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Social Administration Digest
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 January 2009

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1 Public Expenditure White Paper, Cmnd 9702, HMSO, London, 1986.Google Scholar
2 Annual Report of the Chief Adjudication Officer for 1984/5 on Adjudication Standards, HMSO, London, 1985.Google Scholar
3 Reform of Social Security: Programme for Action, Cmnd 9691, HMSO, London, 1985.Google Scholar
4 Faith in the City: A Call for Action by Church and Nation, Church House Publishing, Church House, Dean's Yard, London, SW1.
5 Tester, Susan, Cash and Care: the relations between Supplementary Benefit and Other Agencies, Occasional Papers on Social Administration 79, Bedford Square Press, London.Google Scholar
6 Family Trends and Social Security Reform, Family Policy Studies Centre, 231 Baker Street, London NW1.
7 Berthoud, Richard, The Examination of Social Security, PSI, 100 Park Village East, London NW1.Google Scholar
8 Berthoud, Richard, Selective Social Security: An Analysis of the Government's Plan, PSI.Google Scholar
9 Public Expenditure White Paper, Cmnd 9702, HMSO, London, 1986.Google Scholar
10 The Health Service in England: Annual Report 1985, HMSO, London. 1985.Google Scholar
11 Guide to Hospital Waiting Lists, 1985, The College of Health, 18 Victoria Park Square, London E2.
12 Health Service Commissioner, First report for session, 1985–86, HMSO, London, 1985.Google Scholar
13 Health Care UK 1986: An Economic, Social and Policy Audit, Policy Journals, The Old Vicarage, Hermitage, Newbury, Berks.
14 ‘Projection of mortality rates for the elderly’. Population Trends 42, OPCS, HMSO, London, 1985.Google Scholar
15 International Contrast in Sickness Absence, OHE, 12 Whitehall, London SW1.
16 Bosanquet, Nick, Public Expenditure on the NHS: Recent Trends and the Outlook, IHSM, London.Google Scholar
17 Health, Education and General Practice, OHE.
18 Quality in General Practice, RCGP, 12 Princes Gate, London SW7.
19 Drummond, Mike and Hutton, John, Economic Appraisal of Health Technology in the United Kingdom, Centre for Health Economics, University of York.Google Scholar
20 Protecting Patients, NAHA, 47 Edgbaston Park Road. Birmingham B15.
21 Health Care in Multi-racial Britain, OHE and National Extension College, 18 Brooklands Avenue, Cambridge.
22 The Changing Patterns of Care in Psychiatry, HAS, Sutherland House, 29–37 Brighton Road, Sutton, Surrey.
23 Women and Drinking, HMSO, London, 1985.Google Scholar
24 Mental Illness Hospitals and Units in England: Results from the Mental Health Enquiry 1984, DHSS Statistical Bulletin 6/85. Mental Handicap Hospitals and Units in England: Results from the Mental Health Enquiry 1984, DHSS Statistical Bulletin 7/85, DHSS, Canons Park, Honeypot Lane. Stanmore, Middlesex.
25 Public Expenditure White Paper, Cmnd 9702, HMSO, London, 1986.Google Scholar
26 Education Statistics for the United Kingdom 1985, HMSO, London, 1985.Google Scholar
27 Statistics of Further Education Students in England, November 1984, Statistical Bulletin 11/85, DES, Elizabeth House, York Road, London SEI.
28 Student Awards in England and Wales: 1983/84, Statistical Bulletin 12/85, DES.
29 Educational Expenditure 1979–80 to 1983–84, Statistical Bulletin 14/85, DES.
30 Something to Teach and Something to Learn, Outreach Project, School of Adult and Community Studies, Goldsmiths College, London SE14.
31 Equal Opportunities in Post-School Education: Guidelines for staff ard Students in Further and Higher Education, EOC, 1985.Google Scholar
32 Response of the EOC to the Green Paper — The Development of Higher Education into the 1990s, EOC, 1986.Google Scholar
33 Gender, Science and Technology: Inservice Handbook, Resources Unit, 62 Hallfield Road, Layerthorpe, York, Y03 7XG.
34 The Government Response to the Second Report of the House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology, 1984–45 Session: Education and Training for New Technologies, Cmnd 9653, HMSO, London, 1985.Google Scholar
35 Developing PICKUP for Industry, a review of the Coventry Consortium, DES, Elizabeth House, York Road London, SE1.
36 Cooper, Steven, The Education and Training Benefits, PSI.Google Scholar
37 Public, Expenditure White Paper, Cmnd 9702, HMSO, London, 1986.Google Scholar
38 An Inquiry into the Condition of the Local Authority Housing Stock in England, DOE Publications Sales Unit, Victoria Road, South Ruislip, Middlesex.
39 Elderly Homes Safeguards, Institute of Housing, 12 Upper Belgrave Street, London SW1.
40 Forrest, R. and Murie, A., An Unreasonable Act? Central-local Government conflict and the Housing Act 1980, SAUS, Rodney Lodge, Grange Road, Bristol BS8 4EA.Google Scholar
41 Byrne, D. S. et al. , Housing and Health, Cower, Aldershot, 1986.Google Scholar
42 Qualifying for Social Work Practice, Councils Composite Resolution, CCETSW Paper 20.5, CCETSW, Derbyshire House, St Chads Street, London WC1.
