1 Introduction
The purpose of this paper is to study the p-Zassenhaus filtration of a free profinite group S and its cohomology by means of the combinatorics of words. Here p is a fixed prime number, and we recall that the p-Zassenhaus filtration of a profinite group G is given by
$G_{\left (n,p\right )}=\prod _{ip^j\geq n}\left (G^{(i)}\right )^{p^j}$
$n=1,2,\dotsc $
– that is,
$G_{\left (n,p\right )}$
is generated as a profinite group by all
-powers of elements of the ith term of the (profinite) lower central filtration
of G for
$ip^j\geq n$
This filtration was introduced by Zassenhaus [Reference Zassenhaus39] for discrete groups (under the name dimension subgroups modulo p) as a tool to study free Lie algebras in characteristic p. It proved itself to be a powerful tool in a variety of group-theoretic and arithmetic problems: the Golod–Shafarevich solution to the class field tower problem ([Reference Koch20], [Reference Koch21, §7.7], [Reference Zelmanov40], [Reference Ershov13]), the structure of finitely generated pro-p groups of finite rank [Reference Dixon, Du Sautoy, Mann and Segal5, Ch. 11], mild groups [Reference Labute24] and one-relator pro-p groups [Reference Gärtner15, §2.4], multiple residue symbols and their knot-theory analogues ([Reference Morishita29], [Reference Morishita30, Ch. 8], [Reference Vogel37]), and more.
In the Galois-theory context, where
is the absolute Galois group of a field F containing a root of unity of order p, it was shown in [Reference Efrat and Mináč12] that the quotient
$G/G_{\left (3,p\right )}$
determines the full cohomology ring
$H^*(G)=\bigoplus _{i\geq 0}H^i(G)$
with the cup product. Here and in the sequel we abbreviate
$H^i(G)=H^i(G,\mathbb {Z}/p)$
for the profinite cohomology group of G with its trivial action on
$\mathbb {Z}/p$
. Moreover,
$G/G_{\left (3,p\right )}$
is the smallest Galois group of F with this property (see also [Reference Chebolu, Efrat and Mináč3]).
In the present paper we focus on the cohomology group
$H^2\left (G/G_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )$
for a profinite group G and
$n\geq 2$
. Its importance is that it controls the relator structure in the pro-p group
, whereas its generators are captured by the group
$H^1(G/G_{\left (n,p\right )})$
, which is well understood [Reference Neukirch, Schmidt and Wingberg31, §3.9].
Our main result gives, for a free profinite group S on a basis X, an explicit description of
$H^2\left (S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )$
in terms of the combinatorics of words. Namely, we consider X as an alphabet with a fixed total order, and let
be the monoid of words in X. For every
$n\geq 0$
, let
$\mathbb {Z}\langle X\rangle _n$
be the free
$\mathbb {Z}$
-module generated by all words in
of length n. Let
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Sh}}(X)_{{\mathrm {indec}},n}$
be its quotient by the submodule generated by all shuffle products

, where
are nonempty words in
$\lvert u\rvert +\lvert v\rvert =n$
. We recall that for words
$u=(x_1\dotsm x_r)$
$v=(x_{r+1}\dotsm x_{r+s})$
, one defines

$\sigma $
ranges over all permutations of
$\{1,2,\dotsc , r+s\}$
such that
$\sigma (1)<\dotsb <\sigma (r)$
$\sigma (r+1)<\dotsb < \sigma (r+t)$
. Thus
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Sh}}(X)_{{\mathrm {indec}},n}$
is the nth homogenous component of the indecomposable quotient of the shuffle algebra
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Sh}}(X)$
in the sense of [Reference Efrat9, §5] (see §9). We prove the following word-combinatorial description of
$H^2\left (S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )$
for p sufficiently large:
Main Theorem. Suppose that
. There is a canonical isomorphism of
$\mathbb {F}_p$
-linear spaces

$p\leq n$
we have a similar result, in the form of a canonical epimorphism.
More specifically, to any word w in
of length
$1\leq \lvert w\rvert \leq n$
we associate a canonical cohomology element
$\alpha _{w,n}\in H^2\left (S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )$
. Then the isomorphism in the Main Theorem is induced by the map
$w\mapsto \alpha _{w,n}$
, where w is either a single-letter word or a word of length n. In these cases,
$\alpha _{w,n}$
turns out to be a Bockstein element or an element of an n-fold Massey product, respectively (see Examples 7.1–7.2 and the remarks below). The construction of
$\alpha _{w,n}$
is based on a representation of
$S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}$
in a group of unitriangular (i.e., unipotent upper-triangular) matrices, which we derive from the Magnus map – see §5 and §7 for details.
A main ingredient of the proof, of independent importance, is the construction of a canonical
$\mathbb {F}_p$
-linear basis of
$H^2\left (S/S_{(n,p)}\right )$
, which we call the Lyndon basis. Recall that a nonempty word w in
is called a Lyndon word if it is smaller in the alphabetic order (induced by the fixed total order on X) than all its nontrivial right factors (i.e., suffixes). The Lyndon basis then consists of all cohomology elements
$\alpha _{w,n}$
, where w is a Lyndon word of length
$\left \lceil n/p^k\right \rceil $
for some
$k\geq 0$
. When
$n\leq p$
the possible lengths are only
and n, leading to the two direct summands in the left-hand side of the Main Theorem.
We further use Lyndon words to give a canonical basis of the
$\mathbb {F}_p$
-linear space
$S_{\left (n,p\right )}/\left (S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )^p\left [S,S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right ]$
, and prove a duality (in a unitriangular sense) between the Lyndon basis of
$H^2\left (S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )$
and this latter basis (Corollary 8.2). In the smallest case,
, this recovers classical duality results between Bockstein elements/cup products and p-powers/commutators, respectively, proved by Labute in his classical work on Demuškin groups ([Reference Labute22, Prop. 8], [Reference Serre34], [Reference Neukirch, Schmidt and Wingberg31, Ch. III, §9], [Reference Serre34]). In the case
, it refines results by Vogel [Reference Vogel37, §2].
The paper builds upon our earlier work [Reference Efrat8], supplemented by [Reference Efrat9], where we proved analogous results for the lower p-central filtration, defined inductively by
$G^{\left (1,p\right )}=G$
$G^{\left (n,p\right )}=\left (G^{\left (n-1,p\right )}\right )^p\left [G,G^{\left (n-1,p\right )}\right ]$
$n\geq 2$
. In many respects, this filtration and the p-Zassenhaus filtration are the opposite extremes among the filtrations related to mod-p cohomology.
While we follow the general philosophy of [Reference Efrat8] and [Reference Efrat9], their methods fall short when applied to the p-Zassenhaus filtration. Therefore we modify these methods in several aspects: mainly, whereas in the lower p-central case one should consider words w of arbitrary lengths, in the case of Zassenhaus filtration we need to restrict to words of lengths
$\left \lceil n/p^k\right \rceil $
$k\geq 0$
, as above. These ‘jumps’ arise when we analyze the filtration for the group
$\mathbb {U}_i\left (\mathbb {Z}/p^j\right )$
of unitriangular
$(i+1)\times (i+1)$
-matrices over
$\mathbb {Z}/p^j$
. They turn out to have crucial, and quite nonobvious, properties, which are in particular needed for handling the dual
$S_{\left (n,p\right )}/\left (S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )^p\left [S,S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right ]$
$H^2\left (S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )$
. Here commutator identities due to Shalev [Reference Shalev36] also play a key role. By contrast, the corresponding quotient in the lower p-central case is
$S^{\left (n,p\right )}/S^{\left (n+1,p\right )}$
, which is considerably more tractable. In addition, the analysis for the lower p-central filtration in [Reference Efrat8] is based on (mixed) Lie-algebra computations. In the case of Zassenhaus filtration we instead apply the theory of free p-restricted Lie algebra, following [Reference Lazard25] and [Reference Gärtner15].
The correspondence in the Main Theorem demonstrates deep connections between the p-Zassenhaus filtration and its cohomology and the n-fold Massey product
$H^1(G)^n\to H^2(G)$
. In fact, it was shown in [Reference Efrat7] that when S is a free profinite group,
$S_{\left (n,p\right )}/S_{\left (n+1,p\right )}$
is dual to the subgroup of
$H^2\left (S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )$
generated by all such products. Moreover, the latter subgroup is the kernel of the inflation map
$H^2\left (S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )\to H^2\left (S/S_{\left (n+1,p\right )}\right )$
. The size of
$S_{\left (n,p\right )}/S_{\left (n+1,p\right )}$
was computed in [Reference Mináč, Rogelstad and Tân26]. The behavior of Massey products for absolute Galois groups
has been the focus of extensive research in recent years, where the p-Zassenhaus filtration has played an important role (see, e.g., [Reference Efrat and Matzri10], [Reference Guillot, Mináč, Topaz and Wittenberg16], [Reference Harpaz and Wittenberg17], [Reference Hopkins and Wickelgren18], [Reference Mináč and Tân27], [Reference Mináč and Tân28] and the references therein).
2 Hall sets
Let X be a nonempty set, considered as an alphabet. Let again
be the free monoid on X. We consider its elements as associative words. It is equipped with the binary operation
$(u,v)\mapsto uv$
of associative concatenation. Let
$\mathcal {M}_X$
be the free magma on X (see [Reference Serre35, Part I, Ch. IV, §1], [Reference Efrat8, §2]). Thus the elements of
$\mathcal {M}_X$
are the nonempty nonassociative words in the alphabet X, and it is equipped with the binary operation
$(u,v)\mapsto (uv)$
of nonassociative concatenation. There is a natural foliage (brackets-dropping) map
$f\colon \mathcal {M}_X\to X^*$
, which is the identity on X (considered as a subset of both
$\mathcal {M}_X$
) and which commutes with the concatenation maps.
We fix a total order on X. It induces on
the alphabetic order
$\leq _{\text {alp}}$
, which is also total. We denote the length of a word
$w\in X^*$
$\lvert w\rvert $
$\mathcal {H}$
be a subset of words in
$\mathcal {M}_X$
$\leq $
any total order on
$\mathcal {H}$
. We say that
$(\mathcal {H},\leq )$
is a Hall set in
$\mathcal {M}_X$
if the following conditions hold [Reference Reutenauer33, §4.1]:
$X\subseteq \mathcal {H}$ as ordered sets.
(2) If
$h=(h'h")\in \mathcal {H}\setminus X$ , then
$h"\in \mathcal {H}$ and
$h<h"$ .
(3) For
$h=(h'h")\in \mathcal {M}_X \setminus X$ , one has
$h\in \mathcal {H}$ if and only if
$h',h"\in \mathcal {H}$ and
$h'<h"$ , and
• either
$h'\in X$ or
$h'=(h_1h_2)$ with
$h_2\geq h"$ .
In this case we say that
$H=f(\mathcal {H})$
is a Hall set in
$w\in H$
can be written as
for a unique
$h\in \mathcal {H}$
[Reference Reutenauer33, Cor. 4.5]. If
$w\in H\setminus X$
, then we can uniquely write
$h',h"\in \mathcal {H}$
[Reference Reutenauer33, p. 89]. Setting
$w'=f(h'),w"=f(h")\in H$
, we call
the standard factorization of w.
Example 2.1. The set of all Lyndon words in
(see the Introduction) is a Hall set with respect to
$\leq _{\text {alp}}$
[Reference Reutenauer33, Th. 5.1].
The standard factorization of Lyndon words is explicitly given as follows:
Lemma 2.2. Let
$w,u,v\in X^*$
be nonempty words such that
and w is Lyndon. The following conditions are equivalent:
$w=uv$ is the standard factorization of w in the set of Lyndon words.
(b) v is the
$\leq _{\text {alp}}$ -minimal nontrivial right factor of w which is Lyndon.
(c) v is the longest nontrivial right factor of w which is Lyndon.
Proof. (a)
$\Leftrightarrow $
(b): This is shown in the proof of [Reference Reutenauer33, Th. 5.1].
$\Rightarrow $
(c): Let
by a nontrivial Lyndon right factor of w. By (b),
$v\leq _{\text {alp}} v'$
. Since
is Lyndon, v cannot be a nontrivial right factor of
. Hence
is a right factor of v, so
$\lvert v'\rvert \leq \lvert v\rvert $
$\Rightarrow $
(b): Let
be a nontrivial Lyndon right factor of w. By (c), it is a right factor of v. Since v is Lyndon,
$v\leq _{\text {alp}}v'$
We order
$\mathbb {Z}_{\geq 0}\times X^*$
lexicographically with respect to the usual order on
$\mathbb {Z}_{\geq 0}$
$\leq _{\textrm {alp}}$
. We then define a second total order
$\preceq $
by setting

