1. Introduction
A question of Erdős, Graham and Selfridge ([Reference Erdős and Selfridge6] and [Reference Guy9, B30]) asks to find the least value of
so that the integers
$n+1, n+2, \dots, n+t_n $
contain a subset the product of whose members with n is a square. (If n is a square then we set
.) That is,
$t_n \geq 0$
is the least integer such that there are integers
$1\leq j_1 < \cdots <j_s = t_n$

where “
$m = \square$
” means that the integer m is a square. For instance, we easily compute that
$t_2 = 4, t_3 = 5$
$t_5 = 5$
, since

and none of the last numbers in the products can be replaced by smaller integers.
One can interpret
in terms of integer points on hyperelliptic curves. As an example, we have
$14\cdot 15 \cdot 18\cdot 20\cdot 21=1260^2$
, and this gives rise to the integral point
on the hyperelliptic curve
. Granville noted this connection [Reference Guy9, B30] and observed that effective versions of Faltings’ Theorem [Reference Faltings7] would lead to corresponding effective bounds on
. Granville mentioned that the ABC conjecture should lead, via work of Elkies [Reference Elkies4] and Langevin [Reference Langevin12], to stronger bounds on
. He also stated that, presumably,
$t_n > n^c $
for some fixed constant
$ c > 0 $
, and perhaps one could prove this assuming the ABC conjecture.
Our first result below shows that this supposition fails dramatically. A beautiful result of Granville and Selfridge [Reference Granville and Selfridge8, Corollary 1] shows that if the largest prime factor
$P^+(n) $
of n satisfies
$P^+(n) > \sqrt{2n}+1$
$t_n = P^+(n)$
. This inspired us to study closely the relationship between
. While
may no longer be close if
$P^+(n) \leq \sqrt{2n}+1$
, we find the distribution of
continues to follow that of
in larger ranges.
Theorem 1·1.
For any fixed
$c \in (0,1]$

Remark 1. The right-hand side in the statement of Theorem 1·1 is equal to
, where
is the well-known Dickman–de Bruijn function which plays a prominent role in the theory of smooth numbers [Reference Hildebrand and Tenenbaum11]. Therefore, for every fixed
$c > 0$
a positive proportion of integers n satisfy
$t_n \leq n^c$
Theorem 1·1 is a corollary of a slightly stronger theorem (Theorem 3·1) which we state and prove in Section 3 below.
Our next result shows there are integers n attaining even smaller values of
, much smaller than
Theorem 1·2.
be fixed and sufficiently small, and let x be sufficiently large depending on
. Then there are at least
$x \exp\! \Big(\!-\!\big({3\sqrt{2}}/{2}+\epsilon \big)\sqrt{\log x \log \log x} \Big)$
$n\leq x$
such that
$t_n \leq \exp\! \left(\sqrt{(2+\epsilon)\log n \log \log n} \right)$
Suitable modification of the proof of Theorem 1·2 shows there exist hyperelliptic curves of large genus which have integral points of nontrivial height (see further comments and discussion at the end of Section 5).
Theorem 1·3.
Fix a constant
$c \in (0,1)$
. There are arbitrarily large positive integers J such that the following is true: there exist N positive integers
$1\leq j_1 < j_2 < \cdots < j_N < J$
$N \geq J^{1-c}$
and a positive integer
$x\geq \exp\! \left({c^2}{(\!\log J)^2}/({5\log \log J}) \right)$
such that
is a square.
In the complementary direction, we prove a lower bound on
when n is not a square (recall
when n is a square). The proof also uses a framework of hyperelliptic curves, and requires bounding the height of integral points on curves.
Theorem 1·4. If n is a sufficiently large non-square integer, then

