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Editorial board
Executive Editor

Dr Ann L. Pulsford, Marine Biological Association of the UK|The Laboratory|Citadel Hill|Plymouth PL1 2PB|UK
[email protected]

Associate Editor

Dr B. Bett, Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK

C.N Bianchi, University of Genova, Italy

P.G.H Evans, Sea Watch Foundation, Oxford, UK

Dr D. Jollivet, Roscoff Marine Laboratory, France

W.J. Langston, Marine Biological Association, UK

Dr K. Nagasawa, National Research Institute of Aquaculture, Nikko, Japan

Professor B. Okamura, Natural History Museum, UK

Dr J.C. Patridge, University of Bristol, UK

Dr P.S. Rainbow, Natural History Museum, London, UK

Professor J. A. Raven FRS, University of Dundee, UK

J.M. Ruiz, Universidad da Coruña, Spain

Dr R. Strathmann, Friday Harbor Laboratories, Washington, USA

Professor H. Thiel, Universidad Catolica de Norte, Chile

Dr M.C. Thorndyke, Kristineberg Marine Research Centre, Sweden

Professor J. S. Wroblewski, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada

Associate Editor

Dr Peter Henderson, Pisces Conservation, Southampton, UK