The Adaptive and Learning Agents (ALA) community aims to develop agent-based systems which are autonomous and which employ learning and adaption to achieve their design goals. Inspiration for the design of these systems is drawn from diverse fields such as multi-agent systems, game theory, evolutionary computation, multi-objective optimisation, machine learning and cognitive science.
The Adaptive and Learning Agents Workshop has been held yearly in conjunction with the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) since 2009. The goal of this workshop series is to increase awareness of and interest in adaptive agent research, encourage collaboration and provide an interdisciplinary forum for discussion of the latest methods and results.
The series of ALA special issues in The Knowledge Engineering Review gather together extended versions of selected papers that were initially presented at the ALA workshops over the last number of years. These article collections give a representative overview of current research trends in the field of Adaptive and Learning Agents.