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The Digest of Laws of the Russian Empire: The Phenomenon of Autocratic Legality

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  06 September 2012


Researchers of the history of late imperial Russia quite often base their studies on the texts of laws as recorded in the official edition: the Complete Collection of the Laws of the Russian Empire (Polnoe Sobranie zakonov Rossiiskoi imperii). The laws were published there in chronological order for purposes of conducting inquiries; it was specifically the Complete Collection in which the original text of a decree approved by the emperor could generally be found.

Copyright © the American Society for Legal History, Inc. 2012

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1. Uchrezhdenie Pravitel'stvuiuschego Senata [Statute of the Governing Senate]. Art. 66, Suppl. 7, in Svod zakonov Rossiiskoi imperii (hereafter SZ) Vol. 2. (St. Petersburg, 1906).

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11. Anan'ich et al. Vlast' i reformy, 146; and Raeff, Marc, “Peter's Domestic Legacy: Transformation or Revolution?” in Peter the Great Transforms Russia, ed. Cracraft, James (Toronto/Lexington, MA, 1991)Google Scholar.

12. On the history of codification of Russian law, see: Pakhman, Semion, Istoriia kodifikatsii grazhdanskogo prava [History of Codification of Civil law] (St. Petersburg: Tipografiia Vtorogo otdeleniia sobstvennoi ego imperatorskogo velichestva kantseliarii, 1876), 1:203472Google Scholar; Omel'chenko, Oleg, Kodifikatsiia prava v Rossii v period absoliutnoi monarkhii (Vtoraia polovina XVIII v.) [Codification of law in Russia in the period of absolutist monarchy (second half of the 18th century] (Moscow: Vsesoiuznyi iuridicheskii zaochnyi institute, 1989)Google Scholar.

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15. Speranskii, Mikhail, “Kratkoe istoricheskoe obozrenie komissii sostavleniia zakonov,” [“Brief Historical Overview of Commission for the Compilation of Laws”] Russkaia starina [Russian Antiquities] 15 (1876): 583Google Scholar.

16. Quoted in: Maikov, Piotr, Vtoroe otdelenie Sobstvennoi Ego imperatorskogo velichestva kantseliarii 1826–1882 [Second Department of His Majesty's Own Chancellery] (St. Petersburg: Tipografiia I.N. Skorokhodova, 1906), 191Google Scholar.

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18. Uortman (Wortman), Vlastiteli I sudii, 71–87.

19. See more in EvdokiiaKosachevskaia, , M. A. Balugianskii i Peterburgskii universitet v pervoi chetverti XIX v [Mikhail Balugianskii and St. Petersburg University in the First Quarter of the 19th Century] (Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo leningradskogo universiteta, 1971)Google Scholar.

20. Quoted in: Razvitie russkogo prava v pervoi polovine XIX v.[Development of Russian Law in the First Half of the 19 thCentury]/Ed. Evgenii Skripilev (Moscow: Nauka 1994), 53.

21. Alekseev, Segei, Uroki. Tiazhkii put' Rossii k pravu (Moscow: Institut chastnogo prava, 1997), 29Google Scholar.

22. See more in Raeff, Marc, Mikhael Speransky Statesmen of Imperial Russia. 1772–1839 (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1969)CrossRefGoogle Scholar; and Whisenhunt, In Search of Legality.

23. See more in recent kandidat nauk kandidat nauk Phd dissertation in History of Smirnova, Anna, Vtoroe otdelenie sobstvennoi E.I.V. kantseliarii. St. Petersburg State University, 2009Google Scholar) and Mustonen, Peter, Sobstvennaia Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva Kantseliariia v mekhanizme vlastvovaniia instituta samoderzhtsa. 1812–1858: K tipologii osnov imperskogo upravleniia. [Second Department of His Majesty's Own Chancellery and the Power of Institute of Autocracy. 1812–1858: To the Typology of Basis of Imperial Rule]. (Helsinki: Aleksanteri Instituutii, 1998)Google Scholar.

24. Some regions of the Russian empire, for example, Siberia, Finland, and Poland, had their own compendiums of codified legislation.

25. On the history of the Digest, see Raeff, Marc, Mikhael Speransky Statesman of Imperial Russia. 1772–1839 (The Hague: 1969)CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Whisenhunt, In Search of Legality; and Irina Ruzhitskaia, Kodifikatsionnye proekty imperatora Nikolaia I [Codification projects of Nicholas I] Rossiiskaia istoriia [Russian History] 1 (2010): 29–44.

26. Korevo, Nikolai, Ob izdaniiiakh zakonov Rossiiskoi Imperii, 1830–1899 (St. Petersburg: Gosudarstvennaia tipografiia, 1900)Google Scholar.

27. Polnoe Sobranie zakonov Rossiiskoi imperii (hereafter PSZ) (1834) no. 7654.

28. Svod zakonov Rossiiskoi Imperii. Uchrezhdenie Pravitel'stvuiuschego Senata [Statute of the Governing Senate] (St. Petersburg, 1892)Google Scholar; Uchrezhdenie Pravitel'stvuiuschego Senata, izdaniia 1915 goda, i ego izmenenie zakonom 16 dekabria 1916 [Statute of the Governing Senate 1915 edition changed 16 thDecember 1916] Sobranie uzakonenii i rasporiazsenii pravitel'stva [Collection of Legislation and Regulations of the Government] (1917), no.11, art. 68.