with respect to the latter order on
$\mathbb {Z}_{\geq 0}\times X^*$
3 Lie algebras
Let R be a unital commutative ring. We write
$R\langle X\rangle $
for the free associative R-algebra over the set X. We view its elements as polynomials in the set X of noncommuting variables and with coefficients in R. Alternatively, it is the free R-module on the basis
with multiplication induced by concatenation. The algebra
$R\langle X\rangle $
is graded with respect to total degree.
We write
$R\langle \langle X\rangle \rangle $
for the R-algebra of formal power series in the set X of noncommuting variables and with coefficients in R.
Let k be a field. For an associative k-algebra A, let
$A_{\text {Lie}}$
be the Lie algebra on A with Lie bracket
We now assume that X is a nonempty totally ordered set, and fix a Hall set H in
be the free Lie k-algebra on the set X. The universal enveloping algebra of
$k\langle X\rangle $
[Reference Serre35, Part I, Ch. IV, Th. 4.2].
Let L be a Lie k-algebra containing X. Define a map
$P_L=P_L^H\colon H\to L$
$x\in X$
, and
, if
is the standard factorization of w, as in §2. This construction is functorial in L in the natural sense.
Proposition 3.1.
(a) When
$L=L(X)$ , the images
$P_L(w)$ , where
$w\in H$ , form a k-linear basis of
$L(X)$ .
(b) Let L be a Lie k-algebra containing X. Then the image of
$P_L\, k$ -linearly spans the Lie k-subalgebra of L generated by X.
Proof. (a) See [Reference Reutenauer33, Th. 4.9(i)].
(b) This follows from (a), the universal property of
, and the functoriality of
By Proposition 3.1(a) and the Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem [Reference Serre35, Part I, Ch. III, §4], the products
$\prod _{i=1}^mP_{L(X)}(w_i)$
, with
$w_1\geq _{\text {alp}}\dotsb \geq _{\text {alp}}w_m$
in H, form a k-linear basis of the universal enveloping algebra
$k\langle X\rangle $
Next assume that
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}\,k=p>0$
. A restricted Lie k-algebra L is a Lie k-algebra with an additional unary operation
$a\mapsto a^{[p]}$
for which there is an associative k-algebra A and a Lie k-algebra monomorphism
$\theta \colon L\to A_{\text {Lie}}$
such that
$\theta \left (a^{[p]}\right )=\theta (a)^p$
for every
$a\in L$
([Reference Dixon, Du Sautoy, Mann and Segal5, §12.1]; see also [Reference Jacobson19] for an alternative equivalent definition). A morphism of restricted Lie k-algebras is a morphism of Lie k-algebras which commutes with the
$(\cdot )^{[p]}$
Every associative k-algebra A is endowed with the structure of a restricted Lie algebra
$A_{\text {res.Lie}}$
, where we set
. Every restricted Lie k-algebra L has a unique restricted universal enveloping algebra
$\mathcal {U}_{\text {res}}(L)$
. This means that
$\mathcal {U}_{\text {res}}(L)$
is an associative k-algebra, and the functor
$A\mapsto A_{\text {res.Lie}}$
from the category of associative k-algebras to the category of restricted Lie k-algebras and the functor
$L\mapsto \mathcal {U}_{\text {res}}(L)$
from the category of restricted Lie k-algebras to the category of associative k-algebras are adjoint ([Reference Dixon, Du Sautoy, Mann and Segal5, §12.1], [Reference Jacobson19, Ch. V, Th. 12]).
Given a restricted Lie k-algebra L containing X, we define a map
$\widehat {P}_L=\widehat {P}_L^H\colon \mathbb {Z}_{\geq 0}\times H\to L$
$\widehat {P}_L(j,w)=P_L(w)^{[p]^j}$
, where
$(\cdot )^{[p]^j}$
denotes applying j times the operation
$(\cdot )^{[p]}$
. In analogy with Proposition 3.1(b) we have the following:
Proposition 3.2. The image of
$\widehat {P}_L\, k$
-linearly spans the restricted Lie k-subalgebra of L generated by X.
Proof. Let
$\widehat {L}_0$
be the k-linear subspace of L spanned by
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Im}}\left (\widehat {P}_L\right )$
. Let
be the k-linear subspace of L spanned by
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Im}}(P_L)$
. Clearly,
$X\subseteq L_0\subseteq \widehat {L}_0$
. By Proposition 3.1(b),
is the Lie k-subalgebra of L generated by X.
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}\,k=p$
, the binomial formula implies that the subspace
$\widehat {L}_0$
is closed under
$(\cdot )^{[p]}$
$w,u\in H$
, then
$[P_L(w),P_L(u)]\in L_0$
. It follows from the k-bilinearity of the Lie bracket that for every
$\alpha ,\beta \in L_0$
, also
$[\alpha ,\beta ]\in L_0$
. By induction on
$m\geq 1$
, the m-times iterated Lie brackets

