Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 November 2006
Following work of Ehrhard and Regnier, we introduce the notion of a differential category: an additive symmetric monoidal category with a comonad (a ‘coalgebra modality’) and a differential combinator satisfying a number of coherence conditions. In such a category one should imagine the morphisms in the base category as being linear maps and the morphisms in the coKleisli category as being smooth (infinitely differentiable). Although such categories do not necessarily arise from models of linear logic, one should think of this as replacing the usual dichotomy of linear vs. stable maps established for coherence spaces.
After establishing the basic axioms, we give a number of examples. The most important example arises from a general construction, a comonad $S_\infty$ on the category of vector spaces. This comonad and associated differential operators fully capture the usual notion of derivatives of smooth maps. Finally, we derive additional properties of differential categories in certain special cases, especially when the comonad is a storage modality, as in linear logic. In particular, we introduce the notion of a categorical model of the differential calculus, and show that it captures the not-necessarily-closed fragment of Ehrhard–Regnier differential $\lambda$-calculus.