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- Editorial
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- Copyright © 1976 by the University of Texas Press
During the period under review, the following generously contributed time and attention in reading and advising us on manuscripts: Carlos A. Astiz, Enrique A. Baloyra, Charles W. Bergquist, Thomas Bruneau, Lourdes Casal, Richard Clinton, Jack Cobb, Kenneth Coleman, Margaret E. Crahan, Harold E. Davis, Carlos F. Díaz-Alejandro, Federico G. Gil, Richard E. Greenleaf, Sylvia Ann Hewlett, Lucy L. Johnson, Peter T. Knight, Henry Landsberger, Anthony P. Maingot, Gilbert W. Merkx, Gerald M. Moser, John P. Powelson, Manuel D. Ramirez, Richard Renner, David F. Ronfeldt, Steffen W. Schmidt, Phillipe Schmitter, Lars Schoultz, Thomas Skidmore, Bobbie Smetherman, Franklin Tugwell, Frederick C. Turner, Arturo Valenzuela, John Wanat, Iêda Wiarda, James W. Wilkie, Robert C. Williamson, Ralph Lee Woodward, and Sylvia Wynter.