Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 March 2014
A set X of nonnegative integers is computably enumerable (c.e.), also called recursively enumerable (r.e.), if there is a computable method to list its elements. Let ε denote the structure of the computably enumerable sets under inclusion, ε = ({We}eϵω,⊆). We previously exhibited a first order ε-definable property Q(X) such that Q(X) guarantees that X is not Turing complete (i.e., does not code complete information about c.e. sets).
Here we show first that Q(X) implies that X has a certain “slowness” property whereby the elements must enter X slowly (under a certain precise complexity measure of speed of computation) even though X may have high information content. Second we prove that every X with this slowness property is computable in some member of any nontrivial orbit, namely for any noncomputable A ϵ ε there exists B in the orbit of A such that X ≤TB under relative Turing computability (≤T). We produce B using the -automorphism method we introduced earlier.