The implied constant is effectively computable.
The outline of the rest of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, we describe the notation and conventions of the paper. In Section 3, we state Theorem 3·1, of which Theorem 1·1 is essentially a special case; we assemble the ingredients for the proof and then prove Theorems 3·1 and 1·1. In Section 4, we prove Theorem 1·2. Section 5 contains the results and modifications of the proof of Theorem 1·2 necessary to prove Theorem 1·3; we close the section with some comments and discussion. We prove Theorem 1·4 in Section 6.
2. Notation and conventions
Given a positive integer n, the integer
is the smallest nonnegative integer so that the integers
$n+1, n+2, \dots, n+t_n $
contain a subset the product of whose members with n is a square. If n is a square then we define
The expression
$m = \square$
means that the integer m is a square. We write
for the largest prime factor of a positive integer n. We set
. We write
for the number of distinct prime factors of n.
A number n is y–smooth if
$P^+(n)\leq y$
. We write
for the number of y–smooth integers
$n\leq x$
, and
for the Dickman–de Bruijn function.
We let
denote the largest prime which divides n to an odd power. Let
$S_\square(x,y) = \{n\leq x \;:\; P^*(n)\leq y\}$
, the set of integers
$n\leq x$
which are a square times a y–smooth integer. As noted by Granville and Selfridge [Reference Granville and Selfridge8, p.4] we have
$P^*(n)\leq t_n$
. Therefore, if
$n\leq x$
$t_n\leq y$
, then
$n \in S_\square(x,y)$
. So

One can easily show that
$\Psi_\square(x,y) \sim \Psi(x,y)$
$y\geq (\!\log x)^3$
by results on
like in [Reference de la Bretèche and Tenenbaum3].
Given two finite sets S and T, we write
$S \Delta T$
for the symmetric difference of S and T. That is,
$S\Delta T$
consists of those elements which are in one of S or T but not both:
$S\Delta T = (S \cup T) \backslash (S \cap T)$
. By associativity one can consider the symmetric difference of any finite number of sets

Given a finite set S we write
$\# S$
for the cardinality of S. The power set of S, i.e. the set that consists of all the subsets of S, is denoted by
The finite field with two elements is denoted as
The real number x is always large. The notation o(1) denotes a quantity tending to zero as some other parameter, usually x, tends to infinity. We write
$f \ll g, g \gg f$
, or
$f = O(g)$
if there exists a constant C such that
$f \leq Cg$
. We write
$f \sim g$
$f = (1+o(1))g$
In discussion, but not in proofs, we sometimes refer to the height of an integral point (x, y) on a curve. By this we mean the naive height
. We similarly refer to the height of an integer polynomial, which is the maximum of the absolute value of its coefficients.
3. The distribution of
: Proof of Theorem 1·1
As mentioned in the introduction, Theorem 1·1 is a corollary of a somewhat stronger result, which we state here.
Theorem 3·1.
Let x be sufficiently large, and let c satisfy
${(\!\log \log \log x)^2}/{\log \log x} \leq c \leq 1$
. Then

uniformly in c.
We prove Theorem 3·1 by proving upper bounds for

in terms of each other. More precisely, the proof of Theorem 3·1 relies on the following two propositions.
Proposition 3·2 (
less than
on average). Let
$0 < c \leq 1$
. Then

uniformly in c.
Proposition 3·3 (
less than
on average). Let
$0 < c \leq 1$
. Then

uniformly in c.
Proof of Theorem 3·1 assuming Propositions 3·2 and 3·3. From Proposition 3·2 we have

so from Proposition 3·3 we have

That this asymptotic formula is non-trivial for the stated range of c follows from classical estimates for smooth numbers [Reference Hildebrand10, Reference Hildebrand and Tenenbaum11].
We first turn our attention to Proposition 3·2, since the proof is simpler and introduces some of the key ideas. The first result we need is a simple inequality relating
Lemma 3·4.
$P^+(n)^2 \nmid n$
, then
$t_n \geq P^+(n)$
Proof. Let
$p = P^+(n)$
. If
$p^2 \nmid n$
, then n is not a square so by the definition of
there are integers
$1\leq j_1 < \cdots < j_s =t_n$
$n\prod_{i=1}^s (n+j_i) = \square$
. Since p divides the left-hand side to an even power but
$p^2 \nmid n$
there is some i such that
$p \mid n+j_i$
. Since
$p\mid n$
$p \mid n+j_i$
we have
$p \mid j_i$
, so
$t_n \geq j_i \geq p$
We also need a result quantifying that it is rare for an integer n to be divisible by the square of its largest prime factor (see also [Reference Erdős and Graham5, p. 345]).
Lemma 3·5 (Bound for exceptional set with
$P^+(n)^2 \mid n$
). Let
denote the set of
$n\leq x$
such that
$P^+(n)^2 \mid n$
. Then
$|\mathcal{E}| \ll x \exp\!(\!-\!\sqrt{\log x})$
Proof. Any
$n \in \mathcal{E}$
may be written as
$n = p^2 m$
, where
$P^+(m) \leq p$
, and therefore

