Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 March 2014
The following remarks apply to many functional calculi, each of which can be variously axiomatized, but for clarity of exposition we shall confine our attention to one particular system Σ. This system is to have the usual primitive symbols and formation rules of the pure first-order functional calculus, and the following formal axiom schemata and formal rules of inference.
Axiom schema 1. Any tautologous wff (well-formed formula).
Axiom schema 2. (a) A ⊃ B, where A is any wff, a and b are any individual variables, and B arises from A by replacing all free occurrences of a by free occurrences of b.
Axiom schema 3. (a)(A ⊃ B)⊃(A⊃ (a)B). where A and B are any wffs, and a is any individual variable not free in A.
Rule of Modus Ponens: applies to wffs A and A ⊃ B, and yields B.
Rule of Generalization: applies to a wff A and yields (a)A, where a is any individual variable.
A formal proof in Σ is a finite column of wffs each of whose lines is a formal axiom or arises from two preceding lines by the Rule of Modus Ponens or arises from a single preceding line by the Rule of Generalization. A formal theorem of Σ is a wff which occurs as the last line of some formal proof.
The authors wish to express their gratitude to Mr. Dana Scott for suggestions and discussion in the formulation of these ideas.
2 For definiteness, let us agree that symbols for negation, implication, and universal quantification are primitive, the others being introduced by definition.
3 These are of course not the only desirable conditions, but their adequacy (in a certain sense) will appear in section 2. The desirability of these conditions may be seen, from one point of view, by observing that the semantical relation of entailment, , satisfies (ii)–(viii). (Γ H- A if and only if every model which satisfies all wffs of Γ also satisfies A.) Conditions (ii)–(iv), (vi)–(viii) resemble those given by Tarski (Über einige fundamentale Begriffe der Metamathetnatik, Comptes rendus des séances de la Société des Sciences et des Lettres de Varsovie, Classe III, vol. 23 (1930), pp. 22–29Google Scholar) for systems which have no generalization rule.
4 This is known in the literature as the Deduction Theorem, and was enunciated by Herbrand, (Recherches sur la théorie de la démonstration, Warsaw (1930))Google Scholar and also in effect by Tarski, (Remarques sur les notions fondamentales de la méthodologie des mathématiques, Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego, vol. 7 (1929), pp. 270–272)Google Scholar.
5 See, for example, Church, Alonzo, Introduction to mathematical logic, Part I, Princeton (1942)Google Scholar.
6 Besides failing to satisfy (vi), Definition I violates condition (i), provided that infinite sets Γ are admitted. This can be shown as follows. Let Δ be a recursively enumerable set of variables which is not recursive. (It is well known from the fundamental work of Church and Kleene that such a set exists.) Since Δ is recursively enumerable, there is a recursive function Φ which maps the natural numbers onto Δ. Now let A0, A1, … be a recursive enumeration of the set of all wffs in which each wff occurs exactly once. Let B0 be the first of these wffs which is not a generalization (i.e., not of the form (α)D) and which contains Φ(0) as its only free variable. Let Bn + 1 be the first wff in the list A0, A1; … coming after Bn which is not a generalization and which contains Φ(n + 1) as its only free variable. (There clearly must be such a formula.) Now let Γ be the set of all wffs B0, B1, …. Γ is decidable. For, given any wff A, we begin to form the sequence B0, B1, … until we arrive at a term Bn which comes after A in the enumeration A0, A1 …. If A occurs among B0, …, Bn, then A is in Γ. On the other hand, if A does not occur among B0, …, Bn, then A is not in Γ, since A cannot appear a second time in the sequence A0, A1….D(Γ, E) (in the sense of Definition I) is, however, not decidable if, for instance, E is any formal axiom. For if D(Γ, E) were decidable, then one could decide in particular, given any column of the form 〈E, (α)E, E〉, whether it is in D(Γ, E). Since no formal axiom or member of Γ has the form (α)E, it is seen that 〈E, (α)E, E〉 is in D(Γ, E) if and only if α is not free in any wff of Γ. Thus the set of variables free in some wff of Γ would be decidable, but this set is just Δ, which is undecidable.
7 The reader who compares Kleene's work with this paper should be cautioned that in the former the symbol ‘⊢’ is used to denote a relation between a sequence (rather than a set) of formulas and a formula. Furthermore, Kleene does not use ‘⊢’ to denote a relation equivalent to the semantical notion of entailment, since he uses ‘Γ⊢A’ to assert the existence of a primitive deduction of A from Γ (with no restriction on generalization). See pp. 87–88 of Kleene's book.
8 Of course we may use (ix) in this proof since we have already shown that (ix) is a direct consequence of (ii)–(viii).