are also contained in
. Using the identities
$\left [\alpha ,\beta ^{[p]}\right ]=\left [\alpha ,_p,\beta \right ]$
$\left [\alpha ^{[p]},\beta \right ]=\left [\alpha ,\beta ,_p\right ]$
(see [Reference Dixon, Du Sautoy, Mann and Segal5, p. 297]), we deduce that
$\left [\alpha ^{[p]^j},\beta ^{[p]^r}\right ]\in L_0$
for every
$j,r\geq 0$
. By the bilinearity again,
$\widehat {L}_0$
is therefore closed under the Lie bracket.
$\widehat {L}_0$
is the restricted Lie k-subalgebra of L generated by X.
There is a free restricted k-algebra
$\widehat {L}(X)$
on the generating set X, with the standard universal property. It is the restricted Lie k-subalgebra of
$k\langle X\rangle _{\text {res.Lie}}$
generated by X, and its restricted universal enveloping algebra is
$k\langle X\rangle $
[Reference Gärtner15, Prop. 1.2.7]. We note that in the algebra
$k\langle X\rangle $
one has

for every
$j\geq 0$
$w\in H$
. The following analogue of Proposition 3.1(a) generalizes a result of Gärtner [Reference Gärtner15, Th. 1.2.11] (who considers a specific Hall family H):
Corollary 3.3. The polynomials
$\widehat {P}_{\widehat {L}(X)}(j,w)$
, where
$j\geq 0$
$w\in H$
, form a k-linear basis of
$\widehat {L}(X)$
Proof. We consider
$\widehat {L}(X)$
as a k-linear subspace of
$k\langle X\rangle $
. By Proposition 3.2, it is spanned by the powers
$\widehat {P}_{\widehat {L}(X)}(j,w)$
, where
$j\geq 0$
$w\in H$
. As already observed, the products
$\prod _{i=1}^mP_{L(X)}(w_i)$
, with
$w_1\geq _{\text {alp}}\dotsb \geq _{\text {alp}}w_m$
in H, form a k-linear basis of
$k\langle X\rangle $
. In particular, the powers
$\widehat {P}_{\widehat {L}(X)}(j,w)=P_{L(X)}(w)^{p^j}$
are k-linearly independent. Hence they form a k-linear basis of
$L(X)_{\text {res}}$
We grade
$\widehat {L}(X)$
by total degree, and write
$\widehat {L}(X)_n$
for their homogenous components of degree n.
Corollary 3.4. Let n be a positive integer.
(a) The
$P_{L(X)}(w)$ , with
$w\in H$ and
$\lvert w\rvert =n$ , form a k-linear basis of
$L(X)_n$ .
(b) The
$\widehat {P}_{\widehat {L}(X)}(j,w)$ , with
$j\geq 0$ and
$w\in H$ satisfying
$n=\lvert w\rvert p^j$ , form a k-linear basis of
$\widehat {L}(X)_n$ .
4 The p-Zassenhaus filtration
We fix as before a prime number p. For an integer
$1\leq i \leq n$
, let
$j_n(i)=\lceil \log _p(n/i)\rceil $
– that is,
is the least integer j such that
$ip^j\geq n$
Lemma 4.1. The following conditions on
$1\leq i\leq n$
are equivalent:
$i'p^{j_n\left (i'\right )}\geq ip^{j_n(i)}$ for every
$1\leq i'\leq i$ .
$i=\left \lceil n/p^k\right \rceil $ for some
$k\geq 0$ .
Proof. Set
$i_k=\left \lceil n/p^k\right \rceil $
. Thus
, and the sequence
is weakly decreasing to
. We may restrict ourselves to k such that
$p^k\leq n$
. Then
$\left (n/p^k\right )+1\leq n/p^{k-1}$
, so
$n/p^k\leq i_k<n/p^{k-1}$
. Thus
$n/p^k\leq \left \lceil n/p^{k+1}\right \rceil p$
, one has
$i_kp^k\leq i_{k+1}p^{k+1}$
– that is, the sequence
$i_kp^{j_n\left (i_k\right )}$
is weakly increasing in the above range.
We also observe that if
$i< i_{k-1}$
, then
– that is,
$j_n(i)\geq k$
$\Rightarrow $
(b): Since (b) certainly holds for
, we may assume that
$i< n$
, so there is k in the above range such that
$i_k\leq i< i_{k-1}$
. By the previous observation,
$j_n(i)\geq k$
. We take in (a)
to obtain

$\Rightarrow $
(a): Suppose that
$1\leq i'<i_k$
. There exists l in the above range such that
$i_l\leq i'<i_{l-1}$
. Necessarily,
, so
$i_lp^l\geq i_kp^k$
. As we have observed,
$j_n(i')\geq l$
. Hence

We define
to be the set of all
$1\leq i\leq n$
such that the equivalent conditions of Lemma 4.1 hold.
Remark 4.2.
(1) When
$n\leq p$ , one has
$J(n)=\{1,n\}$ .
(2) Let
$1\neq i\in J(n)$ and take k such that
$i=\left \lceil n/p^k\right \rceil $ . By the first paragraph of the proof of Lemma 4.1,
$j_n(i)=k$ .
Now let G be a profinite group. Given closed subgroups
of G and a positive integer m, we write
) for the closed subgroup of G generated by all commutators
$[k,k']=k^{-1} (k')^{-1} kk'$
(resp., powers
) with
$k\in K$
$k'\in K'$
Recall that the (profinite) lower central series
$i=1,2,\dotsc ,$
is defined inductively by
$G^{(i+1)}=\left [G,G^{(i)}\right ]$
. As in the Introduction, we denote the p-Zassenhaus filtration of G by
$G_{\left (n,p\right )}$
$n=1,2,\dotsc $
. Since
$G^{(i)}\leq G^{(n)}$

The subgroups
$G_{\left (n,p\right )}$
of G are characteristic, hence normal. We note that
$G^{(n)}\leq G_{\left (n,p\right )}$
The Zassenhaus filtration can also be defined inductively by

$n\geq 2$
. Indeed, this follows from a theorem of Lazard in the case of discrete groups ([Reference Dixon, Du Sautoy, Mann and Segal5, Th. 11.2], [Reference Lazard25, p. 209, Equation (3.14.5)]), and the profinite analog follows by a density argument. It follows from definition (4.1) that for
$n\geq 2$

$r\geq 0$
. The following identity was proved in the discrete case by Shalev [Reference Shalev36, Prop. 1.2]; the profinite analog follows again by a density argument:

In particular,

Proposition 4.3. Let
$1\leq i\leq n$
be an integer such that
$i\not \in J(n)$
. Then

Proof. As
$i\not \in J(n)$
, there exists
$1\leq i'<i$
such that
$ip^{j_n(i)}>i'p^{j_n\left (i'\right )}$
. We abbreviate
, so
$ip^j,i'p^{j'}\geq n$
, then

$j\leq j'$
, then the inequality
and equation (4.3) give

It follows from definition (4.1) that for every n the quotient
$G_{\left (n,p\right )}/G_{\left (n+1,p\right )}$
is abelian of exponent dividing p. Consider the graded
$\mathbb {F}_p$

