This article studies palatalization gestures in the
production of /t/ and /d/ in standard Belgium French
through the use of electropalatography. The articulatory
results are compared with an acoustic study of the affricated
realization of these consonants when followed by /i/, /y/, /j/,
and /[inverted h]/ in Quebec French (Bento, 1993). The study
examines regional and individual differences in palatalization
gestures to show how affrication can be ascribed to palatalization.
Results are analyzed with regard to temporal, articulatory
(electropalatography), and voicing aspects to compare production
strategies across French variants, speakers, and phonetic
contexts. The aim is to understand coordination processes,
which are explained in terms of biomechanical constraints
resulting from the coordination of adjacent gestures. These
processes are used to show how palatalization traces in
a variant with no recognized affrication (Belgium French)
are similar in nature to the affrication in Quebec French,
because palatalization is due to the coarticulation of
the stop with a following high front vowel or a palatal
approximant. Results are also compared with diachronic
data to propose explanations for some patterns in the development
from Latin to French.