Published online by Cambridge University Press: 09 April 2009
The pointwise order makes the group A(Ω) of order-preserving permutations of a totally-ordered set Ω a lattice-ordered group. We give some criteria for determining the compatible tight Riesz orders on A(Ω) in the case of Ω being a totally-ordered field, and then obtain various adjunctionshellip one between tight Riesz orders on A(Ω) and certain ideals of the fixed point lattice Φ(Ω), and a second between maximal tangents and certain filters of Φ(Ω). We also establish a correspondence between tight Riesz orders and first-order properties. Finally, we make use of our results to say what we can in the case of the automorphisms of the real field, and to pose several open problems.