We introduce a parameter
$10\leq P \leq x^{1/2}$
and split the sum over p at P. The contribution from
$p > P$
is trivially
$\ll x/P$
. We bound the contribution from
$p\leq P$
using Rankin’s trick. Set
$\alpha = 1 - {1}/{\log P}$
, so that

We have therefore proved
$|\mathcal{E}| \ll x/P + x \exp\! ( - {\log x}/{\log P})$
, and the optimal choice is to take
$P = \exp\! (\sqrt{\log x})$
We now have the tools to prove Proposition 3·2.
Proof of Proposition 3·2. We split the integers
$n\leq x$
according to whether or not
$P^+(n)^2 \mid n$
, so that

is the set in Lemma 3·5. If
$P^+(n)^2 \nmid n$
then we have
$P^+(n) \leq t_n$
by Lemma 3·4, so

by positivity. Therefore

and we finish with an appeal to Lemma 3·5.
The proof of Proposition 3·3 is slightly more circuitous, and relies upon an analysis of the number of subsets S of an interval with
$\prod_{n \in S} n = \square$
. For this we require two more lemmas, though the reader may wish to skip ahead and see how the lemmas are used in establishing Proposition 3·3 before examining their proofs.
Lemma 3·6 (Subset squares and
in intervals). Let
$I = (x,x+y]$
be an interval. The number of subsets S of
$I \cap \mathbb{N}$
such that
$\prod_{n \in S} n = \square$
is equal to
, where

Proof. The result is trivially true if
, so assume
$r\geq 1$
. Let
$n_1 < \cdots < n_r$
be those integers with
$x< n \leq n+t_n \leq x+y$
, and let
be a non-empty product of integers in
, including the endpoints, for which the product equals a square. Given
$\ell_1 < \cdots < \ell_j \in (x,x+y]$
, define
$v(\ell_1^{e_1}\cdots \ell_j^{e_j}) = \prod_{i : e_i \text{ odd}} \ell_i$
We claim that the
$v(\prod_{i \in I} P_i), I \subset \{1,\ldots,r\}$
are distinct. If two are equal, select them minimally so that the
are distinct and therefore
$v(P_{i_1}\cdots P_{i_\ell}) = v(P_{j_1}\cdots P_{j_k})$
, say, with all the
distinct. We may assume
$i_1 < j_1$
, and therefore
is part of the first product but not the second, a contradiction.
We claim that if
$m_1 < \cdots < m_k \in (x,x+y]$
$m_1\cdots m_k = \square$

If not, select such a product with
maximal. By definition
$x<m_1\leq m_1+t_{m_1}\leq m_k \leq x+y$
, and so
$m_1 = n_\ell$
for some
. Then
$\square = v(P_\ell m_1\cdots m_k) = v(n_\ell P_\ell m_2 \cdots m_k) = M_1\cdots M_k$
, where
$M_1 > m_1$
. By the maximality of
we have
$M_1 \cdots M_k = v(\prod_{i\in I}P_i)$
for some
$I \subset \{1,\ldots,r\}$
, and so

a contradiction.
We deduce there are
products of distinct integers in
which give a square.
Lemma 3·7 (
in intervals and smooth numbers). Let
$I = (x,x+y]$
be an interval. We have

