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Social Policy Digest
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 January 2009

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1 Social Security Statistics 1989, HMSO, London, 1990.Google Scholar
2 Low Income Statistics, 4th Report, House of Commons Social Services Committee, Session 1989/90, HMSO, London, 1990.Google Scholar
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56 Paying for Rented Housing, NFHA, 175 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X SUP.
57 The Role of Re-lets in Council Housing Supply in England, Housing Research Findings No. 14. Joseph Rowntree Memorial Trust, Beverley House, Shipton Road, York Y03 6RB.
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65 Parker, Roy, Safeguarding Standards, NISW, Mary Ward House, 5–7 Tavistock Place, London WC1H 9SS.Google Scholar
66 Day, Patricia and Klein, Rudolf, Inspecting the Inspectorates, Joseph Rowntree Memorial Trust.Google Scholar
67 Ruddle, Sue and Higgins, Joan, Caring for People: The Government's Proposals for Community Care, Institute of Health Policy Studies, University of Southampton.Google Scholar
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77 The Care of Children: Principles and Practice in Regulations and Guidance, HMSO, London, 1990.Google Scholar
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