The consistency of the theory of combinators, when based on the combinatory axioms, the rules of equality, and the equations
was proved in my thesis; likewise some theorems expressing certain completeness properties of this theory of combinatory equivalence formed the principal subject of that thesis and a succeeding paper. Further theorems of this sort were later demonstrated by Rosser; his theorems are, in some cases, more powerful than those just mentioned, but they apply to a weakened system. The purpose of this note is to discuss the extension of these theorems to the case where the whole of the theory of combinators is taken into account, and the rules for equality are derived from more fundamental considerations.
The paper is based on a formulation of the theory of combinators contained in a previous paper, acquaintance with which is presupposed.
A key theorem in investigations of this character is a theorem proved in 1936 by Church and Rosser. It is necessary to give a brief account of this theorem together with a generalization of it.
The theorem concerns a certain formalism, which I shall here call the λ-formalism. The terms of this formalism, which I shall call λ-terms, are constituted as follows. For primitive terms we have an infinite set of variables, together with certain constants, the nature of which is arbitrary. Further terms are formed by two operations: a binary operation (analogous to application in the theory of combinators) which combines two λ-terms
to form a new λ-term here symbolized by
; and another binary operation combining a variable x and a term
containing x as free variable to form a term