Proof. Let

and let
be the largest subset of N such that if
$\prod_{i \in I} n_i$
is a square with
$I \subset \{1,\ldots,k\}$
$I = \varnothing$
(that is, they are the largest multiplicatively independent subset in
modulo squares), so
$k\leq \pi(y)$
Any subproduct of
$n_{k+1}\cdots n_m$
is therefore dependent on
. That is, if
$J \subset \{k+1,\ldots,m\}$
then there exists
$J = J(I) \subset \{1,\ldots,k\}$
such that

These products are distinct since the sets J are distinct. The number of square products is therefore
$\geq 2^{m-k}$
. Combining this with Lemma 3·6 yields

Proof of Proposition 3·3. If x is sufficiently large and
$P^+(n) > x^{0.51}$
then [Reference Granville and Selfridge8, Corollary 1] implies
, and therefore

The proposition in the case
therefore follows from the proposition in the case
$c\leq 0.51$
, so we may assume
$c\leq 0.51$
$I = (x,x+y]$
so Lemma 3·7 reads as

Now, since
$P^*(n)\leq t_n$
we have

Combining the last two equations gives
$\#\{n\in I \;:\; P^*(n)\leq y < t_n\} \leq \pi(y)$
, and so

Summing this up over intervals of length y gives

Proof of Theorem 1·1. By [Reference Granville and Selfridge8, Corollary 1] we may assume
$c\leq 0.51$
. We have

by Theorem 3·1 and trivial estimation. We split the sum acording to the size of
so that

We must show

We split the sum over n according to whether or not
$n \in \mathcal{E}$
, with
as in Lemma 3·5. The size of
is o(x). If
$n \not \in \mathcal{E}$
$P^+(n) \leq t_n$
, and we may further split the sum with
$n \not \in \mathcal{E}$
according to whether or not
$P^+(n) \leq (x/\log x)^c$
. Hence

The O-term has size
$\ll x({\log \log x}/{\log x})$
. For the other sum, we set
$Y = (x/\log x)^c$
and note that

by the argument in the proof of Proposition 3·3.
Since we similarly have

this completes the proof.
4. Small values of
: Proof of Theorem 1·2
The proof of Theorem 1·2 uses estimates for smooth numbers and some elementary combinatorics. We introduce parameters
$y < L \leq x^{o(1)}$
, and the first idea is to find many short intervals
$I \subset [1,x]$
of length L which contain roughly the expected number of y–smooth numbers.
Lemma 4·1 (Many intervals with expected number of smooths). Let x be sufficiently large, and let
$y < L \leq x^{o(1)}$
$y \geq \exp\! ((\!\log x)^{1/100})$
. Then there are
$\gg \Psi(x,y)L^{-1}$
disjoint intervals
$I \subset [x/\log x,x]$
of length L such that

Proof. With y as in the statement of the lemma we have by [Reference Hildebrand10, Theorem 1] that the number of smooth numbers in
$(x/\log x,x]$
$\geq (1-o(1)) \Psi(x,y)$
For k a positive integer write
$I = I_k = (kL,(k+1)L]$
, and let
denote those I which are contained in
$(x/\log x,x]$
. By trivial estimation
$\# \mathcal{I} \asymp x/L$
. Let
$\delta > 0$
be a sufficiently small positive constant, and write
$\mathcal{I} = \mathcal{G}\cup \mathcal{G}^c$
, where
$I \in \mathcal{G}$
$\# \{y-\text{smooth integers in } I\} > \delta L \Psi(x,y)/x$
. If
is sufficiently small the number of y-smooth integers in all of
$O(\delta \Psi(x,y))$
. Since
$\# \{y-\text{smooth integers in } I\} \leq L$
we find that
$\#\mathcal{G} \gg {\Psi(x,y)}/{L}$
If a short interval contains sufficiently many y–smooth numbers, then we can construct an integer n with small
Lemma 4·2 (Build small
with many smooths). Let I be an interval of length L such that

