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Social Administration Digest
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 January 2009

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1 Public Expenditure White Paper, Cmnd 56, HMSO, London, 1987.Google Scholar
2 One Parent Families, Family Policy Studies Centre, 231 Baker Street, London NW1 6XEGoogle Scholar
3 Piachaud, David, Poor Children: A Tale of Two DecadesGoogle Scholar, CPAG, 1–5 Bath Street, London EC1V 9PY.
4 Attendance Board Annual Report 1985, DHSS Leaflets Unit, PO Box 21, Stanmore, Middlesex HA8 1AY.
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6 Berthoud, Richard, Supplementary Benefit Board and Lodging Payments, Policy Studies Institute, 100 Park Village East, London NW1 3SRGoogle Scholar
7 Enforcement of the Law Relating to Social Security, NACRO, 169 Clapham Road, London SW9 OPU.Google Scholar
8 Everyone Can Benefit, Association of County Councils, Eaton House, 66a Eaton Square, London SW1.Google Scholar
9 Berthoud, Richard, Benson, Sheila and Williams, Sandra, Claimants: Welfare Rights in Local Authorities, PSI, London, 1986.Google Scholar
10 Proposals for regulations to provide a new scheme of supplementary benefit exceptionally severe weather payments, Cmnd 18. HMSO, London, 1986.Google Scholar
11 The Supplementary Benefit (Single Payments) Amendment Regulations 1986, SI 1986/1961.Google Scholar
12 Public Expenditure White Paper, Cmnd 56 HMSO, London, 1987.Google Scholar
13 The Health Service in England: The NHS Annual Report 1985/86, HMSO, London, 1986.Google Scholar
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16 Hitting the Skids: A Catalogue of NHS Cuts in London, LHE, 335 Grays Inn Road, London WC1.
17 Review of Primary Health Care Services, TUC, Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS.
18 Primary Health Care: An Agenda for Discussion, NCC, 20 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1.
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31 Polytechnics Take More Students: Trends to Sciences, CDP, 309 Regent Street, London W1R 7PE.
32 Polytechnic Applications for 1987 Entry, Polytechnics' Central Admissions System, PO Box 67. Cheltenham GL50 3AP.
33 House of Lords' Select Committee on Science and Technology: Civil Research and Development, Vols 1 and 2, HMSO. London, 1987.Google Scholar
34 Public Expenditure White Paper. Cmnd 56, HMSO. London. 1987.Google Scholar
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36 Common Cause for Housing. Housing Centre Trust, 33 Alfred Place, London WC1E 7JU.
37 House Prices in Europe, Nationwide Building Society, 50 Upper Brook Street, London W1Y 1PG.
38 Improving Council House Maintenance, Audit Commission, HMSO, London, 1986.Google Scholar
39 Sheila McKechnie and Des Wilson, Homes Above All: Housing in Britain, Shelter, 157 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8XF.
40 Wheeler, Rose. Housing and Health in Old Age: A Research Agenda, CHE. University of York, 1987.Google Scholar
41 Taylor, Hedley, Growing Old Together: Elderly Owner-Occupiers and their Housiṅg, CPA, 25–31 Ironmonger Row, London EC1V 3QP.Google Scholar
42 The 1985 Physical and Social Survey of HMOs in England and Wales, HMSO, London, 1987.Google Scholar
43 Ricketts, Martin, Lets Into Leases, CPS, 8 Wilfred Street, London SW1E 6PL.Google Scholar
44 Who Lives in Housing Co-ops? National Federation of Housing Associations/Solon Co-operative Housing Services, 233A Kentish Town Road, London NW5 2JT.
45 Audit Commission, Making a Reality of Community Care, HMSO, London, 1986.Google Scholar
46 Richardson, Ann and Ritchie, Jane, Making the Break: Parents' views about adults with a mental handicap leaving home, King's Fund Centre.Google Scholar
47 Allen, Isobel, Wicks, Malcolm, Finch, Janet and Leat, Diana, Informal Care Tomorrow, PSI.Google Scholar
48 Survey of Manpower and Qualifications within Social Service Departments in England and Wales and Social Work Departments in Scotland, Local Government Training Board. 1986.Google Scholar
