Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Kajihara, Hiroshi
Grygier, Mark J.
Andrade, Sónia C. S.
Bartolomaeus, Thomas
Cherneva, Irina A.
Chernyshev, Alexei V.
von Döhren, Jörn
Ellison, Christina I.
Gibson, Ray
Giribet, Gonzalo
Hiebert, Terra C.
Hookabe, Natsumi
Junoy, Juan
Kvist, Sebastian
Maslakova, Svetlana A.
Mendes, Cecili B.
Norenburg, Jon L.
Polyakova, Neonila E.
Sagorny, Christina
Schwartz, Megan L.
Strand, Malin
Sun, Shichun
Turbeville, James M.
Zattara, Eduardo E.
Case 3849 – Emplectonematidae Bürger, 1904 and Emplectonema Stimpson, 1857 (Nemertea, Monostilifera): proposed conservation of current usage by reversal of precedence of the family name with respect to Eunemertidae Joubin, 1894 and designation of a new type species for the genus.
The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature,
Vol. 78,
Issue. 3,