Then there exists an integer
$n \in I$
$t_n \leq L$
Proof. Let
$p_1 < \cdots < p_R$
be the primes
$\leq y$
, so that
$\pi(y) = R$
. A y–smooth integer n may be written as
$n = \prod_{i=1}^R p_i^{e_i}$
, where
is a nonnegative integer. By considering only the parity of
we obtain a map
$\theta\;:\; \{y-\text{smooth integers}\} \rightarrow \mathbb{F}_2^{R}$
given by

be the y–smooth integers in I. By assumption, we have
$M > R$
. Given
$J \subset \{1,\ldots,M\}$
, let
$n_J = \prod_{j \in J} m_j$
. The number
of subsets of
is greater than
$2^R = \#\mathbb{F}_2^R$
, so by the pigeonhole principle there exist distinct subsets J, J
′ of
such that
$\theta(n_J) = \theta(n_{J'})$
. By the definition of
this implies

$J \neq J'$
we see that
$J \Delta J' \neq \varnothing$
$\prod_{m \in J \Delta J'} m = \square$
. The least element n of
$J \Delta J'$
is then the desired integer.
Proof of Theorem 1·2. We define
$y = \exp\!(\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2} \sqrt{\log x \log \log x})$

By [Reference Hildebrand10, Theorem 1] and Lemma 4·1 there are
$\gg x L^{-1} \rho \big( {\log x}/{\log y}\big)$
$I \subset [x/\log x,x]$
of length L such that each interval I contains
$\gg L \rho \Big( {\log x}/{\log y}\Big)$
numbers which are y–smooth. By [Reference Hildebrand and Tenenbaum11, Corollary 2·3], the number of y–smooth integers in each interval I of length L is therefore

hence the number of y–smooth integers in each interval is
$> \pi(y) \sim {y}/{\log y}$
. We conclude by applying Lemma 4·2.
We remark that our proof of Theorem 1·2 has some similarities to heuristic run-time analysis of factoring algorithms [Reference Pomerance13, p. 1477] (see also [Reference Croot, Granville, Pemantle and Tetali2] and [Reference Granville and Selfridge8, section 1]).
5. Large integral points on hyperelliptic curves: Proof of Theorem 1·3
As mentioned in the introduction, the proof of Theorem 1·3 draws on ingredients in the proof of Theorem 1·2. We also need an additional lemma, which provides for the existence of sets with large symmetric difference provided we have sufficiently many sets upon which to draw.
Lemma 5·1 (Many subsets implies a large symmetric difference). Let N be large and let
be distinct subsets of
. If
$K \geq 2^Q$
$Q \geq N^{1/100}$
, then there exist
$i\neq j$
such that

Proof. Let A be an arbitrarily chosen (nonempty) subset
. For any other subset S, we may uniquely write S as the disjoint union
$S = S' \cup S_A$
, where
$S' \cap A = \varnothing$
$S_A \subset A$
. Observe that
$A \Delta S = (A \backslash S) \cup (S \backslash A) = (A \backslash S_A) \cup S'$
. Let
$\delta \geq {1}/{100}$
be a parameter. If
$|A \Delta S |\leq \delta{Q}/{\log N}$
, then
$|S'| \leq \delta{Q}/{\log N}$
$|A \backslash S_A| \leq \delta{Q}/{\log N}$
The number of choices for the set S ′ is

and this is also a bound on the number of choices for the set
. By the upper bound
$\left(\substack{N\\[2pt] k}\right) \leq (eN/k)^k$
, valid for
$k\geq 1$
, we find

It follows that the total number of choices of subset S such that
$|A \Delta S| \leq \delta Q /\log N$
$\leq \exp\!(4\delta Q) < 1.95^Q$
, the last inequality following if we choose
$\delta = {1}/{6}$
, say. Since there are
$K \geq 2^Q$
subsets, there must be some subset
such that
$|A \Delta S_i| > {Q}/(6\log N)$
Proof of Theorem 1·3. Let x be a large integer. As in the proof of Theorem 1·2, we set our smoothness parameter
$y = \exp\! \Big(({\sqrt{2}}/{2}) \sqrt{\log x \log \log x} \Big)$
. Given a constant
$C > \sqrt{2}$
, we also define a length parameter
$L = y^{C\sqrt{2}}$
We may apply Lemma 4·1 to deduce the existence of many disjoint intervals
$I \subset [x/\log x, x]$
of length L such that the number of y–smooth integers in I is
$\gg L \Psi(x,y)/x$
. We fix one such interval I, and note that by the argument of Theorem 1·3 the number of y–smooth integers in I is
$\geq \exp\! \big((C - {\sqrt{2}}/{2} - o(1) )\sqrt{\log x \log \log x} \big)$
. If we let M denote the number of y–smooth integers in I, and
$R = \pi(y)$
, then we see that