29. PSZ (1834) no. 7654.

30. The Digest of the Laws of the Russian Empire, published in 1833, contained 36,000 articles; with appendices this rose to 42,198. See: Speranskii, Mikhail, “Obozrenie istoricheskikh svedenii o Svode zakonov. Ob'iasnitel'naia zapiska soderzhania i raspolozhenia Svoda zakonov grazhdanskikh,” [Overview of Historical Sources on the Digest of Laws] in Speranskii, Rukovodstvo k poznaniu zakonov (Manual to Legal Studies) (St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2002), 155Google Scholar.

31. Maikov, Vtoroe otdelenie, 138. On Nicholas I's close involvement in the preparation of the Digest, see: Telberg, Georgii, “Uchastie imperatora Nikolaia I v kodifikatsionnoi rabote ego tsarstvovania (po povodu 80-letia deistvia SZRI)”, [“Participarion of the Emperor Nicholas I in the Codification of Laws in His Reign (on 80 Years Anniversary of the Digest of laws”] Zhurnal Ministerstva iustitsii [Journal of Ministry of Justice] 1 (1916): 233–44Google Scholar, and Irina Ruzhitskaia, Kodifikatsionnye proekty imperatora Nikolaia I [Codification projects of Nicholas I] Rossiiskaia istoriia [Russian history] 1 (2010): 29–44.

32. PSZ (1882) no. 621.

33. PSZ (1893) no. 10212.

34. Speranskii, Obozrenie, 145–46.

35. Malyshev, Kronid, Kurs obschego grazhdanskogo prava Rossii [Lectures on Russian General Civil Law] vol.1. (St. Petersburg: Tipografiia Stasiulevicha, 1878), 188–90Google Scholar.

36. Uchrezhdenie Ministerstv [Statute of Ministries] Article 166, PSZ (1811) no. 24686.

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38. Until 1885, the instruction on codification procedure was for inside use of the Second Department. The “Highly approved Statement of the Department of Laws of the State Council on the procedure of the Digest's reissue” appeared on November 5, 1885, PSZ (1885) no. 3261. Speranskii's instructions for compilation of the Digest are provided in Blosfel'dt, Gugo, “Zakonnaia” sila Svoda zakonov v svete arkhivnykh dannykh (Petrograd: Senatskaia tipografiia 1917), 1015Google Scholar.

39. Lazarevskii, Nikolai, Lektsii po russkomu gosudarstvennomu pravu. [Lectures on Russian Public Law] Vol.1. Konstitutsionnoe pravo [Constitutional Law] (St. Petersburg: Pravo, 1908)Google Scholar; Lozina-Lozinskii, Mikhail, “Kodifikatsia zakonov po russkomu gosudarstvennomu pravu,” [“Codification of Legislation under Russian Public Law”] Zhurnal ministerstva iustitsii [Journal of Ministry of Justice] 4–5 (1897); 142–86Google Scholar, Pobedina, E. M., “K voprosu o iuridicheskoi sile Svoda,” [“To the question of legal power of the Digest”] Zhurnal ministerstva iustitsii [Journal of Ministry of Justice] 4 (1909): 138–50Google Scholar.

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41. Karamzin, Nikolai, Zapiska o drevnei i novoi Rossii v ee politicheskom i grazhdanskom otnosheniiakh [Memoir on Ancient and Modern Russia in its Political and Civil Respects] (Moscow: Nauka, 1991), 102Google Scholar.

42. Ibid,

43. Walter M. Pinter has fairly pointed out that even transparency of lawmaking process was considered a threat to the autocracy. Pinter, W., “Reformability in the Age of Reform and Countereform, 1855–1894,” in Reform in Russia and the USSR: Past and Prospects, ed. Crumney, Robert O. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1989), 90Google Scholar.

44. Mikhail Speranskii, “Besedy” M.M. Speranskogo o zakonakh, M. Speranskii's ‘talks’ on law/ed. Dzhenevra Lukovskaia, Sergei Grechishkin, Pravovedenie 4. (1997).

45. Fateev, Arkadii, “K istorii yuridicheskoi obrazovannosti v Rossii,” [“On the History of Legal Education in Russia”] Uchenye zapiski, osnovannye russkoi uchebnoi kollegiei v Prage [Academic Memoirs of the Russian College in Prague] 1 (1924):170Google Scholar.

46. Mikhail Pogodin, “K biografii Speranskogo,” [“To the Biography of Speranskii”] Russkii arkhiv [Russian archive] (1871), stolbets 1947.

47. Nolde, Aleksandr, “Retsenzia na knigu P. M. Maikova ‘Vtoroe otdelenie sobstvennoi ego imperatorskogo velichestva kantseliarii,’” [“Review of the book: P.M. Maikov The Second Department of His Majesty's Own Chancellery”] Zhurnal ministerstva iustitsii [Journal of Ministry of Justice] 5 (1908):181Google Scholar.

