Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 July 2008
The Foreign Law Guide (FLAG) Project, which aims to build a Web inventory to the holdings of foreign legal materials in university and college libraries throughout the United Kingdom, is one of about 12 collection management projects, funded by the Research Support Libraries Programme (RSLP). It is believed to be the only project which included within its research proposal the requirement to carry out a survey of user needs to assist in the design of the end-product of the project: the Web inventory.The purpose of the survey, as stated in the bid document, would be to:
establish the present and future requirements for foreign, comparative and international legal materials
discover what information researchers need on foreign law, how they obtain it and what they expect libraries to provide
provide essential information for decision-making on collection development and influence the production of the law Web map.
The Project Management Committee considered it important to attempt to obtain the views of as wide a range of users of foreign legal materials as possible. Attempts were made to include (a) non-lawyers working in related disciplines, (b) research support staff and PhD. students as well as academics, and (c) law librarians and information officers.