No CrossRef data available.
05–350Biesenbach-Lucas, Sigrun (American U; [email protected]), Communication topics and strategies in e-mail consultation: comparison between American and international university students. Language Learning & Technology (Hawaii, Manoa, USA) 9.2 (2005), 24–46.
05–351Giles, Howard & Dorjee Dorjee (U of California, USA), Cultural identity in Tibetan diasporas. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (Clevedon, UK) 26.2 (2005), 138–157.
05–352Kheimets, Nina G. & Alek D. Epstein (Bar-Ilan U, Israel), Languages of science in the era of nation-state formation: the Israeli universities and their (non)participation in the revival of Hebrew. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (Clevedon, UK) 26.1 (2005), 12–36.
05–353Kitzinger, Celia. & Elizabeth Peel (U of York; [email protected]), The de-gaying and re-gaying of AIDS: contested homophobias in lesbian and gay awareness training. Discourse & Society (London, UK) 16.2 (2005), 173–197.
05–354Lee, Seung-Hee (U of California, USA; [email protected]), The scales of justice: balancing neutrality and efficiency in plea-bargaining encounters. Discourse & Society (London, UK) 16.1 (2005), 33–54.
05–355Morales-López, Esperanza, Gabriela Prego-Vázquez & Luzia Domínguez-Seco (U of Coruña, Spain; [email protected]), Interviews between employees and customers during a company restructuring process. Discourse & Society (London, UK) 16.2 (2005), 225–268.
05–356Nero, Shondel J. (St. John's U, USA; [email protected]), Language, identities, and ESL pedagogy. Language and Education (Clevedon, UK) 19.3 (2005), 194–211.
05–357Ryoo, Hye-Kyung (Seoul Women's U; [email protected]), Achieving friendly interactions: a study of service encounters between Korean shopkeepers and African-American customers. Discourse & Society (London, UK) 16.1 (2005), 79–105.
05–358Schoonen, Rob & René Appel (U of Amsterdam, the Netherlands), The street language: a multilingual youth register in the Netherlands. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (Clevedon, UK) 26.2 (2005), 85–117.
05–359Vari-Bogiri, Harrah (U of the South Pacific, Port Vila, Vanuatu), A sociolinguistic survey of Araki: a dying language of Vanuatu. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (Clevedon, UK) 26.1 (2005), 52–66.