Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 October 2022
For several years the Círculos Bolivarianos were a key organized component of the movement supporting President Hugo Chávez in Venezuela and the question of their democratic qualities a source of considerable controversy, but until recently there was little data to test the competing claims of supporters and opponents. We report the results of a survey of 110 members of Círculos and several interviews carried out in four Venezuelan states during June and July 2004. After providing basic information on the Círculos, we analyze their tendency to contribute to a democratic civil society. We find that respondents had highly democratic goals and methods; however, their organizations embodied a charismatic mode of linkage to Chávez that undermined their ability to become institutionalized. In addition, although the Círculos performed valuable social work, they often reinforced clientelistic relations between Chávez and the voters, and they did not significantly enhance the level of pluralism in the broader civil society.
Durante varios afios los Circulos Bolivarianos fueron un componenteclave en el movimiento que apoya al Presidente HugoChavezen Venezuelay unafuentede controversiaconsiderableen cuantoasuscualidades dernocraticas: sin embargo, hasta hace poco tiempo no habia suficientes datos para probar las opiniones de partidarios y opositores a dicho movimiento. Presentamos los resultados de una encuesta realizada a 110 miembros de los Circulosy variasentrevistasefectuadasen cuatroestadosvenezolanosdurante junio y julio de 2004. Luego de proveer informacion basica sobre los Circulos, analizamos su tendencia a contribuir a una sociedad civil dernocratica. Encontramos que los encuestados tienen altos objetivos y procedimientos democraticos: sin embargo, sus organizaciones personifican un modo carisrnatico de conexion con Chavez que dificulta su habilidad para institucionalizarse. Asu vez, y a pesarde quelos Circulosrealizaron un valioso trabajo social, han reforzado las relaciones clientelisticas entre Chavez y sus votantes; y no hanaumentadode manerasignificativael nivelde pluralismoen la sociedad civil en general.