be the y–smooth integers in I. Given a subset
we may construct the y–smooth integer
$n_S = \prod_{s \in S} n_s$
, and then map
using the map
from (1). By the pigeonhole principle, there is some
$v \in \mathbb{F}_2^R$
$\geq 2^{M-R}$
subsets S of
such that
for every such S. We apply Lemma 5·1 to obtain the existence of two subsets, call them S and T, of
such that

By construction we have
$\prod_{s \in S \Delta T} n_s = \square$
. We may arrange the integers
in increasing order and write them as
for some integer
$n\in [x/\log x,x]$
and some integers
$1\leq j_1 < j_2 < \cdots < j_V \leq L$
. It follows that
$n(n+j_V)\prod_{i=1}^{V-1} (n+j_i)$
is a square.
We claim that setting
$J = j_V$
gives rise to a J as in the statement of the theorem. First, note that
$V-1\geq L^{1 - \frac{\sqrt{2}}{2C} - o(1)}-2 \geq J^{1-c}$
, the last inequality holding if we set
$C = {\sqrt{2}}/{c}$
, say. Since
$x\leq n(\!\log n)^2$
we see that
$L \leq \exp\! \left((C+o(1))\sqrt{\log n \log \log n} \right)$
, which implies
$\log n \geq \left(({1-o(1)})/({2C^2})\right)({(\!\log L)^2}/{\log \log L})$
. Recalling our choice for C and that
$J\leq L$
we find

Since every large x gives rise to such a J, and since
$J \geq L^{1/3}$
, say, which tends to infinity with x, we may take J to be arbitrarily large, as claimed.
We close this section with some comments on Theorem 1·3. In particular, it is worth comparing Theorem 1·3 with more trivial considerations.
First, we note that it is easy to obtain points (x, y) on a hyperelliptic curve of large genus if we allow
(so that y is large). Indeed, consider the hyperelliptic curve
$y^2 = P(x)= x^g + D^2$
, where
$g\geq 5$
is large and D is a large positive integer. The point (0,D) clearly lies on the hyperelliptic curve and, since the height H of P is
, we see the integral point (0,D) has height
$\gg H^{1/2}$
. We might expect that all integral points on a hyperelliptic curve
$y^2= P(x)$
have height
$\ll H^{O(1)}$
, so this trivial construction is already fairly sharp.
Second, we consider hyperelliptic curves with integral points (x, y) where
$x\neq 0$
. The hyperelliptic curve
$y^2 =P(x)= \prod_{i=1}^J (x+j), J \geq 5$
, is similar to the curves constructed in Theorem 1·3, and this curve has the integral point
. The polynomial P has height
, so the point
on the curve has height
$\gg \log H/\log \log H$
for large J. In contrast, Theorem 1·3 provides integral points (x, y) on curves
$y^2 = P(x)$
$xy\neq 0$

where H is the height of P.
It would be very interesting to construct hyperelliptic curves of large genus having integral points (x, y) with
$x\geq H^c$
, for
some fixed constant.
6. Lower bounds on
: Proof of Theorem 1·4
If n is a large non-square integer, then by definition
$n(n+t_n)\prod_{i=1}^s (n+j_i) = \square$
, where
$1\leq j_1 < \cdots < j_s < t_n$
are integers (obviously we must have
$s < t_n$
). If
is very small compared to n, then the curve