The commutator map and the p-power map induce on
$\mathrm {gr} G$
the structure of a p-restricted Lie
$\mathbb {F}_p$
-algebra (see [Reference Dixon, Du Sautoy, Mann and Segal5, §12.2], [Reference Gärtner15, Prop. 1.2.14]).
We now specialize to the case where S is a free profinite group on the basis X, in the sense of [Reference Fried and Jarden14, §17.4]. It is the inverse limit of the free profinite groups on finite subsets of X [Reference Fried and Jarden14, Lemma 17.4.9], so in our following results one may assume whenever convenient that X is actually finite, and use limit arguments for the general case.
By [Reference Gärtner15, Th. 1.3.8], there is a well-defined isomorphism
$\mathrm {gr} S\xrightarrow {\sim }\widehat {L}(X)$
of graded restricted Lie algebras. Specifically, the coset of
$x\in X$
$\mathrm {gr}_1 S=S/S_{\left (2,p\right )}$
maps to x.
Let H be, as before, a fixed Hall set in
. For every word
$w\in H$
we associate an element
$\tau _w\in S$
as in [Reference Efrat8]. Thus
$\tau _{(x)}=x$
$x\in X$
, and for a word
$w\in H$
of length
with standard factorization
, where
$u,v\in H$
(see §2), we set
$\tau _w=[\tau _u,\tau _v]$
. Then
$\tau _w\in S^{(i)}$
. Hence if
$ip^j\geq n$
, then
$\tau _w^{p^j}\in \left (S^{(i)}\right )^{p^j}\leq S_{\left (n,p\right )}$
Proposition 4.4. Let
$n\geq 1$
. The cosets of the powers
$\tau _w^{p^j}$
, with
$w\in H$
$n=\lvert w\rvert p^j$
, form an
$\mathbb {F}_p$
-linear basis of
$S_{\left (n,p\right )}/S_{\left (n+1,p\right )}$
Proof. We use the terminology of §3 with the ground field
$k=\mathbb {F}_p$
. By induction on the structure of w, the isomorphism
$\mathrm {gr} S\xrightarrow {\sim }\widehat {L}(X)$
of restricted Lie
$\mathbb {F}_p$
-algebras maps the coset of
$\tau _w$
. Therefore it maps the coset of
$\tau _w^{p^j}$
$\widehat {P}_{\widehat {L}(X)}(j,w)=P_{L(X)}(w)^{p^j}$
considered as polynomials in
$\mathbb {F}_p\langle X\rangle $
. The assertion now follows from Corollary 3.4(b).
Remark 4.5. Vogel [Reference Vogel37, Ch. I, §3] uses a specific Hall set H to give
$\mathbb {F}_p$
-linear bases of
$S_{\left (n,p\right )}/S_{\left (n+1,p\right )}$
, as well as generating sets for arbitrary n. Namely, for similarly defined basic commutators
$c_w\in S^{(i)}$
of words
$w\in H$
$\lvert w\rvert =i$
, the generating set consists of all
. Furthermore, according to [Reference Mináč, Rogelstad and Tân26, Cor. 3.12] the set of all such powers forms a basis of
$S_{\left (n,p\right )}/S_{\left (n+1,p\right )}$
, but the proof lacks details. I thank J. Mináč for a correspondence on the latter reference.
$n\geq 1$
. For a word
$w\in H$
of length
$1\leq i\leq n$
we abbreviate

$\sigma _w\in S_{\left (n,p\right )}$
Theorem 4.6. The cosets of
$\sigma _w$
, where
$w\in H$
has length
$i\in J(n)$
, generate
$S_{\left (n,p\right )}/\left (S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )^p\left [S,S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right ]$
Proof. Proposition 4.4 implies, by induction on
$r\geq 1$
, that
$S_{\left (n,p\right )}/S_{\left (n+r,p\right )}$
is generated by the cosets of
$\tau _w^{p^j}$
, where
$w\in H$
has length i, and
$n\leq ip^j<n+r$
. We apply this for
. By the inclusion (4.2),
$S_{\left (np,p\right )}\leq \left (S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )^p\left [S,S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right ]$
, and we deduce that
$S_{\left (n,p\right )}/\left (S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )^p\left [S,S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right ]$
is generated by the cosets of
$\tau _w^{p^j}$
, where
$w\in H$
has length i and
$n\leq ip^j<np$
. Moreover, it suffices to take such powers with
, since otherwise
$\tau _w^{p^j}\in \left (S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )^p$
. Finally, by Proposition 4.3, if
$i\not \in J(n)$
then the coset of
$\sigma _w=\tau _w^{p^{j_n(i)}}$
is trivial. We are therefore left with the generators
$\sigma _w$
, as in the assertion.
5 The fundamental matrix
For a profinite ring R, let
$R\langle \langle X\rangle \rangle ^\times $
be the group of invertible elements in
$R\langle \langle X\rangle \rangle $
(see §3). As before, let S be the free profinite group over the basis X. The continuous Magnus homomorphism

is defined on the (profinite) generators
$x\in X$
of S by
$\Lambda (x)=1+x$
(see [Reference Efrat7, §5] for details, and note that
is invertible by the geometric progression formula). For an arbitrary
$\sigma \in S$
we write

$\epsilon _{w,R}(\sigma )\in R$
. The map
$\epsilon _{w,R}\colon S\to R$
is continuous, and
$\epsilon _{\emptyset ,R}(\sigma )=1$
for every
$\sigma $
$\emptyset $
denotes the empty word).
$\mathbb {U}_i(R)$
be the profinite group of all unitriangular
$(i+1)\times (i+1)$
-matrices over R. Given a word
$w=(x_1\dotsm x_i)\in X^*$
of length i, we define a continuous map
$\rho _w\colon S\to \mathbb {U}_i(R)$

The fact that
$\Lambda $
is a homomorphism implies that
$\rho _w$
is a homomorphism of profinite groups [Reference Efrat7, Lemma 7.5]. We call it the Magnus representation of S corresponding to w.
The subgroup
of S is characterized in terms of the Magnus map as the set of all
$\sigma \in S$
such that
$\epsilon _{w,\mathbb {Z}_p}(\sigma )=0$
for every word w of length
$1\leq i<n$
[Reference Efrat8, Prop. 4.1(a)]. The following result gives similar restrictions on the Magnus coefficients of elements of
$S_{\left (n,p\right )}$
. In the discrete case it was proved in [Reference Chapman and Efrat2, Example 4.6], where it was further shown that these restrictions in fact characterize
$S_{\left (n,p\right )}$
. While it is possible to derive the proposition from the discrete case using a density argument, we provide a direct proof.
Proposition 5.1. If
$\sigma \in S_{\left (n,p\right )}$
, then
$\epsilon _{w,\mathbb {Z}_p}(\sigma )\in p^{j_n(i)}\mathbb {Z}_p$
for every word
$w\in X^*$
of length
$i\geq 1$
Proof. Consider the subset

$\mathbb {Z}_p\langle \langle X\rangle \rangle $
. It is an ideal in
$\mathbb {Z}_p\langle \langle X\rangle \rangle $
, and therefore
is closed under multiplication. Moreover, the identity
$\alpha ^{-1}=1-\alpha ^{-1}(\alpha -1)$
shows that
is in fact a subgroup of
$\mathbb {Z}_p\langle \langle X\rangle \rangle ^\times $
$S_{\left (n,p\right )}=\prod _{i=1}^n\left (S^{(i)}\right )^{p^{j_n(i)}}$
, it therefore suffices to show that
$\Lambda _{\mathbb {Z}_p}\left (\tau ^{p^{j_n(i)}}\right )\in 1+I$
for every
$\tau \in S^{(i)}$
$1\leq i\leq n$
. We abbreviate
. Then
$\Lambda _{\mathbb {Z}_p}(\tau )=1+\sum _{\lvert w\rvert \geq i}\epsilon _{w,\mathbb {Z}_p}(\tau )w$
, by [Reference Efrat8, Prop. 4.1(a)]. For every
$1\leq l\leq p^j$
such that
$il\leq n$
, one has
$p^{j_n(il)}\mid \binom {p^j}l$
[Reference Chapman and Efrat2, Example 3.9]. Hence

as desired.
As before, let H be a Hall set in
Corollary 5.2. Let
be nonempty words in
of lengths
$1\leq i, i'\leq n$
, respectively, with
$w'\in H$
. Then
$\epsilon _{w,\mathbb {Z}_p}\left (\sigma _{w'}\right )\in p^{j_n(i)}\mathbb {Z}_p$
For an integer
$1\leq i\leq n$
, let

be the natural epimorphism. For words
of lengths i,
, respectively, with
$w'\in H$
, we define

By Corollary 5.2,
$\langle w,w'\rangle _n\in p^{j_n(i)}\mathbb {Z}_p/p^{j_n(i)+1}\mathbb {Z}_p$
. We identify the latter group with
$\mathbb {Z}/p$
, and thus view
$\langle w,w'\rangle _n$
as an element of
$\mathbb {Z}/p$
Consider the (possibly infinite) transposed matrix

