Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 October 2008
The results of the present paper were developed some years ago for quite trivial purposes. It seems possible, however, to judge by a recent publication, that they may sooner or later have scientific utility. They have also a certain slight intrinsic interest.
* Richardson, L. F., “Theory of the measurement of wind by shooting spheres upwards,” Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., A, 223 (1923), 345–382.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
† The corresponding problem for the ascending branch can be dealt with by a parallel argument involving only systematic changes throughout (and of course new tables).
‡ μy is a “pure number.”
§ Also the parallelism of argument in obtaining formulae in terms of a given t would have been less apparent.
* We have and
* It must be remembered that in these formulae ø is a function of z and a.
* The number z, from now on, only occurs as the apparent variable in an integration from 0 to p.
* For the logarithm in ø2 is greater than log ½ (algebraically), and less than
† The term is a maximum when
when it is O (a ½).
* For if then
and if
† The approximation kx = Uψ is given by L. F. Richardson, loc. cit.
* The integral can be found in finite terms by known methods.
* That is, ignoring the term (which corresponds to about − 4 feet in x).
† The X 2 table was computed by a step-by-step process. It can be checked at ψ = ¼π, where it is correct, and at ψ = ½π, where The computation process gave 1·162, and the results of the table may be wrong by +·003 between 45° and 90°.
* Probably ⅔ ≤ β ≤ 1 in the general case.
* For example, to obtain E in powers of t we may work out, in powers of E and t′, the height y of the particle above the plane at any time t′. Expressing that this is zero we have an equation connecting E and t, soluble by successive approximation.
Doing this both for constants (μ, λ) and we obtain by comparison a formula for
or β. The method is similar in the other problems considered. The more elaborate cases are exceedingly laborious, though the results are simple.
† To avoid possible misunderstanding it should perhaps be said that the value of β is not indifferent to a first approximation; any constant value other than 0 gives an error of lower order (larger) than that resulting from β = 0.
* In §§ 3.7, 3.8 we have only considered limiting values of the β's, where only the first power of λ is relevant, and the law of density might equally have been taken as 1 − λy.
As regards the law of resistance f (v) = μv n the only change in the general case is an additional term in the formula for N below, n being interpreted to mean Vf′ (V)/f (V).
† This is to suppose that λ V 2/g is comparable with unity. In the actual atmosphere λ V 2/g is about unity if V = 1000 f.s.
* To take an analogous example: certain formulae give the range of trajectories of ø = 15° with a proportionate error less than 10−4, although the velocity may fall to about ⅖ of its original value.