contains an integral point with x extremely large (here and throughout the section we write
$J = t_n$
in keeping with the notation of our other theorems). We rely on a uniform bound for the height of integral points on hyperelliptic curves due to Bérczes, Evertse and Győry [Reference Bérczes, Evertse and Győry1]. Their method utilises linear forms in logarithms.
We use different arguments depending on the size of s, with s as in (2). When
trivial arguments suffice to bound the size of x. If
$s\geq 1$
but is smaller than a small power of J, then we consider the hyperelliptic equation (2) directly and apply the result of Bérczes, Evertse and Győry. When s is larger than a small power of J it is more efficient to extract a suitable system of generalised Pell equations from (2) and bound the size of solutions to these Pell equations. The coefficients of the Pell equations have size controlled by prime divisors
$\leq J$
, and we can use some elementary arguments to find a system with coefficients that are smaller than what a trivial bound would give. The final bound results from balancing the arguments coming from small s and large s.
Lemma 6·1 (Trivial case,
). Let
$J\geq 1$
be an integer. If x and y are positive integers with
$y^2 = x(x+J)$
, then
$x\leq J^2$
Proof. If x and
have greatest common divisor
$d\geq 1$
, then
$d \mid J$
. We change variables
$x = dz$
and find
$(y/d)^2 = z(z+J/d)$
, where
. Then
$z+J/d = b^2$
for some positive integers
. Then

$a,b\leq J/d$
. Then
$z=a^2\leq J^2/d^2$
$x=dz \leq J^2/d\leq J^2$
The next lemma is the theorem of Bérczes, Evertse and Győry [Reference Bérczes, Evertse and Győry1] in the special case we require.
Lemma 6·2 (Height of integral points). Let
$P(x) = \sum_{i=0}^n a_i x^i \in \mathbb{Z}[x]$
$\deg(P)\geq 3$
and no repeated roots. Write
$\max_i |a_i| =H$
. If x and y are positive integers with
$y^2 = P(x)$

Proof. This is [Reference Bérczes, Evertse and Győry1, Theorem 2·2] with
$K = \mathbb{Q}$
and S equal to the infinite place of
, where
in [Reference Bérczes, Evertse and Győry1, (2·5)].
The following lemma is useful when s is small.
Lemma 6·3 (Bound on height when is small). Let
$J\geq 2$
be an integer, and let
$1\leq j_1 < \cdots < j_s < J$
be integers, where
$s\geq 1$
. If x and y are positive integers with
$y^2 = x(x+J)\prod_{i=1}^s (x+j_i)$
$\log x \leq \exp\! \big(O(s^5 \log J) \big)$
Proof. The integer polynomial
$x(x+J)\prod_{i=1}^s (x+j_i)$
has degree
and clearly has no repeated roots. The coefficients of the polynomial all have size
$\leq J^{s+1}$
, so by Lemma 6·2 we see any solution to
$y^2 = x(x+J)\prod_{i=1}^s (x+j_i)$

When s is large we argue more carefully. We use the following lemma to control the coefficients of an auxiliary hyperelliptic equation.
Lemma 6·4 (Finding numbers with fewer prime factors). Let J be a sufficiently large positive integer, and let
be positive integers all of whose prime factors are
$\leq J$
. If
$100\leq t \leq J^{1/2}/\log J$
for all
$i\neq j$
, then there exist distinct

Proof. We observe that, by the prime number theorem, any distinct
$\ll \log J/\log \log J\leq \log J$
prime factors in common, since
$\text{gcd}(b_i,b_j)\leq J$
. Let
denote the set of prime factors of
. Note that
$|s_i \cap s_j| \leq \log J$
for any
$i\neq j$
, and that each
is contained in the set of all primes
$\leq J$
Without loss of generality we may assume
$|s_1| \geq |s_2| \geq \cdots \geq |s_t|$
. We claim that

for each
$1\leq r \leq t$
. This inequality trivially holds for
, which provides the base case for an inductive argument. Let
$A = s_1 \cup \cdots \cup s_r$
, so that by inclusion-exclusion and the induction hypothesis