$\mathbb {Z}/p$
, where
range over all words in H of lengths in
, and indexed with respect to the total order
$\preceq $
defined in §2. We call it the fundamental matrix of level n of H.
We now focus on the Hall set of Lyndon words (see the Introduction). We record the following fundamental triangularity property of H [Reference Reutenauer33, Th. 5.1]: For every Lyndon word
$w\in X^*$
, one has

Proposition 5.3. Let H be the Hall set of all Lyndon words in
. The fundamental matrix of H of level n is unitriangular (i.e., unipotent and upper-triangular).
Proof. Let w be a Lyndon word of length
$i\leq n$
. By (5.1),

where the remaining terms are multiples of words strictly larger than w in
$\preceq $
. Therefore
$\langle w,w\rangle _n=\pi _i\left (p^{j_n(i)}\right )=1$
$\mathbb {Z}/p$
Furthermore, for Lyndon words
$w\prec w'$
we get
$\epsilon _{w,\mathbb {Z}_p}\left (\sigma _{w'}\right )=0$
, whence
$\langle w,w'\rangle _n=0$
(note that the empty word is not Lyndon).
Consequently, the matrix
$[\langle w,w'\rangle _n]_{w,w'}$
is unipotent lower-triangular, and therefore its transpose is unitriangular.
Example 5.4. Suppose that
. Then
The Lyndon words of length
$\leq 2$
are the words
, with
$x,y\in X$
. Then
$\sigma _w$
$\tau _w^{p^{j_2(1)}}=x^p$
$\tau _w^{p^{j_2(2)}}=[x,y]$
, respectively. In [Reference Efrat8, §10] it is shown that the value of
$\langle w,w'\rangle $
, where
are Lyndon words of lengths
$\leq 2$
, is
and is
otherwise. Thus the fundamental matrix of level
for the Lyndon words is the identity matrix.
Example 5.5. Suppose that
. Then
$p\geq 3$
The Lyndon words w of length
are of the forms

$x,y,z\in X$
. For these words we have

respectively. We recall that
$\langle w,w\rangle _3=1$
for every w, and
$\langle w,w'\rangle _3=0$
$w\prec w'$
. It remains to compute
$\langle w,w'\rangle _3$
$w'\prec w$
$\lvert w\rvert ,\lvert w'\rvert \leq 2$
, then by Example 5.4,
$\langle w,w'\rangle _3=0$
. We may therefore assume that
$\lvert w'\rvert \leq \lvert w\rvert =3$
If w contains a letter which does not appear in
, then
$\epsilon _{w,\mathbb {Z}_p}\left (\sigma _{w'}\right )=0$
, whence
$\langle w,w'\rangle _3=0$
. Thus we may assume that every letter in w appears in
, where
, the proof of [Reference Efrat8, Prop. 11.2] gives

Similarly, when
, where
, the proof of [Reference Efrat8, Prop. 11.2] gives

This covers all possible cases when
$p\geq 3$
. When
we also need to consider Lyndon words
of length
, where
. Then
. An explicit computation gives

where the remaining terms are of degree
$\geq 4$
. The square of this series has no terms
, so
$\epsilon _{(xxy),\mathbb {Z}_2}\left ([x,y]^2\right )=\epsilon _{(xyy),\mathbb {Z}_2}\left ([x,y]^2\right )=0$
. Therefore
$\langle (xxy),(xy)\rangle _3=\langle (xyy),(xy)\rangle _3=0$
Altogether, we have shown that

In particular, the fundamental matrix need not be the identity matrix.
6 Unitriangular matrices
$i\geq 1$
$j\geq 0$
be integers and consider the ring
$R=\mathbb {Z}/p^{j+1}$
. In this section we study the p-Zassenhaus filtration of the group
$\mathbb {U}=\mathbb {U}_i(R)$
of all unitriangular
$(i+1)\times (i+1)$
-matrices over R, and in particular characterize the values of
for which
$\mathbb {U}_{\left (n,p\right )}\cong \mathbb {Z}/p$
(see §5 for the notation).
We denote the unit matrix in
$\mathbb {U}$
by I, and write
for the matrix which is
at entry
and is
elsewhere. For
$i'\geq 1$
, the subgroup
$\mathbb {U}^{\left (i'\right )}$
$\mathbb {U}$
consists of all matrices in
$\mathbb {U}$
which are zero on the first
diagonals above the main diagonal [Reference Bier and Hołubowski1, Th. 1.5(i)].
We record the following fact about binomial coefficients:
Lemma 6.1. Let
be positive integers such that
$1\leq t\leq p^{j'}$
. The following conditions are equivalent:
$p^j\mid \binom {p^{j'}}l$ ,
$l=1,2,\dotsc , t$ .
$p^j\mid \binom {p^{j'}}l$ for
$l=p^{\left \lfloor \log _pt\right \rfloor }$ .
$j'\geq j+\left \lfloor \log _pt\right \rfloor $ .
Proof. (a)
$\Rightarrow $
(b) is trivial. For (a)
$\Rightarrow $
(c) and (b)
$\Rightarrow $
(c) see [Reference Efrat9, Prop. 2.2(c)] and its proof.
Proposition 6.2. Let
$1\leq i'\leq i$
$j'\geq 0$
(a) One has
$\left (\mathbb {U}^{\left (i'\right )}\right )^{p^{j'}}=\{I\}$ if and only if
$j'\geq j+1+\left \lfloor \log _p(i/i')\right \rfloor $ .
(b) One has
$\left (\mathbb {U}^{\left (i'\right )}\right )^{p^{j'}}=I+p^j\mathbb {Z} E_{1,i+1}$ if and only if
$j'=j+\log _p(i/i')$ (in particular,
$i/i'$ is a p-power).
(c) One has
$\left (\mathbb {U}^{\left (i'\right )}\right )^{p^{j'}}\leq I+p^j\mathbb {Z} E_{1,i+1}$ if and only if
$j'\geq j+\log _p (i/i')$ .
Proof. Let N be an
$(i+1)\times (i+1)$
-matrix over
$\mathbb {Z}/p^{j+1}$
such that
$I+N\in \mathbb {U}^{\left (i'\right )}$
. Then
for every integer l with
. Hence

Further, if
$i'\mid i$
, then
$N^{i/i'}\in \mathbb {Z} E_{1,i+1}$
In particular, let M be the
$(i+1)\times (i+1)$
-matrix over
$\mathbb {Z}/p^{j+1}$
which is
on the (first) super-diagonal and is
elsewhere. Then the matrix
on the
th diagonal above the main one and is
elsewhere. In particular,
$I+M^{i'}\in \mathbb {U}^{\left (i'\right )}$
. By what we have justed noted,

This matrix is
$\binom {p^{j'}}l$
on the
th diagonals above the main one and is
(a) By the previous observations,
$\left (\mathbb {U}^{\left (i'\right )}\right )^{p^{j'}}=\{I\}$
holds if and only if

In light of Lemma 6.1, this is equivalent to
$j'\geq j+1+\min \left (j',\left \lfloor \log _p\lfloor i/i'\rfloor \right \rfloor \right )$
, and it remains to note that
$\left \lfloor \log _p\lfloor i/i'\rfloor \right \rfloor =\left \lfloor \log _p(i/i')\right \rfloor $
(b) First assume that
. Then
$\mathbb {U}^{\left (i'\right )}=I+\mathbb {Z} E_{1,i+1}$
. Hence
$\left (\mathbb {U}^{\left (i'\right )}\right )^{p^{j'}}=I+\mathbb {Z} p^{j'}E_{1,i+1}$
, and the equality
$\left (\mathbb {U}^{\left (i'\right )}\right )^{p^{j'}}=I+\mathbb {Z} p^jE_{1,i+1}$
means that
, as desired.
Next we assume that
. By the previous observations,
$\left (\mathbb {U}^{\left (i'\right )}\right )^{p^{j'}}=I+\mathbb {Z} p^jE_{1,i+1}$
holds if and only if the following conditions hold:
$i/i'$ is an integer
$\leq p^{j'}$ ;
$p^{j+1}\mid \binom {p^{j'}}l$ ,
$l=1,2,\dotsc , (i/i')-1$ ;
$p^j\mid \binom {p^{j'}}{i/i'}$ ,
$p^{j+1}{\,\not |\,}\binom {p^{j'}}{i/i'}$ .
By Lemma 6.1 again, (i)–(iii) mean that
is an integer
$\leq p^{j'}$
, and

