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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 18 August 2016
page 348 note * See De Morgan, A., Formal Logic (London, 1847).
page 348 note † Cp. Stumpf's remarks concerning the first throw with a new die: ‘Ich zweifle gar nicht, dass eine der 6 Seiten durch beständig wirkende Ursachen begünstigt ist. Ich weiss nur nicht, welche, und habe nicht der geringsten Anhaltspunkt für eine von ihnen. Daher ⅙.’ Sitzungsberichte d. königl. bayr. Akad, d. Wissenschaften (philos,-philol. Classe), 1892.
page 349 note * Cp. Keynes, J. M., A Treatise on Probability (London, 1921), Ch. iv.
page 350 note * This agrees with Karl Pearson's dictum, ‘I have never found a normal curve fit anything if there are enough observations’ (Nature, Vol. cxxxvi (1935), p. 296). But it is important to add that the divergence from strict normality is usually small enough to be neglected; ‘I have never known difficulty to arise in biological work from imperfect normality of the variation.…’ (R. A. Fisher, Nature, Vol. cxxiv (1929), p. 266).
page 351 note * Miss I. D. Reeves, B.Sc, kindly helped, with some of these computations.