$|s_i \cap s_{r+1}| \leq \log J$
$|s_r| \geq |s_{r+1}|$
, we obtain
$|A \cap s_{r+1}| \geq (r+1)|s_{r+1}| - ({r(r+1)}/{2})\log J$
, as desired. This completes the proof of the claim.
Applying (3) yields
$|s_r| \leq ({1}/{r})|s_1 \cup \cdots \cup s_r| + ({r-1})\log J/{2}$
for any
$1\leq r \leq t$
. Since each set
is contained in the set of all primes
$\leq J$
we have
$|s_r| \ll {J}/{r\log J} + r\log J$
, and since
$r\leq t\leq J^{1/2}/\log J$
we have
$|s_r| \ll {J}/{r\log J}$
. We finish the proof by taking
, and
We are now ready to obtain a bound when s is large.
Lemma 6·5 (Bound on height when is large). Let J be a sufficiently large positive integer, and let
$1\leq j_1 < \cdots < j_s < J$
be integers, where
$J^{1/100}\leq s < J$
. If x and y are positive integers with
$y^2 = x(x+J)\prod_{i=1}^s (x+j_i)$

where t is any integer satisfying
$J^{1/100} \leq t \leq \min (s, J^{1/2}/\log J)$
Proof. We write
$j_0 = 0$
$j_{s+1} = J$
, so that the hyperelliptic equation is
$y^2 = \prod_{i=0}^{s+2} (x+j_i)$
. If
$d \mid( x+j_i)$
$d\mid (x+j_{i'})$
$d\mid |j_i - j_{i'}| \leq J$
, so the greatest common divisor of any two distinct
$\leq J$
. We may therefore uniquely write
$x+j_i = b_i z_i^2$
, where
is squarefree and divisible only by primes
$\leq J$
. Observe that
$\text{gcd}(b_i,b_{i'}) \leq J$
$i\neq i'$
Choose any t of the
, with t as in statement of the lemma. By Lemma 6·4 there exist three distinct
, and
$\omega(b_i),\omega(b_k),\omega(b_\ell) \ll {J}/{t\log J}$
. From the equations

we deduce

The quartic polynomial
has no repeated roots (since
$j_k \neq j_\ell$
) and has coefficients with absolute value

We apply Lemma 6·2 to the hyperelliptic equation (4) to find

$x+j_i = b_i z_i^2$
this implies
$\log x \leq \exp\!\left( O \left( J/t\right) \right)$
Proof of Theorem 1·4. Let n be a large non-square integer. Write
$J = t_n$
so that by definition we have
$y^2 = n(n+J) \prod_{i=1}^s (n+j_i)$
for some integers
$1\leq j_i < \cdots < j_s< J$
$s\geq 0$
. If
then Lemma 6·1 implies
$n\leq J^2$
. We may therefore assume
$s\geq 1$
If J is bounded then by Lemma 6·2 we see n is effectively bounded in terms of J, so we may assume J is sufficiently large. We define
$t = \lfloor (J/\log J)^{1/6}\rfloor$
. If
$1\leq s\leq t$
then Lemma 6·3 gives

$t\leq s < J$
then applying Lemma 6·5 gives

Therefore, in any case
$\log n \leq \exp\! \Big(O\big(J^{5/6}(\!\log J)^{1/6} \big) \Big)$
, which implies
$\log \log n \ll J^{5/6} (\!\log J)^{1/6}$
. This last inequality implies in turn that
$J \gg (\!\log \log n)^{6/5}(\!\log \log \log n)^{-1/5}$
One can likely obtain improvements to Theorem 1·4 by working with a version of Lemma 6·2 which exploits particular features of the hyperelliptic equation (2).
We expect that one can obtain a stronger result than Theorem 1·4.
Conjecture 1.
$c \in (0,1)$
be a fixed constant, and assume n is a non-square integer which is sufficiently large in terms of c. Then
$t_n \geq (\!\log n)^{1-c}$
We thank the anonymous referee for a careful reading of the manuscript and for helpful comments. We especially thank the referee for sharing with us the proof of Theorem 1·1 presented above, which is significantly shorter than our original proof. KP was supported by a post-doctoral research fellowship at All Souls College, University of Oxford, during the course of this work.