This amounts to saying that
$j'=j+\log _p(i/i')$
(c) This follows from (a) and (b).
The case
of Proposition 6.2(a) was shown by Sawin (see [Reference Efrat9, Prop. 2.3]).
The following corollary stands behind our definition of the sets
. In the case
it was proved by Mináč, Rogelstad and Tân [Reference Mináč, Rogelstad and Tân26, Cor. 3.7].
Corollary 6.3. Suppose that
$1\leq i\leq n$
. One has
$\mathbb {U}_{\left (n,p\right )}=I+p^{j_n(i)}\mathbb {Z} E_{1,i+1}$
if and only if
$i\in J(n)$
Proof. Recall that
$\mathbb {U}_{\left (n,p\right )}=\prod _{i'=1}^n\left (\mathbb {U}^{\left (i'\right )}\right )^{p^{j_n\left (i'\right )}}$
, then
$\mathbb {U}^{\left (i'\right )}=\{I\}$
, whence
$\left (\mathbb {U}^{\left (i'\right )}\right )^{p^{j_n\left (i'\right )}}=\{I\}$
Taking in Proposition 6.2(b),
, and
, we obtain that
$\left (\mathbb {U}^{(i)}\right )^{p^{j_n(i)}}=I+p^{j_n(i)}\mathbb {Z} E_{1,i+1}$
$\mathbb {U}_{\left (n,p\right )}=I+p^{j_n(i)}\mathbb {Z} E_{1,i+1}$
holds if and only if for every
$1\leq i'\leq i$
one has
$\left (\mathbb {U}^{\left (i'\right )}\right )^{p^{j_n\left (i'\right )}}\leq I+p^{j_n(i)}\mathbb {Z} E_{1,i+1}$
. By Proposition 6.2(c), this inclusion is equivalent to
$i'p^{j_n\left (i'\right )}\geq ip^{j_n(i)}$
Thus, for
$i\in J(n)$
$\mathbb {U}=\mathbb {U}_i\left (\mathbb {Z}/p^{j_n(i)+1}\right )$
there is a central extension

where the isomorphism is the projection on the
-entry composed with the isomorphism
$p^{j(i)}\mathbb {Z}/p^{j(i)+1}\mathbb {Z}\cong \mathbb {Z}/p$
7 The cohomology elements
$\alpha _{w,n}$
Let S be again a free profinite group on the basis X, and let
$n\geq 2$
. Consider the transgression homomorphism
$\operatorname {\mathrm {trg}}\colon H^1\left (S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )^S\to H^2\left (S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )$
(recall that the cohomology groups are with respect to the coefficient module
$\mathbb {Z}/p$
with trivial action). It is the differential
in the Lyndon–Hochschild–Serre spectral sequence corresponding to the closed normal subgroup
$S_{\left (n,p\right )}$
of S [Reference Neukirch, Schmidt and Wingberg31, Th. 2.4.3]. From the five-term sequence in profinite cohomology [Reference Neukirch, Schmidt and Wingberg31, Prop. 1.6.7] and the fact that S has cohomological dimension
, it follows that
$\operatorname {\mathrm {trg}}$
is an isomorphism.
Now consider a word w of length
$i\in J(n)$
. Consider the ring
$R_i=\mathbb {Z}/p^{j_n(i)+1}$
, and set
$\mathbb {U}=\mathbb {U}_i(R_i)$
. As before, let
$\overline {\mathbb {U}}=\mathbb {U}/\mathbb {U}_{\left (n,p\right )}$
. By Corollary 6.3, the projection on the
-entry gives an isomorphism

The Magnus representation
$\rho =\rho _w\colon S\to \mathbb {U}$
induces continuous homomorphisms

$\bar \rho _w^*\colon H^2\left (\overline {\mathbb {U}}\right )\to H^2\left (S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )$
be the pullback of
$\bar \rho _w$
$\gamma =\gamma _{n,R_i}\in H^2\left (\overline {\mathbb {U}}\right )$
correspond to the extension (6.1) under the Schreier correspondence [Reference Neukirch, Schmidt and Wingberg31, Th. 1.2.4]. We set

Example 7.1
$\alpha _{w,n}$
for a word
of length 1. Let
$j=j_n(1)=\lceil \log _pn\rceil $
, so
$\mathbb {U}=\mathbb {U}_1\left (\mathbb {Z}/p^{j+1}\right )\cong \mathbb {Z}/p^{j+1}$
. As
$1\in J(n)$
, we have
$\mathbb {U}_{\left (n,p\right )}\cong \mathbb {Z}/p$
, and the central extension (6.1) becomes

We consider this extension as a sequence of trivial
$S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}$
-modules. The Bockstein homomorphism

is the associated connecting homomorphism.
We may identify
$\rho _{(x)}\colon S\to \mathbb {U}$
$\epsilon _{(x),\mathbb {Z}/p^{j+1}}\colon S\to \mathbb {Z}/p^{j+1}$
, and
$\bar \rho _{(x)}\colon S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}\to \overline {\mathbb {U}}$
$\epsilon _{(x),\mathbb {Z}/p^j}\colon S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}\to \mathbb {Z}/p^j$
, which are both continuous homomorphisms. Thus
$\alpha _{(x),n}$
corresponds to the pullback of the extension (7.1) under
$\epsilon _{(x),\mathbb {Z}/p^j}$
. By [Reference Efrat8, Remark 7.3],

For the next Example, we first recall a few facts about Massey products. While these products are defined in the general context of differential graded algebras, in the special case of the n-fold Massey product
$H^1(G,R)^n\to H^2(G,R)$
in profinite (or discrete) group cohomology it can be alternatively described in terms of unitriangular representations. This was discovered by Dwyer [Reference Dwyer6] in the discrete case, and we refer to [Reference Efrat7, §8] for the profinite case, which is considered here. We assume as before that
$n\geq 2$
and R is a finite commutative ring on which G acts trivially (see [Reference Wickelgren38] for the case of a nontrivial action).
Specifically, let
$\mathbb {U}=\mathbb {U}_n(R)$
and let
$\overline {\mathbb {U}}$
be again the quotient of
$\mathbb {U}$
by the central subgroup
$I+R E_{1,n+1}\left (\cong R^+\right )$
. The central extension

of trivial G-modules corresponds to a cohomology element
$\gamma _R\in H^2(G,R^+)$
. Given
$\psi _1,\dotsc ,\psi _n\in H^1(G,R^+)$
, we consider the continuous homomorphisms
$\bar \rho \colon G\to \overline {\mathbb {U}}$
whose projection
$\bar \rho _{k,k+1}\colon G\to R$
on the
-entry is
$\psi _k$
, for
$k=1,2,\dotsc , n$
. As before, let
$\bar \rho ^*\colon H^2\left (\overline {\mathbb {U}},R^+\right )\to H^2(G,R^+)$
be the pullback of
$\bar \rho $
. Then
$\bar \rho ^*(\gamma _R)$
corresponds to the central extension

where the fiber product is with respect to the natural projection
$\mathbb {U}\to \overline {\mathbb {U}}$
and to
$\bar \rho $
. The n-fold Massey product
$\langle \psi _1,\dotsc ,\psi _n\rangle $
is the subset of
consisting of all pullbacks
$\bar \rho ^*(\gamma _R)$
[Reference Efrat7, Prop. 8.3]. Thus the n-fold Massey product
$\langle \cdot ,\dotsc ,\cdot \rangle \colon H^1(G,R^+)^n\to H^2(G,R^+)$
is a multivalued map. In the special case
, one has
$\langle \psi _1,\psi _2\rangle =\{\psi _1\cup \psi _2\}$
Example 7.2
$\alpha _{w,n}$
for a word w of length
$n\geq 2$
. Since
we have
$R_n=\mathbb {Z}/p$
, so
$\mathbb {U}=\mathbb {U}_n(\mathbb {Z}/p)$
. As
$n\in J(n)$
, Corollary 6.3 shows that
$\mathbb {U}_{\left (n,p\right )}=I+\mathbb {Z} E_{1,n+1}\cong \mathbb {Z}/p$
. Thus the extension (7.2) (for
$R=\mathbb {Z}/p$
) coincides with the extension (6.1) with
Now take a word
$w=(x_1\dotsm x_n)\in X^*$
of length n. Let
$\bar \rho =\bar \rho _w\colon S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}\to \overline {\mathbb {U}}$
and let
$\bar \rho _{k,k+1}$
be homomorphisms as before. By its definition as the pullback of the extension (6.1),
$\alpha _{w,n}$
is an element of the n-fold Massey product
$\langle \rho _{12},\rho _{23},\dotsc ,\rho _{n,n+1}\rangle $
$H^2\left (S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )$
. Note that
$\bar \rho _{k,k+1}$
is given by
$\bar \rho _{k,k+1}(x_l)=\delta _{kl}$
for every
$1\leq k,l\leq n$
8 The Lyndon bases
We continue with the setup of §7. Identifying
$H^1\left (S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )=\operatorname {\mathrm {Hom}}\left (S_{\left (n,p\right )},\mathbb {Z}/p\right )$
, we obtain a nondegenerate bilinear map

