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Romanization and Isomorphic Change in Phrygia: the Case of Private Associations*

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  08 April 2016

Benedikt Eckhardt*
Universität Bremen


Romanization in the province of Asia did not manifest itself in linguistic or cultural changes, but is very visible in a trend towards corporate organization. In the cities of western and southern Phrygia, professional associations developed that were able to gain a prominent position alongside the civic institutions. It is possible to relate this process to incentives provided by Roman law. In the villages surrounding these cities, and especially in the rural areas of northern and eastern Phrygia, the conditions were different, but there are several indications that a new preference for formal organization and its epigraphic representation developed here as well.

Copyright © The Author(s) 2016. Published by The Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies 

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This article is based on a seminar paper given at a meeting of the Copenhagen Associations Project in February 2014. I thank Vincent Gabrielsen and his staff for creating a stimulating environment and an insightful discussion. The article has profited a lot from remarks by Andrew Lepke, and from the helpful suggestions of three anonymous reviewers. Special thanks are due to Kimberley Czajkowski for correcting my English.



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