of marcasite and pyrites takes place according to two laws.
(1) The vertical axis of marcasite is parallel with a principal axis of pyrites; one of the two other principal axes of the latter being parallel with the combination edge m (110) ∞P : c (001) 0P of the former ; or, in other words, the vertical and one lateral axis (ab) of marcasite coincide with two principal axes of pyrites.
(2) The vertical axis of marcasite is parallel with a principal axis of pyrites; the braehydiagonal axis is parallel with a diagonal axis of pyrites.
page 209 note 1 Ueber die Krystallisation des Markasits und seine regelmüssigen Verwaehsungen mit Eisenkies, von A. Sadebeck, Ann. d. Phys. u. Chem. Erg. Bd. 8, 625, 1S78 (Abstract : Zeitschr. fi Kryst, 3, 626, 1879).