Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 March 2014
Let κℝ be the least ordinal κ such that Lκ (ℝ) is admissible. Let A = {x ϵ ℝ ∣ (∃α < κℝ) such that x is ordinal definable in Lα (ℝ)}. It is well known that (assuming determinacy) A is the largest countable inductive set of reals. Let T be the theory: ZFC − Replacement + “There exists ω Woodin cardinals which are cofinal in the ordinals.” T has consistency strength weaker than that of the theory ZFC + “There exists ω Woodin cardinals”, but stronger than that of the theory ZFC + “There exists n Woodin Cardinals”, for each n ϵ ω. Let M be the canonical, minimal inner model for the theory T. In this paper we show that A = ℝ ∩ M. Since M is a mouse, we say that A is a mouse set. As an application, we use our characterization of A to give an inner-model-theoretic proof of a theorem of Martin which states that for all n, every real is in A.