Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 March 2007
The taxonomy of the foliicolous members of Arthoniaceae (Anhonia, Arthothelium, Cryptothecia, Eremothecella) in Costa Rica is revised. Cryptothecia farkasiae sp. nov. is described, being closely related to Stirtonia sprucei, and bearing pycnidia reminiscent of Eremothecella. Anhonia lividofusca is placed in synonymy with A. aciniformis. Pycnidia and pycnospores are further described for Anhonialeptosperma, A. cyanea, A. palmulacea, A. trilocularis, Anhothelium cingulatum, Stinonia sprucei and S. macrocephala, and campylidia were found on thalli of Anhonia aciniformis. Anhonia nigratula and Cryptothecia Candida are reported for the first time from Costa Rica, and new localities are given for previously reported species. Ecological data are provided, and the relationships between foliicolous members of the Arthoniaceae are discussed.