43 Approval and Monitoring of CCETSW's Training Programmes, A Contribution to the Debate, CCETSW.
44 Government Response to the Second Repon from the Social Services Committee, 1984–85 Session: Community Care with special reference to adult mentally ill and mentally handicapped people, Cmnd 9674, HMSO, London, 1985.Google Scholar
45 Training and Assessment of Social Workers Appointed and to be Considered for Approval under the Mental Health Act 1983, Paper 19.4, CCETSW.
46 The Family Today: Continuity and Change, Fact Sheet 1, FPSC, 231 Baker Street, London NW1.
47 Children in Care in England and Wales, March 1983, DHSS Leaflets, PO Box 21. Stanmore, Middlesex.
48 Vernon, Jeni and Fruin, David, In Care: A Study in Social Work Decision Making, NCB, 8 Wakely Street, London EC1.Google Scholar
49 From the Department of Law and Administration, London Borough of Brent, Brent Town Hall, Forty Lane, Wembley, Middlesex.
50 The Management of Child Abuse, BASW, 16 Kent Street, Birmingham B5.
51 Social Services for Children in England and Wales 1982–84, HMSO, London, 1985.Google Scholar
52 Social Work Decisions in Child Care, DHSS, HMSO, London, 1986.Google Scholar
53 Family Courts, BASW, 16 Kent Street, Birmingham B5.
54 Public Expenditure White Paper, Cmnd 9702, HMSO, London, 1986.Google Scholar
55 Report of the Work of the Prison Department 1984–85, Cmnd 9699, HMSO, London, 1985.Google Scholar
56 Home Office and Property Services Agency: Programme for the Provision of Prison Places, HMSO, London, 1985.Google Scholar
57 Soft Criminal Sentencing — Time for Reform, Bow Publications Ltd, 240 High Holborn, London WC1.
58 Offences of Drunkenness, England and Wales, 1984, Home Office Statistical Bulletin 33/85, Tolworth Tower, Surbiton, Surrey.
59 Burglary, NACRO, 169 Clapham Road, London SW9.
60 Committee of Inquiry into Crowd Safety and Control at Sports Grounds, Final Report, Cmnd 9710, HMSO, London, 1986.Google Scholar
61 Probation Statistics, England and Wales 1984, Home Office Statistical Department, 50 Queen Anne's Gate, London SW1.
62 Violence Against Women, WNC, Cabinet Office, Great George Street, London SW1.
63 Report on Prostitution: Off-Street Activities, Seventeenth Report of the CLRC, Cmnd 9688, HMSO, London, 1985.Google Scholar
64 Women in the Penal System, Howard League, 320–322 Kennington Park Road, London SE11.
65 Offences Against Discipline in Women's Prisons, NACRO.
66 Public Expenditure White Paper, Cmnd 9702, HMSO, London, 1986.Google Scholar
67 Labour Force Survey, (LFS 85/2), OPCS Monitor, OPCS, St Catherine's House, 10 Kingsway, London, WC2B 6JP.
68 Nothing Like a Job, Youthaid, 9 Poland Street, London NW1.
69 A Challenge to Complacency, MSC, Moorfoot, Sheffield.
70 Low Pay Review 24, Low Pay Unit, 9 Upper Berkeley Street, London W1.
71 Curran, Margaret M., Stereotypes and Selection: Gender and Family in the Recruitment Process, HMSO, London, 1986.Google Scholar
72 Maternity and Paternity Leave, Study 351, IDS, 140 Great Portland St., London W1.
73 Northcott, Jim, Fogarty, Michael and Trevor, Malcolm, Chips and Jobs: Acceptance of New Technology at Work, PSI.Google Scholar
74 Labour Force Survey 1984: Country of birth, ethnic group, year of entry and nationality, OPCS Monitor, LFS 85/1, PPI 85/3, London, 1985.Google Scholar
75 Gardiner, Derek, Ethnic Minorities and Social Work Training, CCETSW, Paper 21.1, 1985.Google Scholar
76 Report of a Survey among Members of the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education, NATFHE, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1.
77 Brown, Colin and Gay, Pat, Racial Discrimination: 17 Years After the Act, PSI, 1985.Google Scholar
78 White, Hilary, Black Children, White Adopters, University of East Anglia Social Work Monograph 31. 1985.Google Scholar
79 In a Critical Condition: A survey of equal opportunities in employment in London's health authorities, LACRC. Room 505, Middlesex House, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1.
80 The National Bus Company. An Enquiry into the Provision of Equal Opportunity in Employment. CRE, Elliot House. 10–12 Allington Street. London SW1.
81 Prashar, Usha and Nicholas, Shaán, Routes or Roadblocks? Consulting minority communities in London boroughs. The Runnymede Trust, 178 North Gower Street. London NW1.Google Scholar
82 Paying for Local Government. Cmnd 9714. HMSO. London. 1986.Google Scholar