Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 September 1998
If each of E and F is a real Banach space, H a compact Hausdorff space, C(H, E) the Banach space (sup norm ∥·∥∞) of continuous E-valued functions defined on H, L: C(H, E)→F a continuous linear transformation (=operator) with representing measure m, [sum ] the σ-algebra of Borel subsets of H and m˜(A) the semivariation of m on A∈[sum ], then m maps [sum ] into B(E, F**), the Banach space of all operators from E into F** (= the bidual of F), ∥L∥=m˜(H) and L(f)=∫ fdm. The reader may consult [9] or [6] for a detailed discussion of the Riesz representation theorem in this setting.