Margaris has shown1 that for every triple 〈s,t,m〉 of integers such that 1 ≦ s < t < m it is possible to construct a formalisation of an m-valued propositional calculus satisfying the following conditions: I. Every statement which takes only truth-values belonging to the set {1, …,s} is provable. II. Every provable statement takes only truth-values belonging to the set {1, …, t}. III. There exist statements Pk, Qk which take only truth-values belonging to the set {1, …, k) and neither of which takes only truth-values belonging to the set {1, …, k—1} such that Pk is provable and Qk is unprovable (k = s+1, …, t). The systems of Margaris are all functionally incomplete and he appears to suggest2 that it is impossible to construct functionally complete systems having the required properties.