[Reference Efrat and Mináč11, Cor. 2.2]. It gives rise to the bilinear transgression pairing

$\bar \sigma $
denotes the coset of
$\sigma \in S_{\left (n,p\right )}$
. It is therefore also nondegenerate.
By Proposition 5.1 and Corollary 6.3, for a word w of length
$i\in J(n)$
there is a commutative diagram

where, as before,
$\pi _i\colon {\mathbb {Z}}_p\to {\mathbb {Z}}/p^{j_n(i)+1}$
is the natural projection, and the lower isomorphism is the projection on the
-entry. We deduce the following link between cohomology and the Magnus map. As before, we identify
$p^{j_n(i)}\mathbb {Z}/p^{j_n(i)+1}\mathbb {Z}$
$\mathbb {Z}/p$
Proposition 8.1. For
$\sigma \in S_{\left (n,p\right )}$
and a word
$w\in X^*$
of length
$i\in J(n)$
, one has
$\left (\bar {\sigma },\alpha _{w,n}\right )_n=\pi _i\left (\epsilon _{w,\mathbb {Z}_p}(\sigma )\right )$
Proof. The central extension (6.1) gives rise to a transgression homomorphism
$\operatorname {\mathrm {trg}}\colon H^1\left (\mathbb {U}^{\left (n,p\right )}\right )^{\mathbb {U}}\to H^2\left (\overline {\mathbb {U}}\right )$
. Let
$\iota \colon \mathbb {U}_{\left (n,p\right )}\xrightarrow {\sim }\mathbb {Z}/p$
be the composition of the lower row in diagram (8.2) with the isomorphism
$p^{j_n(i)}\mathbb {Z}/p^{j_n(i)+1}\mathbb {Z}\cong \mathbb {Z}/p$
. By the results of [Reference Efrat8, §7],

The functoriality of transgression gives a commutative square

$\sigma \in S_{(n,p)}$
, this square and diagram (8.2) give

Now consider words
$w,w'\in X^*$
of lengths
$i,i'\in J(n)$
, respectively, with
Lyndon. We deduce from Proposition 8.1 that

We can therefore restate Proposition 5.3 cohomologically:
Corollary 8.2. The transposed matrix
$\bigl [\left (\bar \sigma _{w'},\alpha _{w,n}\right )_n\bigr ]_{w,w'}^T$
, where
range over all Lyndon words in
of lengths
, respectively, in
, and totally ordered by
$\preceq $
, coincides with the fundamental matrix of level n of the Lyndon words. In particular, it is unitriangular, whence invertible.
Example 8.3. Let
. Then
. For every
$x\in X$
$\epsilon _x\in H^1\left (S/S_{\left (2,p\right )}\right )$
be the homomorphism induced by
$\epsilon _{(x),\mathbb {Z}/p}$
. It is
on the coset of x and is
on the coset of any
$x'\in X$
$x'\neq x$
For a one-letter word
(which is always Lyndon) we have
$\sigma _w=\tau _w^p=x^p$
$\alpha _{w,2}=\mathrm {Bock}_{p,S/S_{\left (2,p\right )}}(\epsilon _x)$
(Example 7.1).
For a two-letter Lyndon word
, the projections of the representation
$\bar \rho _w$
on the
- and
-entries are
$\bar \rho _{12}=\epsilon _x$
$\bar \rho _{23}=\epsilon _y$
. Thus
$\sigma _w=\tau _w=[x,y]$
, and
$\alpha _{w,2}=\epsilon _x\cup \epsilon _y$
(Example 7.2).
Recall that the fundamental matrix for Lyndon words and for
is the identity matrix (Example 5.4). Thus we recover the fundamental duality, discovered by Labute, between Bockstein elements/cup products and pth powers/commutators, respectively ([Reference Labute22, Prop. 8], [Reference Labute23, §2], [Reference Neukirch, Schmidt and Wingberg31, Ch. III, §9]).
We will need the following elementary fact in linear algebra [Reference Efrat8, Lemma 8.4]:
Lemma 8.4. Let R be a commutative ring and let
$(\cdot ,\cdot )\colon A\times B\to R$
be a nondegenerate bilinear map of R-modules. Let
$(I,\leq )$
be a finite totally ordered set, and for every
$w\in I$
$a_w\in A$
$b_w\in B$
. Suppose that the matrix
$\bigl [\left (a_w,b_{w'}\right )\bigr ]_{w,w'\in I}$
is invertible, and that
$w\in I$
, generate A. Then
$w\in I$
, is an R-linear basis of A, and
$w\in I$
, is an R-linear basis of B.
We now deduce our first main result. Note that part (a) of the theorem strengthens Theorem 4.6 in the special case where H is the Hall set of Lyndon words.
Theorem 8.5.
(a) The
$\mathbb {F}_p$ -linear space
$S_{\left (n,p\right )}/\left (S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )^p\left [S,S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right ]$ has a basis consisting of the cosets
$\bar \sigma _w$ of
$\sigma _w$ , where w is a Lyndon word in
$X^*$ of length
$i\in J(n)$ .
(b) The
$\mathbb {F}_p$ -linear space
$H^2\left (S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )$ has a basis consisting of all
$\alpha _{w,n}$ , where w is a Lyndon word in
$X^*$ of length
$i\in J(n)$ .
Proof. First assume that X is finite. By Theorem 4.6, the cosets in (a) generate
$S_{\left (n,p\right )}/\left (S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )^p\left [S,S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right ]$
. Furthermore, the bilinear map
$(\cdot ,\cdot )_n$
of (8.1) is nondegenerate, and the fundamental matrix
$\bigl [\left (\bar \sigma _{w'},\alpha _{w,n}\right )_n\bigr ]_{w,w'}$
is invertible, by Corollary 8.2. Therefore Lemma 8.4 implies both assertions.
The case of general X follows from the finite case by a standard limit argument (see [Reference Neukirch, Schmidt and Wingberg31, Prop. 1.2.5]).
$2\leq n\leq p$
we have
(Remark 4.2(1)),
, and
. In view of Examples 7.1 and 7.2, we deduce the following:
Corollary 8.6. Suppose that
$2\leq n\leq p$
(a) The
$\mathbb {F}_p$ -linear space
$S_{\left (n,p\right )}/\left (S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )^p\left [S,S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right ]$ has a basis consisting of:
(i) the cosets of
$x^p$ ,
$x\in X$ , and
(ii) the cosets of
$\tau _w$ , where w is a Lyndon word in
$X^*$ of length n.
(b) The
$\mathbb {F}_p$ -linear space
$H^2\left (S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )$ has a basis consisting of:
(i) the Bockstein elements
$\mathrm {Bock}_{p,S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}}\left (\epsilon _{(x),\mathbb {Z}/p}\right )=\alpha _{(x),n}$ ,
$x\in X$ , and
(ii) the n-fold Massey product elements
$\alpha _{w,n}$ , where w is a Lyndon word in
$X^*$ of length n.
The number of words of a given length in a Hall set H can be expressed in terms of Witt’s necklace function, defined for integers
$i,m\geq 1$

