Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 March 2014
Modules over a ring R, when tensored with an (R, S)-bimodule, are converted to S-modules. Here I consider, from the standpoint of the model theory of modules, the effect of this operation. The primary motivation arises from questions concerning representation type of algebras and interpretability of modules, where such tensor functors play a key role, but this paper is devoted to more general considerations. For instance, the elementary duality of [2] and [1] is generalised here. It is also shown that, although tensor product does not preserve elementary equivalence, one can define the tensor product of two complete theories of R-modules. The results in Section 1 grew out of a number of discussions with T. Kucera.
This is our generic situation. We have an (R, S)-bimodule B and we are considering the functor –⊗RBS from Mod – R (the category of right R-modules) to Mod – S which is given on objects by MR ↦ (M ⊗RB)s and has the obvious action on morphisms. There is a somewhat more general situation: namely we may consider the effect of tensoring (T, R)-bimodules over R with B to obtain (T, S)-bimodules. For the intended applications this case is not needed. Moreover, although some results extend to this more general case, there are some which definitely do not (see the example after 2.1). Therefore we confine ourselves to the case first described. We will also consider B itself as a variable and so ask “What is the effect of tensoring R-modules with (R, S)-bimodules?”.