49 ADSS, Registration and a Social Work Council? A discussion document prepared by the ADSS Parliamentary Sub-Committee.
50 The Forgotten Children: A Guide to Child Neglect, NSPCC, 67 Saffron Hill, London EC1N 8RS.
51 Children In Care In England and Wales, DHSS, PO Box 21. Stanmore, Middlesex.
52 The Law on Child Care and Family Services, HMSO, London, 1987.Google Scholar
53 Public Expenditure White Paper, Cmnd 56, HMSO, London, 1987.Google Scholar
54 Criminal Justice: A Working Paper, Home Office, 1986.Google Scholar
55 Criminal Statistics. England and Wales, 1985. Cmnd 10, HMSO, London, 1986.Google Scholar
56 Report on the Work of the Prison Department. 1985–86, Cmnd 11. HMSO. 1986.Google Scholar
57 A Bleak Year for the Prison System, NACRO.
58 Prisons for Profit? Howard League for Penal Reform, 322 Kennington Park Road, London SE11 4PP.
59 Statistical Bulletin 41/86, Home Office, 1986.Google Scholar
60 Remands in Custody: A Consultation Document, Home Office, 1986.Google Scholar
61 Probation Statistics 1985, Home Office, 1986.Google Scholar
62 Statistical Bulletin 34/86, Home Office, 1986.Google Scholar
63 Criminal Injuries Compensation Board 22nd Report, Cmnd 42, HMSO, London, 1986.Google Scholar
64 Allen, Denis (ed.), Family Justice: A Structure for the Family Court, BAAF, 11 Southwark Street, London SE1 IRQ.Google Scholar
65 The Riots of'86. Prison Reform Trust, 59 Caledonian Road, London N1 9BU.
66 Go Directly to Gaol, Howard League for Penal Reform.
67 Public Expenditure White Paper, Cmnd 56, HMSO, London, 1987.Google Scholar
68 Liverpool Research Group in Macroeconomics, Quarterly Economic Bulletin, Vol 7 No 4, 12 1986, University of Liverpool.Google Scholar
69 Unemployment Unit, Unemployment Bulletin 22, 9 Poland Street, London W1V 3DG.Google Scholar
70 Low Pay Unit, Low Pay Review 28, LPU, 9 Upper Berkeley Street, London W1H 8BY.Google Scholar
71 General Household Survey 1972–84, HMSO, London, 1986.Google Scholar
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73 Jackman, Richard et al. , A Job Guarantee for Long-Term Unemployed People, Employment Institute, Southbank House, Black Prince Road, London SE1 7SJ.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
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75 Ridley, Julie with McCarthy, Michael, Unemployment and the Personal Social Services. BASW, 16 Kent Street, Birmingham B5 6RD.Google Scholar
76 Davies, Martin, What It's Like to be Unemployed in Norwich: A Report to the Community, University of East Anglia.Google Scholar
77 Youthaid Bulletin 30, Youthaid, 9 Poland Street, London W1V 9DG.Google Scholar
78 A Survey ofQuality Circles in the UK, Industrial Society, 48 Bryanston Square, London Wl.Google Scholar
79 Social Trends 17, HMSO. London, 1987.Google Scholar
80 The Third Report from the Home Affairs Select Committee Session 1985–86, HC 409, 1986.
81 The Government Reply to the Third Report from the Home Affairs Committee Session 1985–86, Cmnd 45, HMSO, London, 1986.
82 Black Youth Futures: ethnic minorities and the Youth Training Scheme, National Youth Bureau, 17–23 Albion Street, Leicester.Google Scholar
83 They Must Think We're Stupid: the experiences of young people on the Youth Training Scheme, TURC Youth Employment and Training Resource Unit, 7 Frederick Street, Birmingham Bl 3HE.
84 Wrench, John, YTS, Racial Equality and the Trade Unions, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL.Google Scholar
85 Annual Report, United Kingdom Immigrants Advisory Service (UKIAS), Brettenham House, Savoy Street, London WC2.
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87 The Management of Race Relations Within Prison Establishments, CRE, 10–12 Allington Street, London SW1E 5EH.
88 Ethnic Origins of Teachers in Training, CRE, London, 1986.Google Scholar
89 Teaching English as a Second Language. Report of a Formal Investigation in Calderdale Local Education Authority, CRE, London, 1986.Google Scholar
90 Overseas Doctors: Experience and Expectations, CRE, London, 1987.Google Scholar
91 Bangladeshis in Britain, First Report from the Home Affairs Committee, session 1986/87 Vol 1. HMSO, London, 1987.
92 David Billis and Margaret Harris, An Extended Role for the Voluntary Sector: The Challenge of Implementation, PORTVAC Working Paper 3, Brunel University, 1986.
93 Duncan Scott and Paul Wilding with Lynne Milburn, Sponsoring Voluntary Action: Rhetoric or Reality? University of Manchester, 1986.
94 Stephen Hatch, John Eversley and Claire Nissel, Developing Local Voluntary Action, PSI.
95 Barbara Saunders. Homeless Young People in Britain: The Contribution of the Voluntary Sector, Bedford Square Press, London, 1987.
96 Judith Unell, Help for Self Help: A Study of a Local Support Service, Bedford Square Press, London, 1986.
97 Public Expenditure White Paper, Cmnd 56, HMSO, London, 1987.Google Scholar
98 Control of Local Authorities' Capital Expenditure. Fifty-first Report of the Committee of Public Accounts. Session 1985–86. HMSO, London, 1986.Google Scholar
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100 The Management of London's Authorities: Preventing the Breakdown of Services, Audit Commission, HMSO, London, 1987.Google Scholar
101 Equality of Opportunity in Employment in Northern Ireland: Future Strategy Options, Commerce House, 22 Great Victoria Street, Belfast BT2 2BA.Google Scholar
102 Fair and Efficient Selection, HMSO, London, 1986.Google Scholar
103 Men's Jobs? Women's Jobs? HMSO, London, 1986.Google Scholar
104 Cockburn, Cynthia, Training For Her Job and For His, EOC, Manchester.Google Scholar
105 Women in Insurance, Pepperell Unit, The Industrial Society, 48 Bryanston Square, London, Wl.
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110 Labour Force Survey 1985: Ethnic Group and Country of Birth, OPCS Monitor, LFS 86/2 and PP1 86/3.
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