Classical syntax and semantics make fundamental use of variables ranging over classes, relations, etc. In syntax, one speaks exclusively of such objects as symbols, formulae, terms, in short of what may be called (following Carnap) sign-designs. A sign-design is a class of similar concrete marks or sign-events or inscriptions or sequences of typographical characters. In semantics, in addition to sign-designs, one also speaks of the objects denoted or designated by the sign-designs called constants or of the objects which are values for the sign-designs called variables.
Interest in the possibility of a syntax and semantics based upon sign-events or inscriptions rather than upon sign-designs appears to have originated with Lesniewski and Tarski. Not until recently, however, in a paper by Goodman and Quine, has a purely inscriptional syntax been explicitly formulated. The discussion in that paper is confined to the syntax of one object language, but the methods developed are applicable to other systems as well and should suffice for many of the purposes of syntax.
In the present paper we make an attempt to construct a purely inscriptional semantics, in which, as with Goodman and Quine, sign-designs or classes of similar inscriptions in no way figure as values for variables. In rejecting such entities it might appear that the resulting semantics would be drastically curtailed. That the methods used here are of sufficient power to be of interest, however, is shown by constructing a definition of a semantical concept of truth for a given sample elementary object language L. The definition of a predicate for truth in L is given, and the predicate is shown to be adequate in essentially the sense due to Leśniewski, Kotarbiński, and Tarski.