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Note on the pedal locus
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 October 2008
While the paper “On the pedal locus in non-euclidean hyperspace” was in the press, Professor H. F. Baker kindly directed the writer's attention to a reference from which it appeared that the euclidean case had first been studied by Beltrami. After publication, it was discovered that the main subject of Beltrami's paper was the non-euclidean case. He proves, by analytical methods, theorems which may be stated as follows: Let A0, A1,…, An denote the vertices of a simplex, [A], in non-euclidean space of n dimensions, and P a point such that the orthogonal projections of P on the walls of [A] lie in a flat, p; then the locus of P is an (n − 1)- fold, W, of order n + 1, which is anallagmatic for the isogonal transformation q. [A]; the isogonal conjugate of P is the absolute pole of p, and the envelope, w, of p is therefore the absolute reciprocal of W. Beltrami does not note the theorem, fundamental for the geometrical treatment of the subject, that W is the Jacobian of a certain group of n + 1 point-hyperspheres. He goes on to show that in the euclidean case the locus W breaks up into an n-ic (n − 1)-fold and the flat at infinity, while the envelope w does not, in general, break up. Finally, he notes that in two dimensions there is also a special non-euclidean case, in which W breaks up into an order-conic and a line, and w into a class-conic and a point; and that the appropriate condition is fundamentally that which is necessary for the degeneration of a certain class-conic into a pair of points. “But what are the points? And what is the corresponding condition satisfied by the absolute conic? This is a question which it would be interesting to resolve.” It does not appear that the subject has been pursued further; and in the present note an attempt is made to discuss fully the analogous case qi degeneracy in n dimensions.
- Type
- Research Article
- Information
- Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society , Volume 23 , Issue 1 , February 1926 , pp. 28 - 32
- Copyright
- Copyright © Cambridge Philosophical Society 1926
* Gabbatt, , Proc. Cumb. Phil. Soc. xxi (1923), 763–771. References in the text, thus: (2.22), are to this paper.Google Scholar
† Encyk. d. math. Wiss. III, C 7, 806–7, footnote 121.Google Scholar
* Mem. Acc. Bologna (3) VII (1876), 241–262 = Op. mat. III, 53–72.Google Scholar
§ See Eneyk. d. math. Wiss. III, C 7, 962.Google Scholar
* Beltrami terms W, w respectively the hypersteinerian locus and envelope q. [A]. This term is used in a different sense by Brambilla, , Rend. Acc. Napoli, XXXVIII (1899), 144–5.Google Scholar
† Bauer, , Sitz. Akad. München, XVIII (1888), 337–354Google Scholar, proves this theorem for three dimensions; see Jessop, , Quartic Surfaces, Cambridge (1916), 189–190.Google Scholar
* See Schläfli, , J. f. Math, LXV (1866), 189–197.Google Scholar
* Cf. Gabbatt, , Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (2), xxiv (1925), 173.Google Scholar
* Cf Neuberg, , Mathesis, (3) VIII (1908), 159–160Google Scholar; Juhel-Rénoy, ibid. 257–258.
† E.g. from Gabbatt, , Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. xxi (1923), 297–362, §§9.12, 15.1.Google Scholar