Published online by Cambridge University Press: 14 March 2018
About two years ago Mr. T. A. Herstand of Mainton Springs, Colorado, made a remarkable find of tysonite and bastnäsite at Crystal Park, near Malnten Springs, Colorado. The entire find consisted of one crystalline cleavable mass of tysonlte, covered with bastnäsite, weighing in all fully six kilograms. It was found in a coarsely crystalline granite, and no other deposit has been discovered subsequently, although considerable search has been made by various prospectors. Up to the time of this find all the tysonite discovered in Colorado has not amounted to more than 50 grams.
The tysonite was Principally of a rich cinnamon-brown colour with a perfect basal cleavage, and frequently contained patches from one to three cm. in diameter which were entirely transparent.