Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 March 2014
A model is said to be Leibnizian if it has no pair of indiscernibles. Mycielski has shown that there is a first order axiom LM (the Leibniz-Mycielski axiom) such that for any completion T of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory ZF. T has a Leibnizian model if and only if T proves LM. Here we prove:
Theorem A. Every complete theory T extending ZF + LM has nonisomorphic countable Leibnizian models.
Theorem B. If κ is a prescribed definable infinite cardinal ofa complete theory T extending ZF + V = OD, then there are nonisomorphic Leibnizian models of T of power ℵ1such thatis ℵ1-like.
Theorem C. Every complete theory T extendingZF + V = ODhas nonisomorphic ℵ1-like Leibnizian models.