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The Stimulus Amoris, long attributed to St Bonaventure but now known to be a composite work, the main part of which was written by James of Milan, a thirteenth century Franciscan, was extremely popular in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Walter Hiltou made a translation of it, adding many passages of great beauty and interest. The work has not been printed hitherto. We give a chapter in which Hilton's additions are printed in brackets. The text is taken from MS. Vernon.
1 Lat. creatoris.
2 grade, degree.
3 according to his state.
4 unity.
5 Lat. Deo.
6 Hilton uses 'brother' for Lat. prorimus throughout
7 disgusting.
8 show horror at a leper.
9 allusion to Cant. 1: 7.
10 Cf. Scale II, ch. 3D for fuller development of this thought.
11 Lat. has deificatus.
12 cf. the phrase 'every which way'.
13 Lat. Deum.