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Enchantment, Aesthetics, and the Superficial Powers of Modern Law
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Darian-Smith Eve, Bridging Divides: The Channel Tunnel and English Legal Identity in the New Europe. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1999. xvii + 256 pages. $50.00 cloth; $19.95 paper.
Shamir Ronen, The Colonies of Law: Colonialism, Zionism, and Law in Early Mandate Palestine. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2000. xvi + 216 pages. $64.95 cloth.
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 April 2024
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- Book Review Essay
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- Copyright © 2001 Law and Society Association.
The author would like to thank Jodi Dean, Peter Fitzpatrick, and Helena Silverstein for reading earlier drafts of this essay.
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