$\mu $
is the Möbius function – that is,
$\mu (d)=(-1)^k$
if d is a product of k distinct prime numbers, and
$\mu (d)=0$
otherwise. We also set
$\varphi _i(\infty )=\infty $
. Then the number of words of length i in H is
$\varphi _i(\lvert X\rvert )$
[Reference Reutenauer33, Cor. 4.14]. We deduce the following:
Corollary 8.7.
(a) For every
$n\geq 2$ , one has
$$ \begin{align*} \dim_{\mathbb{F}_p}H^2\left(S/S_{\left(n,p\right)}\right)=\sum_{i\in J(n)}\varphi_i(\lvert X\rvert). \end{align*} $$
(b) If
$2\leq n\leq p$ , then
$\dim _{\mathbb {F}_p}H^2\left (S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )=\lvert X\rvert +\varphi _n(\lvert X\rvert )$ .
9 Shuffle relations
Recall that the shuffle product
of words u, v was defined in the Introduction. It extends naturally to a bilinear, commutative, and associative product map
. The shuffle algebra
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Sh}}(X)$
on X is the graded
$\mathbb {Z}$
-algebra whose underlying module is the free module on
(graded by the length of words), and its multiplication is
We define the infiltration product
$u\downarrow v$
of words
$u=(x_1\dotsm x_r)$
$v=(x_{r+1}\dotsm x_{r+t})$
as follows (see [Reference Chen, Fox and Lyndon4], [Reference Reutenauer33, pp. 134–135]). Consider all maps
$\sigma \colon \{1,2,\dotsc , r+t\}\to \{1,2,\dotsc , r+t\}$
$\sigma (1)<\dotsb <\sigma (r)$
$\sigma (r+1)<\dotsb <\sigma (r+t)$
, and which satisfy the following weak form of injectivity: If
$\sigma (i)=\sigma (j)$
, then
. Let the image of
$\sigma $
consist of
$l_1<\dotsb <l_{m(\sigma )}$
. Then we set

By our assumption,
$x_{\sigma ^{-1}\left (l_i\right )}$
does not depend on the choice of the preimages
$\sigma ^{-1}(l_i)$
. We also write
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Infil}}(u,v)$
for the set of all such words
$\left (x_{\sigma ^{-1}\left (l_1\right )}\dotsm x_{\sigma ^{-1}\left (l_{m(\sigma )}\right )}\right )$
. Thus
is the part of
$u\downarrow v$
of degree
– that is, the partial sum corresponding to all such maps
$\sigma $
which in addition are bijective. The product
$\downarrow $
on words extends by linearity to an associative and commutative bilinear map on
$\mathbb {Z}\langle X\rangle $
There is a well-defined
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
-bilinear map

are the coefficients of f, g, respectively, at w [Reference Reutenauer33, p. 17].
The following connection between the Magnus representation and the infiltration product is proved in the discrete case in [Reference Chen, Fox and Lyndon4, Th. 3.6]. We refer to [Reference Vogel37, Prop. 2.25] and [Reference Morishita30, Prop. 8.16] for the profinite case. Here we view the infiltration and shuffle products as elements of
$\mathbb {Z}\langle X\rangle \subseteq \mathbb {Z}_p\langle X\rangle $
Proposition 9.1. For every
$\emptyset \neq u,v\in X^*$
and every
$\sigma \in S$
, one has

Corollary 9.2. Let
be nonempty words in
$i=\lvert u\rvert +\lvert v\rvert \leq n$
. For every
$\sigma \in S_{\left (n,p\right )}$
, one has
Proof. Let w be a word of length
$1\leq k\leq i-1$
. Then
$j_n(k)\geq j_n(i-1)$
, so by Proposition 5.1,
$\epsilon _{w,\mathbb {Z}_p}(\sigma )\in p^{j_n(k)}\mathbb {Z}_p\subseteq p^{j_n(i-1)}\mathbb {Z}_p$
. In particular, this is the case for
, and for
$w\in \operatorname {\mathrm {Infil}}(u,v)$
of length smaller than i. Since
is the part of
$u\downarrow v$
consisting of summands of maximal length i, Proposition 9.1 implies that
We obtain the following shuffle relations. Here
stands for the set of words in
of length i.
Theorem 9.3. Let
$\emptyset \neq u,v\in X^*$
$i=\lvert u\rvert +\lvert v\rvert \in J(n)$
. Then

Proof. As
$2\leq i\in J(n)$
, we have
$(i-1)p^{j_n(i-1)}\geq ip^{j_n(i)}$
, whence
We recall that

is homogenous of degree i. For
$\sigma \in S_{\left (n,p\right )}$
, Corollary 9.2 gives

Therefore, by Proposition 8.1,

Now use the fact that
$(\cdot ,\cdot )_n$
is nondegenerate.
Given a graded R-algebra
$A=\bigoplus _{i\geq 0} A_i$
, we denote
$A_+=\bigoplus _{i\geq 1} A_i$
. Let
$\text {WD}(A)$
be the R-submodule of A generated by all products
, where
$a,a'\in A_+$
. We call
$\text {WD}(A)$
the submodule of weakly decomposable elements of A. It is also generated by all products
, where
$a,a'\in A_+$
are homogenous. Hence the quotient
$A_{\mathrm {indec}}=A/\text {WD}(A)$
has the structure of a graded R-module, which we call the indecomposable quotient of A.
Note that
$\text {WD}(A)_0=\text {WD}(A)_1=\{0\}$
, so the graded module morphism
$A\to A_{{\mathrm {indec}}}$
is an isomorphism in degrees
. For example, when
$A=R\langle X\rangle $
, one has
$A_{{\mathrm {indec}},0}=R$
$A_{{\mathrm {indec}},1}$
is the free R-module on the basis X, and
$A_{{\mathrm {indec}},i}=0$
for all
$i\geq 2$
$A=\operatorname {\mathrm {Sh}}(X)$
is the shuffle algebra, we recover the module
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Sh}}(X)_{{\mathrm {indec}},n}$
as defined in the Introduction. The following key fact was proved in [Reference Efrat9, Prop. 6.3]. It is based on a construction by Radford [Reference Radford32] and Perrin and Viennot of a basis of
$\mathbb {Z}\langle X\rangle $
, which arises from the decomposition of words in
into Lyndon words.
Proposition 9.4. Suppose that
$1\leq n<p$
. Then the images of the Lyndon words of length n span
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Sh}}(X)_{{\mathrm {indec}},n}\otimes (\mathbb {Z}/p)$
as an
$\mathbb {F}_p$
-linear space.
In fact, in [Reference Efrat9, Th. 7.3(b)] it is proved that these images form a linear basis of
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Sh}}(X)_{{\mathrm {indec}},n}\otimes (\mathbb {Z}/p)$
, but we shall not use this stronger result.
Theorem 9.5. Suppose that
$n\geq 2$
. The map
$w\mapsto \alpha _{w,n}$
induces an epimorphism of
$\mathbb {F}_p$
-linear spaces

Proof. For
$i\in J(n)$
, the map
$X^i\to H^2\left (S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )$
$w\mapsto \alpha _{w,n}$
, extends by linearity to a
$\mathbb {Z}$
-module homomorphism

By Theorem 9.3,
for any nonempty words
$u,v\in X^*$
$i=\lvert u\rvert +\lvert v\rvert $
. Consequently,
$\Phi _i$
factors via
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Sh}}(X)_{{\mathrm {indec}},i}$
, and induces an
$\mathbb {F}_p$
-linear map

$\bar \Phi _i(\bar w)=\alpha _{w,n}$
$w\in X^i$
. Since the
$\alpha _{w,n}$
, where w ranges over all Lyndon words of an arbitrary length
$i\in J(n)$
, form an
$\mathbb {F}_p$
-linear basis of
$H^2\left (S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}\right )$
(Theorem 8.5(b)), we obtain an epimorphism

We now obtain the Main Theorem from the Introduction:
Theorem 9.6. Suppose that
$2\leq n<p$
. Then there is an isomorphism of
$\mathbb {F}_p$
-linear spaces

Specifically, this isomorphism maps a generator
of the
$\mathbb {Z}/p$
-summand at
$x\in X$
$\mathrm {Bock}_{p,S/S_{\left (n,p\right )}}\left (\epsilon _{(x),\mathbb {Z}/p}\right )$
, and maps the image
$\bar w$
of a word
$w\in X^*$
of length n to the n-fold Massey product element
$\alpha _{w,n}$
Proof. By Remark 4.2(1),
. Therefore, Theorem 9.5 gives an epimorphism as in (9.2). The generators
and the images
$\bar w$
of words w of length n are mapped as specified, by Examples 7.1 and 7.2.
The generators
$x\in X$
, clearly span
$\bigoplus _{x\in X}\mathbb {Z}/p$
, and by Proposition 9.4, the images
$\bar w$
of the Lyndon words w in
of length n span
$\operatorname {\mathrm {Sh}}(X)_{{\mathrm {indec}},n}\otimes (\mathbb {Z}/p)$
. Together they form a spanning set of the left-hand side of the epimorphism (9.2), which is mapped to a linear basis of the right-hand side (Corollary 8.6). It follows that this spanning set is a linear basis, and the map (9.2) is an isomorphism.
I thank the referee for his/her comments and helpful suggestions. This research was supported by the Israel Science Foundation (grant 569/21).
Competing Interest