48. Quoted in: Maikov, Vtoroe otdelenie, 191.

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51. Ustav Grazhdanskogo sudoproizvodstva [Statute of Civil Procedure]. Art.10, Ustav Ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva [Statute of Criminal Procedure]. Art. 13, SZ (St. Petersburg, 1914). vol. XIV, part. 1.

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53. Osnovnye zakony Rossiiskoi imperii [Fundamental Laws of the Russian Empire], SZ (St. Petersburg, 1892) vol. 1, part. 1.

54. Whisenhunt, In Search of Legality, 122.

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57. Wortman, Development, 269.

58. Cherkasova, Nadezhda, Formirovanie i razvitie advokatury v Rossii, 60–80-e gg. XIX v. [Emergence and Development of Advocacy in Russia, 1860s–70s]. (Moscow: Nauka, 1987)Google Scholar.

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65. Berezkin, Speranskii kak kodifikator, 3–4.

66. Lozina–Lozinskii, Mihkail, 1). “Kodifikatsia zakonov po russkomu gosudarstvennomu pravu,” [“Codification under Russian Public Law”] Zhurnal ministerstva iustitsii [Journal of Ministry of Justice] 4–5 (1897)Google Scholar; and “Kodifikatsionnye oshibki,” [“Codification Mistakes”] Zhurnal ministerstva iustitsii [Journal of Ministry of Justice] 5 (1896): 133–59Google Scholar.

67. Gurko, Vladimir, Cherty i siluety proshlogo. Pravitel'stvo i obshchestvo v tsarstvovanie Nikolaia II v izobrazhenii sovremennika [Features and Silhouettes of the Past. Government and Society in the Reign of Nicholas II, an overview of a Contemporary] (Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2000), 122Google Scholar.

68. Spravka ob ustroistve kodifikatsionnoi chasti. [Memo on Arrangement of Codification Department] (1917). Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Istoricheskii Arkhiv. [Russian National Historical Archive]. Fund 1162. Inventory 5. (1917) File 66. List 23–25.

69. Baratts, German, “O chuzhezemnom proiskhozhdenii bol'shinstva russkikh grazhdanskikh zakonov,” [“On Foreign Origins of Russian Civil Legislation”] Zhurnal grazhdanskogo i ugolovnogo prava [Journal of Civil and Criminal Law] 9 (1882): 4580Google Scholar; Vinaver, Maksim, “Ob istochnikakh grazhdanskikh zakonov, [“On Origins of Civil Legislation”] Zhurnal ministerstva iustitsii [Journal of Ministry of Justice] 10 (1894): 87102Google Scholar; Vinaver, Maksim: “K voprosu ob istochnikakh X toma Svoda zakonov, [“To the question of origins of the Xth volume of the Digest of Laws”] Zhurnal ministerstva iustitsii [Journal of Ministry of Justice] 10 (1895): 168Google Scholar.

70. Tatiana Borisova, “Russian National Legal Tradition,” 321–23.

71. For examples of such oversights made by competent jurists, see Maikov, Piotr, O Svode zakonov Rossiiskoi Imperii [On the Digest of Laws of the Russian Empire] (St. Petersburg: Tipografiia tovarishchestva “Obshchestvennaia pol'za,” 1906), 9Google Scholar.

72. Gradovskii, Aleksandr, “Biurokratizm i pravovoi poriadok”, [“Bureaucracy and Rule of Law”] Nabliudatel [Observer] 7 (1882): 47Google Scholar.

73. Ibid., 45.

74. See more in Aleksei Kartsov, Pravovaia ideologiia russkogo konservatizma (vtoraia polovina XIX – nachalo XX v.) [Legal Ideology of the Russian Conservatism, Second Half of the 19 thcentury – Beginning of the 20 thCentury], Juridical Doctor Dissertation Moscow State Law Academy 2008, Unpublished manuscript.

75. Quoted in Remnev, Anatolii, “Problema ob'edinennogo pravitelstva nakanune pervoi rossiiskoi revoliutsii” [“Problem of united government on the edge of the first Russian revolution”] Novoe o revoliutsii 1905–1907 gg. v Rossii [New findings on the revolution of 1905–1907] (Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo Leningradskogo universiteta 1989), 97Google Scholar.

76. Karamzin, Zapiska, 102–3.

77. Uortman (Wortman), Vlastiteli i sudii, 24.

78. Pravilova, Ekaterina, Zakonnost' i prava lichnosti: administrativnaia iustitsia v Rossii (vtoraia polovina XIX v – Oktiabr' 1917) [Legality and Individual Rights: Administrative Justice in Imperial Russia (Second Half of the 19th Century — October 1917)] (St. Petersburg, “Obrazovanie-Kultura,” 2000)Google Scholar.

79. Semenov, Piotr, Samoderzhavie kak gosudarstvennyi stroi [Autocracy as State Structure] (St. Petersburg: Senatskaia tipografiia, 1905), 6, 911Google Scholar.

80. PSZ (1904) no. 25495.