Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 November 2016
1. The applications of spherical harmonic functions in mathematical physics are closely connected with the various potentials—gravitational, electrostatic, magnetic, or the velocity potential in hydrodynamics. It is of interest to recall, briefly, the development of the potential theory. The actual name “potential function” or potential was first introduced by Green in the memoir of 1828 in which he published his famous theorem on the transformation of surface and volume integrals. But the use of the potential function goes back to Euler (1707–1783), who formulated the fundamental differential equations of hydrodynamics, and integrated them in the case where a velocity potential exists, which he recognized to be a special case.
An Address delivered on January 6th, 1930, at the Annual Meeting.
page 210 note * Chapters 8 and 9.