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Garcia Marquez, Vargas Llosa, and Literary Criticism: Looking Back Prematurely
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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 October 2022

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- Review Essays
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- Copyright © 1991 by the University of Texas Press
1. Roberto González Echevarría, “Cien años de soledad: The Novel as Myth and Archive,” MLN, Hispanic Issue (Spring 1984):359.
2. On these novels, see Roberto González Echevarría, “The Dictatorship of Rhetoric / The Rhetoric of Dictatorship: Carpentier, García Márquez, and Roa Bastos,” LAR 15, no. 3 (1980):205–38; and The Voice of the Masters (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1985).
3. Palencia-Roth's article is an adaptation of one chapter of his excellent Gabriel García Márquez: la línea, el círculo y las metamorfosis del mito (Madrid: Gredos, 1983).
4. For an interesting discussion of the role that education has played in Latin America, see Angel Rama, La ciudad letrada (Hanover, N.H.: Ediciones del Norte, 1984).
5. García Márquez's journalistic writing has been compiled in a series of three volumes entitled Obra periodística (Barcelona: Bruguera, 1982).
6. See also the excellent article by Gustavo Pellón, “Myth, Tragedy, and the Scapegoat Ritual in Crónica de una muerte anunciada, ” Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 12, no. 3 (Spring 1988):392–413.
7. See, for example, Alfred MacAdam, “Realism Restored,” Review: Latin American Literature and Art 35 (July–Dec. 1985):34–38; José Miguel Oviedo, “El amor en los tiempos del cólera de Gabriel García Márquez, ” Vuelta 10, no. 114 (May 1986):33–38; and Julio Ortega, “Gabriel García Márquez y Mario Vargas Llosa, imitados,” Revista Iberoamericana 52, no. 137 (Oct.–Dec. 1986):971–78.
8. Among the book-length studies on Vargas Llosa, see the excellent work of José Miguel Oviedo, Mario Vargas Llosa: la invención de una realidad (Barcelona: Seix Barrai, 1970; 2d ed. 1977). See also Dick Gerdes, Mario Vargas Llosa (Boston, Mass.: Twayne, 1985).
9. Since that time, Vargas Llosa has published a play, La Chunga (1985), and three novels: Quien mató a Palomino Molero (1986), El hablador (1987), and Elogio de la madrastra (1988).
10. Gerdes, Mario Vargas Llosa, 93.
11. See Julia Urquidi Illanes, Lo que Varguitas no dijo (La Paz: Biblioteca Popular Boliviana de Ultima Hora, 1983).